Twitter: Dak leaves practice with arm soreness


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Here is why my Shoulder has hurt for over 30 years and will never stop hurting
A grade 5 AC Joint Separation occurs when the clavicle is severely displaced superiorly. It represents the most severe type of AC joint injury. This grade separation between the clavicle and the coracoid part of the scapula has to more than 100% (more than double) the normal side in order to fit the x-ray definition of a type 5 joint separation. When the injury is this severe there is a very obvious deformity with the distal end of the clavicle now very prominently protruding under the skin. In these injuries it is actually the scapula that has pulled away from the clavicle.

Severe AC Joint Separation
When it is this severe the detachment from the clavicle not only involves the “acromioclavicular” and the “coracoclavicular” ligaments but even involves tearing of the periosteum of the bone on the clavicle as well. In some cases the bone actually punctures all of the soft tissue and is sitting in the subcutaneous tissues. This severity of injury is very uncomfortable for most patients and requires surgery to stabilize the joint in almost all cases. There is no effective non-operative treatment as the downward force of gravity ensures that there can be no possibility of reducing the joint back into position.
I bet you could still throw rockets over the middle to Jarwin though.

Risen Star

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It’s almost like that’s why my first response to you referenced the combination of a physical evaluation and an MRI.

Glad you finally came around buddy.

MRI reveals a muscle strain.


That was before I schooled you and you did a quick Google search to try to appear at least half intelligent on the matter.

All the MRI ended up revealing is you came up with your own name here.


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This just in: professional internet troll now thinks he is a doctor and knows what can and can’t be deduced from an MRI and physical evaluation.

More to come at 11.

@Risen Star guess you missed this one buddy.

I thought somebody as quick witted as you would have an easier time with reading comprehension.


Landry Hat
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Dang, man, did you fall off the 300ft tower at Six Flags or something?
Silverado's can and will kick human azz when being driven by old farts that are drunk and just should not be driving even sober Old sucker hit me doing over 60 MPH The witnesses at the scene thought I was dead Surprised the hek out of them when I stood up under my own power

Risen Star

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@Risen Star guess you missed this one buddy.

I thought somebody as quick witted as you would have an easier time with reading comprehension.

Notice how he added physical evaluation after I challenged his statement that the MRI revealed a muscle strain.

He's as desperate as his QB in the first half of games.

Here's the thing, genius. A physical evaluation won't reveal a strain either. If it did you wouldn't need an MRI to eliminate other potential issues.

Just say... I didn't know what I was talking about.

It's cool. We already know.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Silverado's can and will kick human azz when being driven by old farts that are drunk and just should not be driving even sober Old sucker hit me doing over 60 MPH The witnesses at the scene thought I was dead Surprised the hek out of them when I stood up under my own power

MountaineerCowboy likes the fact you got creamed by a Silverado? What a turd!

JK... you're very lucky to have walked away from it.


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The next thing you know, Dak has a tumor in his shoulder and is done for the season. Maybe his career is over if they have to amputate. :omg:


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Notice how he added physical evaluation after I challenged his statement that the MRI revealed a muscle strain.

He's as desperate as his QB in the first half of games.

Here's the thing, genius. A physical evaluation won't reveal a strain either. If it did you wouldn't need an MRI to eliminate other potential issues.

Just say... I didn't know what I was talking about.

It's cool. We already know.

Lol it’s almost like diagnosing an injury can be a multiple step process that involves different tests and evaluations to come to a conclusion.

One done by actual doctors.

Not moron trolls on an internet message board who want to take a cheap opportunity to criticize the QB for being “soft” or “lazy”

Sorry that I pointed out how the doctors determined Dak has an actual physical condition which caused him to leave practice and it blew up the stupid and idiotic criticisms that some of you were throwing around today.

I’ll refrain from doing that in the future.
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MountaineerCowboy likes the fact you got creamed by a Silverado? What a turd!

JK... you're very lucky to have walked away from it.
I liked the fact that he was able to survive that horrific sounding accident. Lucky person for sure.

Risen Star

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Lol it’s almost like diagnosing an injury can be a multiple step process that involves different tests and evaluations to come to a conclusion.

One done by actual doctors.

Not moron trolls on an internet message board who want to take a cheap opportunity to criticize the QB for being “soft” or “lazy”

Sorry that I pointed out how the doctors determined Dak has an actual physical condition which caused him to leave practice and it blew up the stupid and idiotic criticisms that some of you were throwing around today.

I’ll refrain from doing that in the future.

Seems like he's getting upset.

You see, what he really meant by "OMG THE MRI REVEALS A STRAIN IDIOTS!!!" is that "after a multiple step process with a medical professional the final diagnosis was a strain".

He still doesn't seem to get that I could go to the ER right now and go through the same multiple step process with a medical professional and get the same strain diagnosis for any area of the body I claim is sore. It proves nothing.