Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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I have sympathy towards everyone in this case. Dumb Jerry slept with a woman that he wanted no relationship with. She is to blame here... she is at much to blame as he is.
They reached a settlement that was the best thing, in Jerry's mind to deal with it. How many people has this happened to out in society? A ton. Im not condoning any behavior, but im not also gonna make out like a man and a woman who went out and had sex together are somehow villains. By the looks of it, mom was financially secure to raise a kid Jerry didnt want. Kid was raised and appears to have a pretty good life. Its sucks she didnt have a father, but she isnt the first and she wont be the last. Life goes on.
I have no sympathy for Jerry and the mom. They were adults and know the risk of pregnancy when you have sex. I have a lot of sympathy for Gene, and Jerry's other kids, Alexandra included. They didn't ask for this.
Why wouldn’t Alex want to be in position to be a partial heir to Jethro’s estate ?

Why is she any less deserving that the rest?
I have no sympathy for Jerry and the mom. They were adults and know the risk of pregnancy when you have sex. I have a lot of sympathy for Gene, and Jerry's other kids, Alexandra included. They didn't ask for this.
Right.. they are all the victims in this.
Two thoughts - cant see how a child can be bound by their parents contracts.

Secondly, there are a lot of adopted people who spend yesrs fighting battles and taking cases to establish their identities. People have a right to their identity/heritage. Why shouldnt she be allowed to establish her identity.
Why wouldn’t Alex want to be in position to be a partial heir to Jethro’s estate ?

Why is she any less deserving that the rest?

I say both sides should save face.

She take the 50 to 100 mil and say f***, Jerry and be done with it. Then scold her mom for being a gold digger and putting her in this position.

Jerry write the check and tell the girl to think about how all this went down and tell her to ask herself if he is really the Devil in all this.
Two thoughts - cant see how a child can be bound by their parents contracts.

Secondly, there are a lot of adopted people who spend yesrs fighting battles and taking cases to establish their identities. People have a right to their identity/heritage. Why shouldnt she be allowed to establish her identity.
Exactly. And why I think the courts will be in her favor.

And provide Jethro an option to take a paternal test like the ex husband did to prove he wasn’t the father which he did to prevent from paying child support.
Exactly. And why I think the courts will be in her favor. And provide Jethro an option to take a paternal test like the ex husband did to prove he wasn’t the father which he did to prevent from paying child support.

And then what?
Jethro is probably screwed . And why he’s been silent. Not a peep from him. Not even football related. He’s totally hiding out.

They’re probably trying to come up with a settlement for her so he doesn’t have to publicly admit he’s the father. I hope she refuses and sticks to her guns forcing him to either take a paternity test and or admit.

He doesn’t have much other choices. His actions speak for themselves. I hope he refuses and she takes him to the cleaners.

But I suspect he might do the right thing . He after all did take care of them for all those years.

The bigger issue could be exposing how long and close a relationship he had with Cindy. And the connection to Charlotte divorce. Wonder if she might have been having an affair with her husband. Wouldn’t that be hilarious.
Jethro is probably screwed . And why he’s been silent. Not a peep from him. Not even football related. He’s totally hiding out.

They’re probably trying to come up with a settlement for her so he doesn’t have to publicly admit he’s the father. I hope she refuses and sticks to her guns forcing him to either take a paternity test and or admit.

He doesn’t have much other choices. His actions speak for themselves. I hope he refuses and she takes him to the cleaners.

But I suspect he might do the right thing . He after all did take care of them for all those years.

I dont know why you would want someone to take all this heat(financial and emotional)over mutual sexual experience where a child was not intended...but thats your thing and hopefully not the courts either.

Any particular reason why you want that for Jerry? Just 'cause?

I dont know how much having a squeaky clean reputation does or doesnt do for you in business...but I would assume at 80 years old Jerry has a little IDGAF-anymore in him. Maybe not. I mean...would having sex prevent him from being the face of the Salvation Army or something? Because they arent denying his financial contributions I know that. How many people would not do business with him because he is a "playboy". And...wouldnt those same people assume most of their business partners are? I assume most people enjoy the good life to the fullest...why punish a potential business partner over having sex? Why punish people for having sex...even when married? Its pretty much top of the top as far as stress relievers go....but you get prosecuted for indulging. So unreasonable.
Two thoughts - cant see how a child can be bound by their parents contracts.

