Twitter: LVE Is Not Happy About The Way Ya'll Seem Excited To Be Rid Of Jaylon


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
That's kind of a messed up thing to say.

I didn't expect that from you, pal.
Why it’s a legitimate question. Gives you the right to call somebody out . I think it’s A total lack of intelligence . Jaylon Smith is one of the most classiest individuals you would ever want to meet. If I was LVE I would be upset also. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do my job going forward. They understand this is a business. Most of these fans . totally clueless. How are franchise operates


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I get that he's upset. It is probably not a good feeling to have your friend released from the team and a lot of Cowboys fans have really been on him and Jaylons' cases lately. I personally am never happy that someone is losing their job and do not go around abusing players on social media, but I know there are lots of people that do. I get where he is coming from there.

I do think that LVE is wrong about fans just generally talking about players though. I think fan discussion about player performance literally just comes with the territory of being a pro football player/public figure. Heck, high school football players hear it from their classmates on Monday after they play a bad game. I really just do think that LVE is disappointed that his buddy got released and maybe a little worried that he is next. I wouldn't look into it to much, but quite frankly LVE's attitude has seemed a little off this year. He kind of comes off like he doesn't want to be a Cowboys anymore and I am somewhat worried that releasing Jaylon could cause a bit of a schism in the locker room. We will see.


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Why it’s a legitimate question. Gives you the right to call somebody out . I think it’s A total lack of intelligence . Jaylon Smith is one of the most classiest individuals you would ever want to meet. If I was LVE I would be upset also. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do my job going forward. They understand this is a business. Most of these fans . totally clueless. How are franchise operates
So, you just assume us common folk have ever done anything worthwhile with our lives, huh


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So, you just assume us common folk have ever done anything worthwhile with our lives, huh
Well tell me what you done rather just complain , Did you serve your country. Did you do anything for the community. What have you done for somebody else that matters. What is the last time someone told you you make them feel loved


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Why do you know anything about camaraderie. Clarify that for me

NFL is a business with the objective of winning a SB
Jaclyn was garbage
Stole draft capital then money from this franchise for years
Should have been cut last year
Anyone defending him is just as big an idiot

if you can’t see this then I have no sympathy for you and certainly don’t have to explain anything


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You could try working at the phone company? Criticism is part of the job and the public pays the bills, so put your big boy pants on.

What a whine fest and we thought he had dog hunting traits.
Hope he has to eat a big slice o' humble pie and doesn't get a second contract next year, with us or with anyone.

Unlike Jaylon, he won't have made enough NFL money to retire, since he'll have only served out a 4 year rookie contract with no 5th year option money.

Maybe LVE will be working at your local Home Depot or Menard's next year. I'd love to see it. :hammer:


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So, you just assume us common folk have ever done anything worthwhile with our lives, huh
People should be embarrassed to call them selves cowboy fans. They’re not cowboy fans they’re a bunch of individuals that want to brag about what someone else does. I have a ring .


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Sounds like someone just had a stout audition to replace Jaylon‘s spot with the fans.

With all due respect, LVE, if it wasn’t for the fans you would be picking potatoes in Idaho.

I understand they’re the ones who put on the show, but we’re the ones who fill the pockets.

Also, not a very smart move to have the fanbase against you. Has he not learned anything from this?


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
You could try working at the phone company? Criticism is part of the job and the public pays the bills, so put your big boy pants on.

What a whine fest and we thought he had dog hunting traits.
This is an emotional game. Do you know what emotional means. What camaraderie means


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I hope you aren't joking.....seeing this up close and personal, I HATE fans that pile on crap like this. They are classless and if anything similar would happen to one of their kids, they would be crying like a baby.
I can’t believe how everyone is ragging on LV. These people have no idea how emotional this game is. The camaraderie in the locker room. Yeah he’ll still do his job but. Fans the rag on Jalen like they have been. He’s one of the classiest players in the league


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no one is stopping a player from getting what they can even if they think the player should take less. Plus it’s not just fans. It’s media, coaches, scouts on and on it goes. Athletes are analyzed and critiqued beginning at the high school level. And if they’re good enough to go through college and the pros, that criticism is part of what they signed up for.

Agreed, no one is stopping them because the critics don't write the checks...but fans and media are quick to opine on what an athlete is worth or should make....this doesn't happen I'm say acting (other high profile public figures....e.g. nobody ever said to Chris Hemsworth that he should take less so they can invest more in CGI....or that the Marvel Universe should release him cause isn't carrying his weight.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Hope he has to eat a big slice o' humble pie and doesn't get a second contract next year, with us or with anyone.

Unlike Jaylon, he won't have made enough NFL money to retire, since he'll have only served out a 4 year rookie contract with no 5th year option money.

Maybe LVE will be working at your local Home Depot or Menard's next year. I'd love to see it. :hammer:
Talk about jealousy