Twitter: Dak leaves practice with arm soreness


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You get mad when I compare Dak to Kirk Cousins though.

Almost everything seems to point that Dak being compared to Cousins should be considered a compliment.
as I said, there are a lot of factors that go into it. we can compare Kirk to Dak, but its where my ranking is different than yours. I put kirk in the 15-120 range. you put Kirk in the top 10...I tend to think I am right, given everyone in the NFL FOs and almost all analyst agree that Dak is better than Kirk. but its ok to stick to your own opinion.


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Hard Knocks’ invasive cameras are turning out to be the least of Dallas Cowboys’ coach Mike McCarthy’s concerns at the start of training camp


These young pups on defense are making Dak look bad in front of Hard Knocks . . . Can't be having that


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It's why I've largely stopped coming around. IMO, something has happened over the last season or two where this place has turned into a cesspool of idiotic posts and just flat out shitposting. The brass here seriously needs to start deciding if that's how they want this place to remain or not. This used to be an amazing community with great discussion, regardless of opinion, and it feels like there has been a shift and this place isn't nearly as enjoyable to be in as it used to be.

Agreed as the ability to have difference of opinion dialogue without the terms hater and/or troll being bandied about has genuinely turned things into a Wild West approach to adult dialogue.


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Agreed as the ability to have difference of opinion dialogue without the terms hater and/or troll being bandied about has genuinely turned things into a Wild West approach to adult dialogue.
Yeah and running to the mods is the adult thing to do lol. I very rarely get into name calling. You can see that in my post history. Sometimes emotions take over. Its football. Football without emotion would be figure skating.


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Coming from the person who reported me for calling someone a name lol. I wish to ban this person because it doesnt matter what happens he has negative things to say. About Dak specifically.

He has the right to opinion and my issue with your post was exactly the name calling. There is no reason why you simply can't offer a counterpoint based on statistics, facts, feelings, whatever that leaves out any name calling as we are all supposed to be adults here and the name calling, as CouchCoach stated, is just a lazy attempt at debate.

That said, i respect your and everyone else's desire to post and I am always open to debate in a healthy and constructive manner for in spite what some will say, I do not hate Dak nor any other member of this organization. I may disagree with many decisions and may think that certain players did not deserve an extension but that is my position and I have to support that position with an adult approach.

In any event, ultimately this forum, much like the Cowboys or any sports team, does not have a direct impact on our respective lives but rather offers a momentary diversion from the often difficult or stressful times one may experience within their life.


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as I said, there are a lot of factors that go into it. we can compare Kirk to Dak, but its where my ranking is different than yours. I put kirk in the 15-120 range. you put Kirk in the top 10...I tend to think I am right, given everyone in the NFL FOs and almost all analyst agree that Dak is better than Kirk. but its ok to stick to your own opinion.
Kirk has the numbers, the consistency, almost everything you look at that's important he's towards the top year in and year out, and even on some of these All-Time things like Passer Rating or Competition Percentage he's at the top.

Yet people still hate on him. I'm just going to chalk it up to his lack of big wins. I don't know what else it could possibly be. He seems to be everything you'd want in a QB.


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He has the right to opinion and my issue with your post was exactly the name calling. There is no reason why you simply can't offer a counterpoint based on statistics, facts, feelings, whatever that leaves out any name calling as we are all supposed to be adults here and the name calling, as CouchCoach stated, is just a lazy attempt at debate.

That said, i respect your and everyone else's desire to post and I am always open to debate in a healthy and constructive manner for in spite what some will say, I do not hate Dak nor any other member of this organization. I may disagree with many decisions and may think that certain players did not deserve an extension but that is my position and I have to support that position with an adult approach.

In any event, ultimately this forum, much like the Cowboys or any sports team, does not have a direct impact on our respective lives but rather offers a momentary diversion from the often difficult or stressful times one may experience within their life.
Very well said, friend.


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I'm glad it doesn't seem serious, but it's disappointing he isn't going to get some needed reps for 2 weeks. How many days until they say they are shutting him down until the season starts?


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You saw your buddy getting took to school with actual data (We know you guys HATE that) so you had to hop in and try and come to his defense, huh?

no one has ever been able to school me in anything...that's your wishful thinking to reach my level of understanding...they (you) are all very naïve, inexperienced and knack the necessary football knowledge to be able to understand anything in depth...stick to end of season stats....the rest goes over your head


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Kirk has the numbers, the consistency, almost everything you look at that's important he's towards the top year in and year out, and even on some of these All-Time things like Passer Rating or Competition Percentage he's at the top.

Yet people still hate on him. I'm just going to chalk it up to his lack of big wins. I don't know what else it could possibly be. He seems to be everything you'd want in a QB.
he is what he is...he is a stat collector, never a difference maker and lacks leadership skills. his teammates don't really like him. the stats maybe close, but ranking wise, he is in the 15-20 range. Minn made a mistake of paying him twice out of desperation and they have got zilch in return. he is 100% towards the down side of his career. lets wait and do a fair comparison when dak has 9 years in the league. it won't be close......


