Is there an actual plan for this season?


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There's always a plan. Just because we aren't privy to it, doesn't mean there isn't one. As much as many of you may disagree, these guys aren't stupid. They surround themselves with scouts that know what they are talking about. They may want to take the credit and that's fine.......Jerry is the owner and he deserves the credit as much as he deserves the blame. At the end of the day, we usually have very talented rosters. Unfortunately, it takes more than talent to win.....the mental side of the game is where I see a need for an attitude adjustment.

WE'VE BEEN STUPID FOR 20+ SEASONS!!! You do the math!!!!


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LOL your asking way too much of the jones boys !

Now ask yourself if they couldnt do the above last year or the past 2 decades why do you think they suddenly will??

All you can do is wait till they draft, analyze that, then wait and see what they do till tc in FA or trades.

I think their basic plan is to trim some fat, the fat being guys they didnt want anymore or want to pay.
and to come up with a competitve roster.
Jerry thinks all you have to do is get in playoffs, and you can go on a SB run, so plan is to make playoffs.

You've got to assemble a team that can be physically tough enough to succeed and have success in the playoffs, they don't understand this but I hear what you're saying!!


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My guess is the season will offer up the 3 coaching options of Payton, Quinn or Moore.

As to how any of these guys is to become the next HC of Dallas is my only uncertainty going forward.

My Captain Obvious gut instinct anticipates one of the above being chosen but have no idea how all the DRAMA will unfold in actually leading up to this event.

Stay tuned.

Mike gone, cowboys will name Quinn CO-HEAD COACH with Payton!!


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So far there doesn't seem to be anything that makes us fans believe we will be better than we were last season. I'm trying to remain hopeful, without over doing it. These 20+ years of not winning anything major except building our STATS and filling Jerry's pockets, is taking a toll on so many of us.

Is the plan to build solely on the draft, and go from there with free agency? I can see why they may not be signing VETS for this one reason. At this point in their careers, these guys don't want to do training camp, OTA'S etc, they want to come back around pre season. In which you'll see them on the PUP list for a few weeks, then they're able to play!

Back to the draft, if we're truly building through the draft, realistically how many of these players drafted will make enough of an impact to help us this season. Let's not forget the players we drafted last year.

There has to be a plan, the cowboys fan base deserves something to get us excited about. At this point, we're losing hope. I don't want them to start making genius moves either to somehow try and appeal to us. Just be smart, and make good moves!!

Come up with a plan, a winning plan that makes sense........! Please give your thoughts
yes, there absolutley is a plan....its not a plan for winning championships, but there defintley is a plan, its called maximizing profits....

Jerry & stephen tihinking: so lets not spend big in FA, get a bunch of JAGs to get to 53 on one year deal, hope we draft well, tell the world I am drafting an OG in first round, raise ticket prices based on 12-5 record last year, reduced cash output, stay quiet and not say much all off season......if we end up doing well, we will say that we knew and liked our guys all along, if we do bad, I will say, I am making changes, we don't stand for this and we have to be better for our fans, sign one big name FA and sell hope again... two years from now win the division and raise ticket prices again. .rinse, repeat,


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There are definitely things that you can hang your hat on that would make you think certain parts of the team will be better.

But dont you think you should wait until after the draft and FA to start whining about team improvements?

Not whining you're whining by being childish with your words, grow up!!


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yes, there absolutley is a plan....its not a plan for winning championships, but there defintley is a plan, its called maximizing profits....

Jerry & stephen tihinking: so lets not spend big in FA, get a bunch of JAGs to get to 53 on one year deal, hope we draft well, tell the world I am drafting an OG in first round, raise ticket prices based on 12-5 record last year, reduced cash output, if we end up doing well, we will say that we knew and liked our guys all along, if we do bad, I will say, I am making changes, we don't stand for this and we have to be better for our fans, sign one big name FA and sell hope again... two years from now win the division and raise ticket prices again. .rinse, repeat,

I'm going to screenshot your comment this is spot on lol lol


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There are definitely things that you can hang your hat on that would make you think certain parts of the team will be better.

But dont you think you should wait until after the draft and FA to start whining about team improvements?
Guys like this don't think.....they just like to complain and stir the pot.


