Twitter: Cowboys RBs in the Passing Game Are Almost Useless


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We need another Preston Pearson, who averaged over 13 yards a catch coming oit of the vckfiled in '75 and '76 and over 12 yards a catch for his remaining Cowboy years. Lance Dunbar had blazing speed, but could not stay injury fee.

Dak needs to work more with Pollard as a receiver, as he has breakaway speed. We need more plays to him.

I'm fine if they want to feature Pollard in that receiving back role like Landry did with Pearson. But who's going to make the OC call those plays?


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So I know this wont change any minds (of course) but for what its worth, Its the OC. heres the thing most OC's work all weak to bring a D's weakness to the light and counter thier strengths, While (yeah this is crazy) you try and cover your own weakness and play to your strengths. The fact our RB's have only 1 outlet route is a pure sign of lazy unthoughtfull planning. Think of it this way, when teams run umbrella zones what is the point of a flare outlet to a waiting CB? you run a texas route release and pick up the easy 5 yards. Like wise what is the point in running a texas route release on a defense running a shallow with 3 deep when you could flare and have deep corners...again anyone who can not see how JG our gameplan still is well your just trying to be blind. Dak and Zeke need to step it up but neither are getting help from this OC.


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Sure he watches.. but that doesn't mean he has a clue what the hell is going on. Not everybody who is in a high ranking position in sports knows that sport inside and out. Some of them are there because daddy put them there. I aint namin no names though.

……no team has nepotism and “our guy” distorted loyalty more than this one. I will never be convinced the best person available ,is at key roles within this franchise. We just watch the same exact thing happen year after year…..sometimes it’s 8-8 and sometimes it’s 12-5 but ending remains the same.

I’ll continue to watch and hope…..just another fool


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……no team has nepotism and “our guy” distorted loyalty more than this one. I will never be convinced the best person available ,is at key roles within this franchise. We just watch the same exact thing happen year after year…..sometimes it’s 8-8 and sometimes it’s 12-5 but ending remains the same.

I’ll continue to watch and hope…..just another fool

Thats the thing that kills me though, its hard to lay complete blame anywhere because who the hell is making the calls....are we 12-5 depsite our coaches or players? Like i said watching this OC's flood routes and knowing they are easily covered every friday night by HS coaching is mind numbing. It stinks of JG scheme to me.
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Thats the thing that kills me though, its hard to lay complete blame anywhere because who the hell is making the calls....are we 12-5 depsite our coaches or players? Like i said watching this OC's flood routes and knowwing they are easily covered every friday night by HS coaching is mind numbing. It stinks of JG scheme to me.

JG was considered a genius by the FO. JG convinces them that Moore is another genius in the making so this ineptitude continues. Crap perpetuates crap