Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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I only issue I have is the complicit and willful lack of reporting of this by certain media members that just happen 2 be embedded with the team and entrenched at the star. It shows a culture of enabling and tolerance. The entire "gee, your my buddy and cut my paycheck, so I wont do my job(journalists) mentality" is very much alive and well in Dallas when u stop and think about the lack of reporting. Other than the culture thing, it has little 2 do with the game. But yeah, this sort of behavior does tie in to the team...and how things are run here. We need a change in ownership guys.We see a pattern of behavior in Dallas that has been covered ^ and tolerated. I like Mike Fisher, but hes been a jerk as f late. I watched his vid live this morning and he said, yeah he knew but refused 2 say anything. This shows just how afraid guys are 2 cross Jerry I think. I think in Mikes case, its more of, hey I scratch your back, and you scratch mine. Explains alot.
I've read here and in the media all the time about how Jerry Jones is all about family, and that he's very family centric.

Just the family that he acknowledges though, right?
He's a damn farce. Mike Fisher defended HIS own hiding of this story because it was private. Jerry surrounds himself with enablers, reporters included. Its a freaking culture issue and needs fixed. Jerry needs gone.
A one year old child isn't considered a signatory of a legal document. There are rights for biological offspring even in Texas.

You assume the wife signed off on the agreement as well. Do you think this would be difficult for Booger to keep this on the lowdown from his family? Think his lawyers involved couldn't keep this quiet? Did a pretty good job for 25 years.

Nothing illegal but he's being tried in the court of moral judgment and he is definitely going to suffer in the public image he's tried to project. Cushy jobs for his children and pennies for his love child? He's a phony pos to a lot of people now but then I've always known what he was.
so ?!@

who cares 25 years later the deal was followed through IDC what the child believes Shes due this isn't a Jones issue or Cowboys issues

this is greed, money, and IDC at all .. stop the nonsense. nothing illegal or uncivil was done victims=no story's.,

this is none of a fans business and doesnt belong in this part of the main forum.
Its his private life. That said, the disturbing issue is that the team "journalists" stayed silent all this time... Mike Fisher is 1. ENABLERS and sycophant culture is alive. Its more the branding and job security than facts. When THIS may affect job results. ie.. winning games and the team culture..then its a story. Fair & unfair.

They're afraid to even challenge him about football/personnel matters.

The local "journalists" have been part of this circus for decades.
Naive is thinking there is a chance this situation could cause Jerry to lose the Cowboys.

I really don't. I've said that a few times on this thread. I'm just playing devils advocate by suggesting scenarios that could lead down that road. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

It's about the equivalent of my suggesting scenarios where we might actually be planning on signing real free agents this offseason.

I don’t believe either will happen, but a fella has to have dreams right?
They're afraid to even challenge him about football/personnel matters.

The local "journalists" have been part of this circus for decades.
nailed it^. I try and try 2 listen to Mike Fisher. I wanna like him, but in the end, he's part f the bad culture and protecting his arse as well as Jerrys. Hes been a jerk. We clearly see a pattern here when you factor in the last 3 stories in Dallas. Fisher shamelessly said Yeah, I knew all this time, but chose to stay quiet. That ought to tell us all we need to know,right? lol
Are we comparing an alleged assault (which is a crime) to an extra marital affair?

It wasn't an alleged sexual assault that got Zeke suspended.

It was that combined with a variety of stupid off season decisions. Him pulling up his girls shirt and exposing her, taking pics in front of the dispensary etc.

Article 46 (I think) is painted with broad strokes and allows a ton of interpretation for the league.

For the record I don't believe anything comes from this at all. If anything did though I think it would have to be under some type of "conduct detrimental" clause. Again I don't know what standards owners are held to, and like everything else it's about money. Jerry brings in revenue, therefore his status as an owner is fairly untouchable.
Imagine this if you want some fun.

After learning that her father allowed a man to stay employed after taking upskirt shots of her while she was working so he could get into the HOF, she discovers she has a younger half-sister, young enough to be her daughter.

I think the only solution for this is for them to make Spaulding marry his half-aunt. They are from Arkansas, after all.
Imagine this if you want some fun.

After learning that her father allowed a man to stay employed after taking upskirt shots of her while she was working so he could get into the HOF, she discovers she has a younger half-sister, young enough to be her daughter.

I think the only solution for this is for them to make Spaulding marry his half-aunt. They are from Arkansas, after all.

Jerry is about to go full on Al Davis. We just need to draft half a dozen track stars.
This is the same man who lied to millions of fans on live TV about putting Jimmy in the ROH. This is Karma.
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Sorry sweetie. Mommy sold her merchandise. You can get your money from Mommy. Daddy purchased a one way ticket out of responsibility.
so ?!@

who cares 25 years later the deal was followed through IDC what the child believes Shes due this isn't a Jones issue or Cowboys issues

this is greed, money, and IDC at all .. stop the nonsense. nothing illegal or uncivil was done victims=no story's.,

this is none of a fans business and doesnt belong in this part of the main forum.
I beg to differ where this belongs. That egomaniacal celebrity seeking tool has made himself the face of our team. This is exactly where it belongs.

As there are many here that do not like him, anything that causes him discomfort or pain brings us joy. We need the pick-me-up.
It's sad that so many on here try to defend Jerry's behavior ........ They are part of the problem and why this maniac thinks he can do anything he wants and still make money.
Apparently she wants to be able to call Jethro her father. An agreement which was made by her mother in 1996.

Alexandra Davis , a 1-year-old when the settlement occurred, is suing to not be legally bound by that stipulation.

It is not clear why she filed the lawsuit now. But it looks like the payoff agreement had matured .
Maybe she should also sue her mother.
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