Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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The kind of person he is? Look, I don’t wanna defend the guy—he’s a greedy, drunken, obscenely wealthy attentionwhore who is most responsible for our team’s 26 year drought of SB titles. But think about it. Imagine yourself, young, powerful, insanely rich, surrounded by beautiful women willing to do anything, and you give in. Bam, the girl’s pregnant. What do you do? What’s the right thing, the number one priority? Provide for the kid?
Young? That dude was in his 50s when this occurred.
She’s just looking for a payday. Hell, I would too, and I imagine he’ll have no problem with that. I just won’t attach Booger’s paternal shenanigans and whatever drama the media tries to conjure for rating$ To go with it, to my Dallas Cowboys fanhood.

My hope is it isn't only just a payday, but she is also looking for a relationship with a father and a step family that she has had no access, relations or support from.

When she was born she wasn't a gold digger. She didn't come out of the womb that way.

For me this should be more about trying to make people whole, and those of us who are fortunate to know their fathers should be able to appreciate that.
again not your business, this entire thread should removed..freedom of choice and family internal matter not for nosey azz fans to comment on..
It is also the freedom of choice of those who want to post in it. We don't get the big names in FA to talk about and we need something.

And for providing stuff to talk about in the off season, can't get any better than the Cowboys.
It is also the freedom of choice of those who want to post in it. We don't get the big names in FA to talk about and we need something.

And for providing stuff to talk about in the off season, can't get any better than the Cowboys.
We could discuss the PJG Spring Formal…or alternative Bloody Mary Recipes…
It is also the freedom of choice of those who want to post in it. We don't get the big names in FA to talk about and we need something.

And for providing stuff to talk about in the off season, can't get any better than the Cowboys.
no its not i say this is controversial non football subject and should n NOT ebon the main page go move it top somewhere else and il let it go..ok already got one delated im about to go full monty go ahead and bench me this place is Getting way laxed in allowing subject matter like this but mention the word mod or covid and its deleted, mention religion/race or other things its gone i say this is exactly that type of post..

I know it was you Fredo got my post deleted ill push it if mods keep allowing things i believe they should not.
Is she not entitled to the same inheritance as his other children? If that's all she's after, that's enough. I think there is plenty to go around.

If she is after more, a father-daughter relationship, good luck with that. He decided he didn't want that years ago.
By his choice though. He's not legally obligated.

You have no clue what was in the deal between he and her mother ....... And she was one and not able to sign any deal ........ I hope she bleeds the pig dry.
no its not i say this is controversial non football subject and should n NOT ebon the main page go move it top somewhere else and il let it go..ok already got one delated im about to go full monty go ahead and bench me this place is Getting way laxed in allowing subject matter like this but mention the word mod or covid and its deleted, mention religion/race or other things its gone i say this is exactly that type of post..

I know it was you Fredo got my post deleted ill push it if mods keep allowing things i believe they should not.
This is every much Cowboys as the Dalrymple thing, strippergate and all the other extracurricular activities we get as Cowboys fans. it is part of the perks of putting up with the owner.

You do not have to post in this thread or appoint yourself the thread monitor. It is the off season and not much else is going on.

And Michael, believe I'll pass on the fishing trip today.
Is she not entitled to the same inheritance as his other children? If that's all she's after, that's enough. I think there is plenty to go around.

If she is after more, a father-daughter relationship, good luck with that. He decided he didn't want that years ago.
No children DO NOT control inheritance there are many children that get cut out of wills in normal family's. IT Happens she not Entitled to squat, shes on money grab Shes the issue, not jerry..

hers comes the entitled crowd.. you are entitled to be taken care of until you are 18 thats a minimal needs food, housing and clothes etc basics..she got more then that this mom and daughter live in million dollar + home in one of jerry investment real estate communitys..i bet had great life and got her education paid for.

Jerry and jerry alone decide from there what he should and shouldn't pay her..shes going to LOSE no parents are obligated to pay out money to 25yr old, nope that Will and being shes not in it for a lifetime money grabs..GOLD DIGGER
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