Twitter: Collins has tested 10 a month (passed all)


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How was he notified?

How much times does he have to get to the test site?

If he is fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, what is the procedure?

I would like to know this as well, especially how much time is given to report for the test. Having said that it falls to the player when called to go in and be tested so for the most part I put this on Collins. Our guys need to be smarter than this.


Cowboys Diehard
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His appeal was denied, hence the announcement. A suspension is not announced until the appeal process is completed.

OK -- that's good to know, I imagine. It seems like he either has a pathetic memory or maybe, he's just tragically careless. :omg:

In any event, he and his Cowboys' mates will be severely punished for that oversight! Here's hoping both will survive in the end.
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So what's going on???????

According the the policy, which I posted yesterday, 7 missed tests for a playing in stage 2 of the program could mean "banishment for an indefinite period of at least one calendar year" depending on when he entered stage 2. A player could be assigned to stage 2 for missing test or not cooperating with the program. I am assuming he is in stage two and the only reason he was not banned for a year is because when he was tested he was negative. But not knowing the details makes it impossible to understand why he got 5 weeks. If he missed 7 tests he is going to lose any appeals because the policy is clear regarding mandatory participation and cooperation with the program.


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Missing a test is the same as failing. I didn't hear why he missed but they tried blaming the trainers so it would get reduced to a fine. And that was apparently denied.

I'm assuming he missed it because the frequency of testing is ridiculous. 180 times is well over the top. At some point you would think the league would back off a little bit and let the man live his life.


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Not shocked about it. He's plays for the Cowboys. End of story. Not saying he is guilty. The NFL has already decided that.. It's just another way to screw with the Cowboys. Jerry is Public Enemy # 1..


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Word is he missed several due to "that which cant be mentioned" protocal...they cleared the facility and he couldnt test...they have an appeal pending.


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According to the substance abuse policy, Stage 1 of the program is for no more than 60 days. Collins must have been in stage 2 and the duration of this program is as follows:

"(b) Program Review: Duration On a monthly basis, the treatment team will review each Player’s case and provide him with a status report regarding his participation in the Intervention Program. Such report may be conveyed by a case manager or others as appropriate, but should include an assessment of the Player’s engagement, Program expectations and prognosis for continued treatment, testing and/or discharge from the Program. A Player will remain in Stage Two until such time as he is discharged by the Medical Director following assessment and determination. Such determination shall be based 14 (2020) on the Medical Director’s professional judgment regarding the Player’s compliance with the Program, clinical progress and negative testing record. Any decision to discharge a Player from the Program shall be within the sole discretion of the Medical Director. Once a Player is discharged, he will be afforded the same status as a Player who has never been referred to the Intervention Program."

If it is true that Collins did not fail a test for 18 months then I am going to guess that he had an issue with the medical Director not discharging him from the program and this is why he may have stopped cooperating. But notice the criteria for being discharged involve both testing negative for banned substances AND "compliance with the program".

I do not like subjective criteria or relying on the judgement of individuals in cases like this. Bias is always a factor and it should not be.

But as others have said, the dufus who runs the NFL has supreme power to do whatever he wants and if he wants Collins suspended for 5 or 7 or 10 games, Roger gets what Roger wants.


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Word is he missed several due to "that which cant be mentioned" protocal...they cleared the facility and he couldnt test...they have an appeal pending.
I’m hearing they already appealed and have lost. That’s why it was announced


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why do some lean to the side of the player when he is the one that knows the rules and decided not to comply with them?

According to some here, no Cowboys player ever broke the rules, Goodell is just out to get them. You do know how ridiculous that sounds? Goodell isn't the one handing down the penalties unless it's an egregious offense. The NFL league office has a system set up for that.

How stupid does a player have to be to not show up? Ever since the rules were set up and approved by the NFL, not showing up for a test, without an excuse, is an admission of guilt.

Why defend this clown that decided what he wanted to do was more important than his contribution to his team?


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I’m hearing they already appealed and have lost. That’s why it was announced

I heard the appeal was in and the NFL released this early before the call...Collins agent and lawyers are still in appeal, that was on the radio this morning, but maybe I missed something.


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Why do some lean to the side of the player when he is the one that knows the rules and decided not to comply with them?

According to some here, no Cowboys player ever broke the rules, Goodell is just out to get them. You do know how ridiculous that sounds? Goodell isn't the one handing down the penalties unless it's an egregious offense. The NFL league office has a system set up for that.

How stupid does a player have to be to not show up? Ever since the rules were set up and approved by the NFL, not showing up for a test, without an excuse, is an admission of guilt.

Why defend this clown that decided what he wanted to do was more important than his contribution to his team?

No doubt he needs to shoulder this, of course for selfish reasons I hope he can play.


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Why defend this clown that decided what he wanted to do was more important than his contribution to his team?