Secondly, there are a lot of adopted people who spend yesrs fighting battles and taking cases to establish their identities. People have a right to their identity/heritage. Why shouldnt she be allowed to establish her identity.
I have never seen my Real dad but he was scum so I dint miss out on having to talk to him I probably have punched him in the face if we had met

That has to be Rich Dalrymple. He must still be on Jethro's payroll working from home. "Save me just one more time Rich."
I dont see why Jerry couldnt work out a deal with her. A new NDA. He take the test and she receive money but not be allowed to talk about it if thats what Jerry wants. Unless she is asking for the ranch in exchange for the NDA or if Jerry knows that this will open the door for her to take the estate to the bank.

I agree that the kid is strong and noble if she is willing to forgo money AND NOT SUE IN THE FUTURE in exchange for paternity test. But...and Im not trying to defend Jerry here...why does she want to disrupt this guys life now? Sounds like its laying groundwork for future lawsuit, asking too much in exchange for an NDA or Jerry refusing the test. I still dont know why a test cant be done and all this be done in private behind the scenes?

It seems to come back to money. Someone is being unreasonable.

It's very likely about money, but as I've stated before, it doesn't have to be. There are a few other reasons that it could be about. At this stage we don't know. We know she is/was a Congressional aid. That's established she has some interest in politics. If she ran for office this would have come to light and possible ended up violating the NDA.

That's just speculation but is one valid reason she might be doing it for something other than money. Do I believe that? I'm choosing a wait and see before just assuming her motivations.

However, you keep saying you're not defending Jerry but in the same breath defending him high and low all through the thread. You even implied that everyone would have been better off had the mother gotten an abortion. I doubt that Alex would agree that she would be better of had her life been terminated in the womb.

You stated Jerry was trapped by this woman. That's where it gets murky because she claims he told her he wasn't able to have kids, then they had unprotected sex. If that is true, then Jerry did his own trapping. He's just as guilty. Literally the only innocent in this up until now has been Alex. Since we don't know her motivations for the lawsuit, we don't know if she's doing it for the money. The lawsuit doesn't seem to be about that so far. She's suing to not be bound by a NDA made when she was one year old and couldn't agree to. That's not unreasonable.

Jerry refusing a paternity test? Unreasonable. He obviously financially provided for Alex during her childhood. Legally, that was his only legal obligation. She's an adult now, so that's ended. As for some kind of inheritance? He can clearly state in his will that she gets nothing when he dies. So any lawsuit for money she brings has no legal standing. As for a moral obligation, Jerry dropped the ball big time. The absolute second he was told that he had a potential child, he should have agreed to a paternity test. If it came back that he was the father, he should have done what was right for his child. He chose instead to throw money at his "problem" and hope that it went away. Note that I am not talking about the amount of blame the mother shoulders here. She's equally to blame, but this is a forum for the Cowboys, and by association since he owns the team, Jerry.

The main point I've been trying to make this whole time is that Alex should absolutely not be legally bound by a NDA made when she was a minor and so she has the right to sue so she's not bound by it. She is not entitled to any money at this point. She was already financially provided for as a child.

Jerry could have been a good man and done the right thing by her and taken the paternity test and been a father to her if it came back positive. He could have been a man and accepted the responsibility for his mistakes and lived with the consequences. He chose to be a selfish boy and a coward instead. For that, he lost all remaining respect that I had for him.
Look at everything that is happening over what was supposed to be a mutual sexual experience.

Jerry financially having to take care of an un-mutual child, Jerry having to stress about it going public and hurting his businesses, Jerry now having to fight his daughter in court, Jerry now having stress further about the ramifications of this becoming public, a child being raised without a father figure, a child having to take her father to court and each become bitter at each other...

All over a non-mutual birthing.

I guess you can lie about your motives behind can claim religious believes as to why you went through with it...and the court still stick the males with a situation they were powerless in avoiding. And everyone but the mom is the problem. Seems odd to me.
Like Couch Coach accurately stated earlier , actions speak louder than words.

And Jethro took extensive action to financially take care of Cindy and Alex Davis. And Alex made the most of her opportunities as she’s flourished in her academics and career.

