Winning in spite of McCarthy


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i left for 13 minutes...and before i left the fanzone chat i said do i have to worry panthers will mount come back?...came back and it was 36-28....luckily we had ball and killed
The chances of them coming back were slim to none down 8 with no timeouts.


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I could not see the game but it appeared to change when Rhule decided to pull a Garrett and kick a 50 yard field goal instead of punting and putting the Cowboys inside the 20. My goodness Diggs intercepts everything.
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Im happy we won, sure beats losing but all of us should feel some impending doom because of this coach. His weird decisions are going to bite us at some point and possibly multiple times. Challenging stupid stuff, going for 2 pointers, giving players the rest of the day off with an entire quarter left? Even if Quinn suggested it, no way McCarthy should've agreed to that and if he suggested it, he's just a spineless tool.
We're going to lose games because of McCarthy.

He's basically holding the seat for Moore. I don't see any way Jerry can justify keeping McCarthy around and losing Moore.

McCarthy is making this such an easy decisions for Jerry.


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I have mixed feelings. Because the time management and in game decision aren’t the best.

At the same time. This is the best prepared and overall best coached team we have had in a long time and it’s clear to see in their play.

So it’s a mixed bag

The players on the field are winning the games. Diggs jumping that route has nothing to do with McCarthy's coaching. Dak drops a dime to Cooper is an excellent play between those two.

I don't feel like we're winning these games because of McCarthy's acumen.
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The players on the field are winning the games. Diggs jumping that route has nothing to do with McCarthy's coaching. Dak drops a dime to Cooper is an excellent play between those two.

I don't feel like we're winning these games because of McCarthy's acumen.

I disagree. We have watched for years, teams that have poor game plans, do the same thing over and over and over again, don’t make good halftime adjustments, play soft, don’t play aggressive and force turnovers.

This cowboys team plays way different since McCarthy took over.

It’s fair to question his in game decisions. He has made some bad ones.

I personally notice a marked difference in how the cowboys play since he has been coach. So I gotta give credit for that.

I can’t nitpick every in game decision and then not give credit when the team is well prepared and plays good football overall.


Mr. Fixit
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At this point if you are complaining about "time management" on 3 straight have to ask yourself is it really bad clock management or is it intentional.

Stupidity is not intentional.

It's just stupidity.