I still don't know how I feel about this. He has been tested ~180 times and passed all these tests. He missed 7 tests which sounds like a lot under normal circumstances but we are not living in normal times. It seems like he thought he could miss some tests due to the "thing we will not name" protocol but I guess the NFL disagrees.

The sad part is that I am not sure Collins is actually on any type of substance. It literally seems like he thought it would not be a big deal if he missed the test and at worst he could get a fine. Hopefully this is a wake up call for him to get his act together. We will need this guy once he comes back from suspension. We just need to survive the next 5 games.


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Lost in this is the leadership of Dak. Dak is supposed to be the leader of the team and he is supposedly good friends with Dak.

Dak most likely knew about the drug use and failed tests and missed tests. Yet, here we are with Collins suspended. A real leader would have chewed Collins out and told him to get his act together and make football a priority over drugs.

Collins failed the team as a player and teammate and Dak failed as a leader of men.

Ask your self what Staubach would have done in this situation. I doubt Romo or Aikman would have did anything different than Dak.

One time in practice after the OL failed to block resulting in a sack, Parcells chewed out Sims. Sims was incredulous and said it was not his fault. Parcells told him it was his fault because the OL did not fear him and that is why they are not blocking well for him.

Dak needs to stop being buddy buddy with Collins and lead Collins. Dak and the team need to ostracize Collins and not even associate on a social basis with him for the next 5 weeks. Do not welcome him back and make an example of him. The team leaders are responsible for culture. Not the GM.


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Too bad he wasn't man enough to fulfill his responsibilities. The least he can do is be man enough to take responsibility for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I still don't know how I feel about this. He has been tested ~180 times and passed all these tests. He missed 7 tests which sounds like a lot under normal circumstances but we are not living in normal times. It seems like he thought he could miss some tests due to the "thing we will not name" protocol but I guess the NFL disagrees.

The sad part is that I am not sure Collins is actually on any type of substance. It literally seems like he thought it would not be a big deal if he missed the test and at worst he could get a fine. Hopefully this is a wake up call for him to get his act together. We will need this guy once he comes back from suspension. We just need to survive the next 5 games.
We will never know all of the details of these situations as they do not divulge them.

We really are left in the dark to assume we know and I was probably too harsh calling him a clown when I really don't know the details. However, it looks like the appeals process didn't help so there is that.

The real question I have is how involved is the team with jeopardy players? They used to assign Calvin Hill to counsel players but if I am the GM with a possible problem with my starting RT, I would be out in front on that and providing all the counsel and support I can to keep him out of trouble and on that starting OL where he should be.

I wonder if the Cowboys FO got caught flat footed with this?


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So what's going on???????

10 tests a month for roughly a year is RIDICULOUS and borderline harassment. If he had a problem in the past, maybe for a while (6 months or so) but has he? If not, this should be addressed by the NFLPA. 10 x a month, passed them all, and missed 7 with at least a couple when the team was shut down due to Covid protocol? That is insane.

Between this and the blatant missed calls it makes me want to throw my hands up. We have a good team and to get punished for this kind of bull crap is infuriating!



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I heard the appeal was in and the NFL released this early before the call...Collins agent and lawyers are still in appeal, that was on the radio this morning, but maybe I missed something.
Hoping you’re right!!!


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------Goodell is just out to get them. You do know how ridiculous that sounds? Goodell isn't the one handing down the penalties unless it's an egregious offense. The NFL league office has a system set up for that.

It does't sound ridiculous to me at all.....he has done it before!!! And the henchman handing out the penalties know EXACTLY how The Goon feels about can anyone can think that the NFL office isn't as crooked as a dogs hind legs???


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That's a ridiculous amount of testing for just one month.

Mostly shockingly absurd is that they have to drive to some kind of clinic, wait in line, pee and a cup and then be able to do all the team meetings and practices that are mandatory as an NFL player.

If I was Jerry, I would invest in a mobile test clinic for NFL players. Instead of having players go for tests in a certified clinic, get the certified testing staff to go to where the player is at — maybe their home, or at practice, etc.

The NFL is a multi-billion dollar company. There is no reason why the clinic can't go the players and test them where they are rather than to show up at a clinic 10 times a month.

Why would the NFL or Jerry invest money to test players any more than they already have? The overwhelming majority of the league doesn't need their hand held to piss in a cup. In fact, suspensions from drug use or PED use are relatively rare considering the size of the player pool in the NFL. This isn't even mentioning how horrible the entire premise is. 1 organization owns a proprietary testing facility that couldn't ever possibly game the system to that team's advantage? If you think a single team's testing ability would be honest, you're out of your mind.

How horrific it must be; having to drive somewhere and potentially (likely have appointments so not much waiting) wait to be tested as a condition of earning millions of dollars.

If you were Jerry, you'd be sinking money on something that isn't a problem by setting up a mobile test station. If 1 of about 70 players on the roster and practice squad fail to show, is it really worth spending money to make sure the 1 player shows up to test?
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