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no one has ever been able to school me in anything...that's your wishful thinking to reach my level of understanding...they (you) are all very naïve, inexperienced and knack the necessary football knowledge to be able to understand anything in depth...stick to end of season stats....the rest goes over your head
I think you should read that again and look at the context. I wasn't even referring you as the one getting schooled. You were the one coming to the defense of the one getting schooled, ya know, that's why I posted that reply to your comment trying to defend the other posters nonexistent point.

Talk about something going over somebodies head.... yikes.


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he is what he is...he is a stat collector, never a difference maker and lacks leadership skills. his teammates don't really like him. the stats maybe close, but ranking wise, he is in the 15-20 range. Minn made a mistake of paying him twice out of desperation and they have got zilch in return. he is 100% towards the down side of his career. lets wait and do a fair comparison when dak has 9 years in the league. it won't be close......
I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch.


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he is what he is...he is a stat collector, never a difference maker and lacks leadership skills. his teammates don't really like him. the stats maybe close, but ranking wise, he is in the 15-20 range. Minn made a mistake of paying him twice out of desperation and they have got zilch in return. he is 100% towards the down side of his career. lets wait and do a fair comparison when dak has 9 years in the league. it won't be close......

Sorry but that is an incredible biased statement against Cousins as nothing you say is accurate in the least and it's only because of the Dak comparison that you are making such statements.

Vernon Davis in 2017 about Kirk Cousins:

"So here’s veteran tight end Vernon Davis, rhapsodizing about the merits of Cousins during a Monday appearance on ESPN 980.

“He’s a young guy in the league, and I think sometimes we forget about that, that he’s only been a starter for two years,” Davis said. “And with that being said, he’s doing all the right things. He’s doing all the right things. Guys in the locker room love him. They think he’s spectacular. I do, as well, because of what he does. He minimizes himself in the locker room; in practice and in games he stands out like a sore thumb.

“And that’s what great quarterbacks do. That’s what they do. I watch those things, and he’s putting his teammates first. He’s putting his teammates first. So that’s first and foremost. He’s growing, he’s evolving, so I’m excited about his career and excited about his future. I think he’s going to be a wonderful quarterback in this league.”

Dede Westbrook yesterday about Kirk Cousins:

"Soon after he signed with the Minnesota Vikings last weekend, Dede Westbrook looked at his phone and got a surprise. The wide receiver had received a text message from quarterback Kirk Cousins, welcoming him to the team.

“I thought it was crazy because obviously Kirk has been in the league for a while. I’ve been watching him for a minute now,’’ Westbrook said after Wednesday’s first practice of training camp. “Obviously, for me to get that text message saying, ‘Hey, it’s Kirk Cousins,’ he’s excited to work with me, my heart kind of dropped. I’m excited to be out there with him too, building that chemistry.”

So while of course you will have players loving their QB and some saying they couldn't stand them, to make a blanket statement saying his teammates don't like him and he lacks leadership is just wrong.


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Sorry but that is an incredible biased statement against Cousins as nothing you say is accurate in the least and it's only because of the Dak comparison that you are making such statements.

Vernon Davis in 2017 about Kirk Cousins:

"So here’s veteran tight end Vernon Davis, rhapsodizing about the merits of Cousins during a Monday appearance on ESPN 980.

“He’s a young guy in the league, and I think sometimes we forget about that, that he’s only been a starter for two years,” Davis said. “And with that being said, he’s doing all the right things. He’s doing all the right things. Guys in the locker room love him. They think he’s spectacular. I do, as well, because of what he does. He minimizes himself in the locker room; in practice and in games he stands out like a sore thumb.

“And that’s what great quarterbacks do. That’s what they do. I watch those things, and he’s putting his teammates first. He’s putting his teammates first. So that’s first and foremost. He’s growing, he’s evolving, so I’m excited about his career and excited about his future. I think he’s going to be a wonderful quarterback in this league.”

Dede Westbrook yesterday about Kirk Cousins:

"Soon after he signed with the Minnesota Vikings last weekend, Dede Westbrook looked at his phone and got a surprise. The wide receiver had received a text message from quarterback Kirk Cousins, welcoming him to the team.

“I thought it was crazy because obviously Kirk has been in the league for a while. I’ve been watching him for a minute now,’’ Westbrook said after Wednesday’s first practice of training camp. “Obviously, for me to get that text message saying, ‘Hey, it’s Kirk Cousins,’ he’s excited to work with me, my heart kind of dropped. I’m excited to be out there with him too, building that chemistry.”

So while of course you will have players loving their QB and some saying they couldn't stand them, to make a blanket statement saying his teammates don't like him and he lacks leadership is just wrong.
Hey. I heard here from a certain @MountaineerCowboy Dak isnt a leader. Even though, HOF players have said they would run thru a wall for the guy. So that goes both ways.