Twitter: Voiding Deals for FINES is not used by any other team in the league


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BRAVO Mr. Gregory....yes F those Hillbilly carpetbaggers!!!!

Now go get your SB ring in Denver!!!!


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It's in the CBA. Article 4, Section 9. Not every team may use it in their contract but every team can enforce it under the CBA.
So basically Gregory agreed to the same behavior clause, as all players do, cuz it's in the CBA. So when playing in Denver Gregory gets fined the Broncos can do what the Cowboys can do. The difference is the Cowboys put it in their contracts and other teams don't because it's implied by the CBA. Am I understanding that correctly?


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When he ran like a disgruntled spoiled brat refusing to acknowledge the wording added on the contract is because of Gregory's own doing.
I hope this sours Jerry on trying to be the savior to some of these players and just drafts/signs players that play ball and don't need rescuing. I hope this hurts Jerry enough to change that part of him. I constantly bash Jerry but one good aspect of him is he does have a soft heart and cares about people, except for his illegitimate daughter, but everyone else he cares for. This good quality is used against him and can hurt the team. It's like a blessing and a curse.


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So basically Gregory agreed to the same behavior clause, as all players do, cuz it's in the CBA. So when playing in Denver Gregory gets fined the Broncos can do what the Cowboys can do. The difference is the Cowboys put it in their contracts and other teams don't because it's implied by the CBA. Am I understanding that correctly?

His agent says otherwise. But it's standard for most Dallas contracts except maybe Dak. Same clause was in DLaws new deal and just about all Cowboys.

If it's in the CBA, teams can use it. The Cowboys have never used it before though so it may be up to the team whether to enforce it.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Gregory created this. He still refuses to take responsibility. Why worry if you're supposedly clean/rehabbed?

The fine could be for anything, not just drugs. It shows that neither the DFT, nor a percentage of the fickle fan base, has forgiven his mistakes; yet they want a loyal lap dog. Gregory, you made it out, congratulations.


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So basically Gregory agreed to the same behavior clause, as all players do, cuz it's in the CBA. So when playing in Denver Gregory gets fined the Broncos can do what the Cowboys can do. The difference is the Cowboys put it in their contracts and other teams don't because it's implied by the CBA. Am I understanding that correctly?
it is part of the standard dallas contract. They dont slip it in, or do it just for some players.
The thing is they have never used it to my knowledge.
It would be up to the jones boys as to whether they would void anything if a player violated one of the items in that paragraph.

randy is a dummy to not know all this, and that it is in cba too, and his agent probably knows or he isnt much of an agent.
I think maybe he wanted randy to sign with denver, he does live in denver, and maybe denver offered him a bonus if RG signed with them.

then all he had to do was point out that clause to the dummy, and say hey they slipped this in at last minute ! lol


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Werner’s claim that no such deals exist in the NFL is just patently false. He should be fired for that tweet just on general principle.

Who’s contract has that? Sounds like a pretty ludicrous stipend