CFZ Karma is knocking on JJ’s Door


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media the other day, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy was elected to the HOF may have been the worse day in his life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change your ways.


Junior College Transfer
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After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media the other day, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy was elected to the HOF may have been the worse day in his life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change your ways.

Right you are govnor, right you are.
Jerry is washed up but his legacy lives on with Stephen, ruthless and all I powerful lout.

I once knew a hippie girl named Karma. I heard she ended up as a merchant marine based out of Thailand.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media the other day, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy was elected to the HOF may have been the worse day in his life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change your ways.

Jerry standing front and center while putting Jimmy in the ROH in the home opener would be good karma for him, but I highly doubt his ego will ever let him do it.
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Beyond tired of Jerry
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As long as the stadium is full karmas effect won’t ever be felt.

Actually, as long as Pepsi, and Ford, and AT&T, and all the other companies keep shelling out millions to Jerry, it won’t matter. That’s where the money comes from.

Jerry already has more money than he, and his family, could ever spend. That's not his motivation at this point in life.

The old man wants something he can't buy - "football guy" validation. He'll go to his grave trying to win it his way. :rolleyes:


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he cant change his ways, and doesnt even want to lol.
What he should be doing is counting his money, since that seems to be his biggest passion.
Get a couple million in gold coins, and sit around and play with them, stack them, build a gold room for playing with his coins.:p

Or he could get to know his daughter he swept under the rug??:cool:


Well-Known Member
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Jerry already has more money than he, and his family, could ever spend. That's not his motivation at this point in life.

The old man wants something he can't buy - "football guy" validation. He'll go to his grave trying to win it his way. :rolleyes:
He already feels like the football guy I bet and sure he wants to win it his way, but are we doing things his way anymore?


Well-Known Member
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After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media the other day, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy was elected to the HOF may have been the worse day in his life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change your ways.
I agree with you brother I believe karma is undefeated.

And bad karma has been a monkey on Jerry's back for 20 plus years now.
Unfortunately Jerry's bad karma trickles down and hurts the fans of this once proud franchise.

It is truly amazing that someone's so successful in business can be such a failure at the hobby they love the most.


Well-Known Member
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After seeing Jerry very briefly as he addressed the media the other day, it was sadly obvious- he has become a pathetic old echo chamber. He only listens to those who tell him what he wants to hear. He only speaks to those who won’t call him out. That circle is shrinking.

Fewer fans are buying the kool aid. Fewer still think he has any credibility left. He’s become a shallow character- a carnival barker who’s getting old; the old tricks don’t work any more- and even he knows it. His past multitude of skeletons once hidden in payoffs and non-disclosure agreements are being discovered- even those he thought his money could silence. Welcome to the digital age Jerry.

Karma is knocking on his door. And Karma cannot be paid off and doesn’t sign NDAs. Everywhere he turns these days, mirrors are popping up. The clock is ticking louder and louder. His once vibrant energy has faded. He looks old and his charade of trying to prove he is a football guru is now only accepted within the family circle and the fewer and fewer fans who love him anyway.

The day Jerry heard Jimmy was elected to the HOF may have been the worse day in his life. In his mind, his HOF election now probably takes a backseat to Jimmy’s. Because Jerry is in the hall as a “contributor”. Jimmy is in as head coach. It’s obvious who the “football man” is.

Yep. Better answer the door Jerry. Karma is on the front porch and she can’t be bought or silenced. Karma is undefeated. The clock nears midnight. Maybe it’s time to change your ways.

I get that Booger’s flawed, that he’s made mistakes, and that lots of people don’t like him, but holy crap, let’s ratchet up the hyperbole, huh? Sounds like the downfall of Hitler! Ominous stuff!

Nothing lasts forever, and we all get old.

America's Cowboy

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This is a very sad thread. Very disappointed in some of you whom I truly respect. Why watch all of these past 26 years if you truly hate Jerry and his family that much...or how they run their business...or the product they have fielded year in and year out? It's like hating on the sweat-shop made products at Walmart, yet you keep shopping there and have made Walmart the #1 retailer around the world.


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The issue is most fans are casual in nature and don't get overly involved in the offseason and they will keep the seats filled.

All true most casual fans just see the 12 and 5 record and making the playoffs as a good season.

They don't let it go any deeper into their consciousness than that.

Unfortunately us die hard fans take this stuff to heart and we ponder and bench race what could have been and how we would have done it differently and why we continue to do things in this dysfunctional manner.

We analyze and pontificate and are the most proficient at saying the same thing in a hundred different threads a hundred different ways.

But in the end we sit in frustration remembering the franchise that filled us with pride at one time and that we currently have no ability to fix