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There's always a plan. Just because we aren't privy to it, doesn't mean there isn't one. As much as many of you may disagree, these guys aren't stupid. They surround themselves with scouts that know what they are talking about. They may want to take the credit and that's fine.......Jerry is the owner and he deserves the credit as much as he deserves the blame. At the end of the day, we usually have very talented rosters. Unfortunately, it takes more than talent to win.....the mental side of the game is where I see a need for an attitude adjustment.

I mean, they haven't won a damn thing in a quarter century and yet keep thinking what they are doing is the greatest. So maybe not stupid but arrogrant and/or ignorant might be more applicable.


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I love it when fans ask "So what is the plan?" . Like there is ANY answer to that. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

"So what is our plan B?" HAHAHAHAHAHA
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There are definitely things that you can hang your hat on that would make you think certain parts of the team will be better.

But dont you think you should wait until after the draft and FA to start whining about team improvements?

What's left in FA isn't a needle mover for this team. There are no options, for example, to improve DE unless you think Clowney would be a smart signing. They could try to add Beckham or Landry at WR, which I think would upgrade the WR room but they don't appear to have much interest.

So basically if you are looking for a talent upgrade it has to come from the draft. But how likely is one draft going to provide immediate help/impact at multiple positions? You need impacts at DE, LG, WR for sure............. How likely is it that you'll get that help immediately from this draft?

Every year you guys say the same thing - don't judge the team until after the draft and FA ends and yet every season, the roster is exposed as being flawed (largely because they simply don't know how to use FA wisely).


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I mean, they haven't won a damn thing in a quarter century and yet keep thinking what they are doing is the greatest. So maybe not stupid but arrogrant and/or ignorant might be more applicable.
Maybe.....but, in the real's not easy to win a SB. Spoiled fans may be more applicable. We all want to win, some of us just choose not to wallow in misery because we don't. Stupid, Arrogant and ignorance works both ways.


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really taking a toll on US? seriously you are losing sleep over a sports franchise offseason 6 months before a real game is played LMAO..hey lets start whining about 2023s off season now why not never too early around here LMAO dang 2023 is a total done in over this the FPO doesnt have plan for 2-23 its over

you all need to calm down its 6 months before game 1 and these posts keep flowing in..the plan develops all the way up to game 1 and REALLY UP TO THE TRADE DEADLINE..cant they have more than 6 weeks to appease the soft ,impatient, and severely brain damaged fan base?

not concerned...

its still far too soon to be judge the roster 6months before game 1 maybe let the rest of the off season develop before all these type of posts..we have the draft , we have FAS we can pick up that will be released or cut post draft and post june 1st we have an entire offseason left most here think its started and finished already before one Mini camp, before one ota, before training camp and before preseason. That what the dang offseason is used for develop the roster and make changes where needed and then when the real games start we can watch and see what might eb glaring issue.

until then let's see how this plays out before another post of nothing but guessing.

the holes if any will present themselves once we get into august/September..then this type of post will be a bit easier to answer.

not sure why fans and the zone keep taking shots a the roster with all the time still ahead for the FO to plug the holes ,.this isnt the team roster we are rolling with come sept 1st is it? ok then lets wait. There are 100s of posts on how bad this offseason allegedly is and odd thing is it only 6 weeks into a very long process teams use to build rosters..
Not sure what you mean by referencing the time between now and the first far as how the team looks on paper.

There's no real needle mover left in FA, and any draft pick is still a rookie. We certainly shouldn't expect a Parsons type difference maker to be added via draft.

If you mean it in the sense that sometimes less is more, and that games aren't played on paper, I can agree there.

Prime Terrance Steele a better player than Laell Collins? Nope....not at all.

Did the OL as a unit seem to play much better with Steele? Yeah it sure did.


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Maybe.....but, in the real's not easy to win a SB. Spoiled fans may be more applicable. We all want to win, some of us just choose not to wallow in misery because we don't. Stupid, Arrogant and ignorance works both ways.

This is why I always look to each new season as a stand alone season. There is far too much change year to year, one never knows how a team with be. Though I go into each year, that each team will improve. However that is not always the case as most level headed fans know.

But I don't dwell on the past seasons. I may throw out some comments here and there, and joke about the FO at times. Just to have fun, or I support them at times to get some riled up. :muttley: