Video: T.O. discusses time in Dallas, issues with Romo, Witten, Garrett


"We Are Penn State"
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One of Jerry's biggest mistakes is giving up on T.O. too soon. It was the coaching staff that needed to be replaced, dummy. :facepalm:
o_O Jerry paid top dollar for Parcels & didn't win him one playoff game. He flies down Philly, picks up T.O & Parcels cried like a baby. Jerry told him to go pound sand, & he did. That said, the coaching staff was replaced.

~Self made billionaire is NO "dummy"


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Released TO then made the idiotic Roy Williams trade.

Horns fans got mad at me for calling it a dumb deal but it proved to be a dumb deal. Dude never had a 40-catch season for the Cowboys.
There was a few of us here who didn’t want the RW trade
I never thought he was elite but the biggest issue was having to them pay a guy an elite contract
Trading for a player always means you have to pay them
Otherwise it’s a very expensive one year rental


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It was Romo and Witten….
While I dont disagree they had involvement, to me, Garrett was the main culprit…

Not only did Owens have relationship issues with quarterback Tony Romo and tight end Jason Witten, but the receiver consistently criticized offensive coordinator Jason Garrett's play calling and his offensive schemes to the point that sources have said Garrett did not believe he and Owens could coexist.

If you think about it, this points to his “RKG” mantra…


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He shouldve never been released

I just know that snake Garrett was fully behind this
Rumors have always placed TO’s release at Witten’s feet and Garrett was the one that backed Witten up. TO had declined in his ability the gain separation from DBs and it was reported that his attitude had become too big of a distraction. TO was a great WR and I always loved watching the Romo-TO highlights after the games.


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Meh. We did better the year after he left than we ever did with him.

Miles Austin produced without the drama.


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They should have kept TO in 2009 and not traded for Roy Williams. Then in 2010, they could have cut TO and drafted Dez without having to trade up. Then could have selected Sean Lavoua or Novarro Bowman with their 3rd they lost to Baltimore to trade up for Dez. Romo was clique-ish and too cool for school and Garrett let him be that way coz Garrett wanted to be cool too. Wade was just along for the ride.

Roy Williams was a mediocre WR. Trading a 1st for Amari has worked out, as the S Abraham in Vegas is decent, but Amari is light years better and more valuable.


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There was a few of us here who didn’t want the RW trade
I never thought he was elite but the biggest issue was having to them pay a guy an elite contract
Trading for a player always means you have to pay them
Otherwise it’s a very expensive one year rental
I can’t remember very many fans that liked the RW trade. RW’s best games was always against the Cowboys and Jerry became infatuated with him. Trading usually means a big contract and the loss of too many draft picks.


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While I dont disagree they had involvement, to me, Garrett was the main culprit…

If you think about it, this points to his “RKG” mantra…
Who wouldnt question his playcalling? Lol over 10 years later and he's still being blasted as a playcaller. Jerry is a old fool when it comes to winning football games.


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Say what you want about T.O., the guy was an unbelievable talent.

I’m not saying I fully believe his claims that Witten and Garrett and Romo were the sole cause of TOs release, but I definitely do think there’s at least partial truth to it. Those three guys had a well-documented bromance.

TO was no angel and he was a diva, but man, those were some fun years when he had a star on his helmet

Man I know its probably not true but I swear that dude hit a bomb per game with the other team having safty over him at all times.