This doesn’t mean the daughter doesn’t have a right at some point to establish who her father is. Alex didn’t make the settlement deal while she has benefitted from it.

And Jethro has probably benefitted from this not coming out publicly 25 years ago. No telling what effects or impacts could have had on his marriage , siblings and business interest not to mention his image at that point in his life if it had become known of a long standing affair with offspring . Could have cost him everything.

And why I just can’t imagine any animosity towards Alex now. She has every right to pursue her god given rights and suffer whatever the consequences are. Jethro and her mother Cindy will have to live with those decisions they made 25 years. The daughter doesn’t have to.
None her Mom made the decision for her and did not hold up on her end of the agreement she violated the NDA
'FanofJerry', 'Diehardblues ', 'gp_cowpolk'
A complicated & controversial issue that has existed in civilization forever.
Males- be they rich, powerful, influential, famous- indulge in indiscretions that result in children unplanned and unexpected. They may acknowledge the illicit conduct outright or undercover - but still make amends.
Or deny, deny, deny - just totally ignore the difficult situation like it does not exist.
But in happens amongst many societies, lives and communities far away from the spotlight of high profile sports that are covered 24/7, plus 365. It just so happens now it involves the person who owns the sports team we follow the most.
Your debate-discussion-disagreement is serious - but it remains civil.
The opinions expressed \ sides taken probably won't sway those firmly entrenched their views.
But there's nothing wrong with that.
I have no sympathy for Jerry and the mom. They were adults and know the risk of pregnancy when you have sex. I have a lot of sympathy for Gene, and Jerry's other kids, Alexandra included. They didn't ask for this.
its called life.
'FanofJerry', 'Diehardblues ', 'gp_cowpolk'
A complicated & controversial issue that has existed in civilization forever.
Males- be they rich, powerful, influential, famous- indulge in indiscretions that result in children unplanned and unexpected. They may acknowledge the illicit conduct outright or undercover - but still make amends.
Or deny, deny, deny - just totally ignore the difficult situation like it does not exist.
But in happens amongst many societies, lives and communities far away from the spotlight of high profile sports that are covered 24/7, plus 365. It just so happens now it involves the person who owns the sports team we follow the most.
Your debate-discussion-disagreement is serious - but it remains civil.
The opinions expressed \ sides taken probably won't sway those firmly entrenched their views.
But there's nothing wrong with that.
I actually am not a Jerry defender But I do like him more than I dislike him He does stupid stuff at times and he does a lot of good things that some posters ignore
Like Couch Coach accurately stated earlier , actions speak louder than words.

And Jethro took extensive action to financially take care of Cindy and Alex Davis. And Alex made the most of her opportunities as she’s flourished in her academics and career.

This doesn’t mean the daughter doesn’t have a right at some point to establish who her father is. Alex didn’t make the settlement deal while she has benefitted from it.

And Jethro has probably benefitted from this not coming out publicly 25 years ago. No telling what effects or impacts could have had on his marriage , siblings and business interest not to mention his image at that point in his life if it had become known of a long standing affair with offspring . Could have cost him everything.

And why I just can’t imagine any animosity towards Alex now. She has every right to pursue her god given rights and suffer whatever the consequences are. Jethro and her mother Cindy will have to live with those decisions they made 25 years. The daughter doesn’t have to.

God given rights? what exactly are her GOD given rights? IM not thinking God cares to much about US currency.
Two thoughts - cant see how a child can be bound by their parents contracts.
There are always exceptions (which is why we have judges and courts of law, and this situation may very well be considered such an exception by whatever court rules on it) but, generally speaking, parents are responsible for negotiating contracts on behalf of their children, acting in their child's best interests. Children cannot enter into legal agreements on their own, so someone has to be responsible.
Secondly, there are a lot of adopted people who spend yesrs fighting battles and taking cases to establish their identities. People have a right to their identity/heritage.
I am not going to argue opinions but if you are trying to state that children have a legal right to know their parents' identities, then you should be aware that that is very much disputed all across the country with no unanimous verdict one way or the other.
Why shouldnt she be allowed to establish her identity.
Because she and her mother accepted a large amount of money in exchange for forgoing that ability. Working against her is the fact that she continued to accept such payments for 7 years as an adult.
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