Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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There are always exceptions (which is why we have judges and courts of law, and this situation may very well be considered such an exception by whatever court rules on it) but, generally speaking, parents are responsible for negotiating contracts on behalf of their children, acting in their child's best interests. Children cannot enter into legal agreements on their own, so someone has to be responsible.
I am not going to argue opinions but if you are trying to state that children have a legal right to know their parents' identities, then you should be aware that that is very much disputed all across the country with no unanimous verdict one way or the other.

Because she and her mother accepted a large amount of money in exchange for forgoing that ability. Working against her is the fact that she continued to accept such payments for 7 years as an adult.
and still continues to collect payments to this day.
Why are you defending Jethro’s position here?

You’re a defender and supporter of him on many football related issues but why here?

I have already stated I am very much interested in the LEGAL issues in this case. Nothing more. I dont know the girl, the mom or Jerry. So I look at this entire thing through a legal microscope and it is a very interesting case.
But you’re taking a legal stand for Jethro . Why? Just to kill time and take me on or do you really believe in what he’s doing?
I believe he is under no legal or moral obligation to do anything other than what he has done. It appears he gave a large sum to the mom, then paid the mom every month, paid yearly large sums, paid other extra amounts, then set up a trust that paid the young lady a large sum on her 22,24,26 and 28th birthdays. If he did all of that, it seems to me he has met his obligation. Ill leave moral judgements for all of those in here that have probably been married a time or two and got kids with a few different woman that live in that large glass house to judge him.
The Ghost has it right. I hope she gets the team. But he took care of her way past 18. He good.
I never said anything about sin. I said Jerry was claimed to have lied to the mother about ability to have children and chose to have unprotected sex. You are familiar with how children are conceived, right? I'm sure Jerry knew.

You also completely ignored in my post that I said the mother was equally to blame. Go back and re-read what I said if you missed it. It's there. But this forum isn't about her or mothers. It's about the Cowboys. Jerry owns the Cowboys, thus he is talked about here.

I also stated she is entitled to no money, yet you ignored that too. Jerry chose to have unprotected sex. So did the mom. Case CLOSED. Alex is the only innocent in this.
it has been established as fact that Jerry told the mom he was unable to have children?
I believe he is under no legal or moral obligation to do anything other than what he has done. It appears he gave a large sum to the mom, then paid the mom every month, paid yearly large sums, paid other extra amounts, then set up a trust that paid the young lady a large sum on her 22,24,26 and 28th birthdays. If he did all of that, it seems to me he has met his obligation. Ill leave moral judgements for all of those in here that have probably been married a time or two and got kids with a few different woman that live in that large glass house to judge him.
And why do you suppose he went to all that expense to take care of them?
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I will not tear it down, but you must know the courts have taken that argument, tore it up, put it in a trash compactor and flushed it down the toilet for decades, yes? Are you aware of the FACT that men who paid child support for years only to find out the child they have been supporting financially for years is not theirs was still then told by the courts that they were still required to pay child support till the kid was 18 regardless of the fact it wasnt their kid. I did not make that up.
U...yes you did.
I dont see how anyone would put their life on the line for a court that rules like that.

Gotta clean this stuff up before you risk your life for rulings like that.
Lmao. According to who?
im the one lmao, as what I said was a very sarcastic QUESTION thus the question mark at the end of the QUESTION. (which was rhetorical question) When you want to laugh at the ridiculousness of something, you should ensure you understand what you are laughing at.
I would assume he is the father... hes a fool if not. And if he is, hes done what the law required of him, and then some.
There’s no law that requires him to make a settlement and set up a trust fund . He did that to avoid public scrutiny and possibly saved his marriage and business interest if wife wanted a divorce.
she will contest the will if not added. happened many times before with the rich and famous. a judge will decide but the jones have the advantage of money.
lol... well you can hold whatever personal beliefs you want (I agree with you by the way) but those personal beliefs wont get you out of supporting that child from that one night stand you had with some woman you met at the

So the word "trap" baby isnt completely uncalled for or out of line?


Referring to the judgement as unreasonable is not uncalled for or out of line?
Have y’all seen her? She’s definitely his kid the resemblance is uncanny

Since youre so good with faces...can you clarify if the girl on page 31 of this thread is indeed homegirl? And if so...can you clarify if thats Charlotte with her?


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I have sympathy towards everyone in this case. Dumb Jerry slept with a woman that he wanted no relationship with. She is to blame here... she is at much to blame as he is.
They reached a settlement that was the best thing, in Jerry's mind to deal with it. How many people has this happened to out in society? A ton. Im not condoning any behavior, but im not also gonna make out like a man and a woman who went out and had sex together are somehow villains. By the looks of it, mom was financially secure to raise a kid Jerry didnt want. Kid was raised and appears to have a pretty good life. Its sucks she didnt have a father, but she isnt the first and she wont be the last. Life goes on.

The key factor here is her father is the owner of the most valuable sports franchise in the world. You can bet your *** money is the motivating factor. I’ve said this multiple times, she’s just as deserving to have a seat at the table as Stephen, Jerry Jr, & Charlotte. I bet her terminally ill mother has said the same thing to her. Yeah, people have affairs and have children out of wedlock every day. There’s no debating that….
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The key factor here is her father is the owner of the most valuable sports franchise in the world. You can bet your *** money is the motivating factor. I’ve said this multiple times, she’s just as deserving to have a seat at the table as Stephen, Jerry Jr, & Charlotte. I bet her terminally ear mother has said the same thing to her. Yeah, people have affairs and have children out of wedlock every day. There’s no debating that….


Jerry is and was emotionally involved with the Gene 3 before this kid was ever conceived.

That doesnt include what Jerry may have or may not have promised the Gene 3 for years. I AM ASSUMING...but I bet Jerry has spent much time with the Gene 3 before all this happened. He had a lot invested with them.

You can claim Jerry abandoned ol' girl and could have included her yada yada yada...

What I am saying is that Jerry has built and Empire for all we know with all intentions of giving it to the Gene 3...the kids he planned for and intended on having.

Im not trying to abbreviate this girls value...but I dont think its reasonable to take away a large chunk of the Gene 3's inheritance for a child Jerry had no say so in birthing when there were alternatives available. When I say large chunk...Im talking equal distribution amongst the 4 known children.

Should the kid get something reasonable? Sure. Equal seat at the table? Nah. And she should blame her mom for that. Jerry and the Gene 3 shouldnt take an unreasonable financial kick in the nuts because some lady trapped Jerry. Thats not unfair or unreasonable. Couldnt care less what the courts think. far as the Cowboys side of the Empire...Charlotte, Stephen and Jerry Jr have worked on building that Empire for years. And this kid just gets to have equal share in that too? Unreasonable.

Please come back with something more reasonable.
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