Online dating

I tried it for a brief spell before I met my current wife. Couldn't get past it though and all the fake profiles. Just as bad as a lot of social media itself. Ended up meeting my current wife at work. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, because I know several people who have met their spouse online, but I'm still old fashioned on this, I guess.

I'll tell you this.... if you keep posting cute pics of your avatar here, I guarantee you'll get plenty of free online PMs from here, many you probably won't even want. LOL I'm sure there's plenty of lonely males in a football forum.
I’ve never gotten a single message on this site.
POF is horrible now. I met my ex there a few years back, tried to give it another shot a couple weeks ago and you get to send one free message a day, you have to pay if you want to send more. Damn dating sucks lol
That’s been my overall experience with all of them. They give you just enough for free to not be able to talk to anyone. Whatever happened to chat sites? I used to love Yahoo Messenger, years ago. Is there any place like that anymore?
That’s been my overall experience with all of them. They give you just enough for free to not be able to talk to anyone. Whatever happened to chat sites? I used to love Yahoo Messenger, years ago. Is there any place like that anymore?
Have you tried OkCupid? That may have changed too, but it was free years ago
I'm sure you have to pay too, majority of these dating sites were free just a couple years ago. I'm not paying for it lol
Most of them were free in the beginning. Then the free ones had majority scammers and fakes as profiles. They made it hard for those that were really looking for love and companionship.

Probably why most of them are pay sites now.
I'm sure you have to pay too, majority of these dating sites were free just a couple years ago. I'm not paying for it lol
I was thinking OKCupid still allows you to message. You had to pay for things like seeing likes if you didn't like them.
Thats why chat rooms were so good for people who actually wanted to find love. But you could also find anything else you wanted. And the predators had a field day.
miss Kellsbells---i just signed up today online dating....i am paralyzed waist down right foot cut off my package dont work...( but i will get

a strap on the vibrates) and i am putting myself out there....i am tired of being lonely i will take my chances....i got a few nibbles but

i have to get deeper conversation so i tell them what my shortcoming are but i still have alot to least that is what i tell myself

it was not your run of the mill date site...more of friends with benefits kind of thing and will try hard to be nothing to lose

better than not fact i laid a Quadruple PLAT i will be with a lady at least within a month....she may run away when she sees

me but these electric wheelchairs go fast and last 16 miles so i will run her least i aint gay
Predators are everywhere
i just signed up for one today...i am paralyzed waist down and right foot blown off,,,,and my package is i will get a strap on that

vibrates cuz i signed up with one of these dating sites friends with benefits so they kind encourage predatorism.....but i am a dude so its

different than if i was a lady but there are a ton of women too....just not big selection from my neck of the woods but Tobascocat said

somehthing interesting....after knowing my limitations he said...try not to shoot too standard is...."is she breathing"?....i am

just not a cat that does well living alone.....i tried at church but no one likes me...well they dont say that....but one can tell....the electric

wheelchair is a big turn off i found out....just one more thing to overcome//hope it works out for you and you stay safe?
I’ll check it out, thanks
i just signed up with 2...Harmony and Silver Singles...i am 65 and been a paraplegic for 35 years...after 40 years of marriage my wife finally left me a year ago.

I was in US Navy stationed in Philippines and i married a wonderful Pilpina....but i have my issues and not easy to live with...anyway i have no expectations.....i am mostly independent and i dont need a i said what the heck i will pay for 6 months and give it a shot...they even have help

if you are disabled and trying to make a go of it....but its hard to see past it...and Tobascocat told me GORICO just dont try to shoot too of course i sent a message to a woman 69 and i swear she looks 35...maybe its an old picture but they warn you not to be deceiving.......well if you dont try then you know for sure
it wont happen....i may have only a point .0001% shot....but i believe in miracles too....that is how i have stayed faithful Cowboy fan for 50 years....and kells i dont
even know how to date?....i was so shy in highschool i did not have a girlfriend and in the Philippines they love you sight unseen....the love stuff can come later
i got engaged on my first time with the woman i stayed married for 40 years....but i feel freed up....i aint got a shot probably anyway so i am going for it...i hope you
find a good source to connect with on your end....i paid the 60 bucks for 6 months for both of them.....and i got some real high compatibility scores....but it takes

a special woman to see past an electric wheelchair and i am not rich either.....but if you have no expectations its actually kind of fun.....hope you make connections

and who knows might find you knight in shiningt armour???
Thats why chat rooms were so good for people who actually wanted to find love. But you could also find anything else you wanted. And the predators had a field day.
mr funky---if you are reasonably good looking and got reasonable probably got a good shot....i am going after all the ladies it says we have a compatible

score.....i am not all that good looking and 65 and wheelchair and dont have a ton of money in the bank....but today i decided to get away from the one night stand

places and go with Harmony and Silver Singles....cost me 120 for both for 6 months but you have unlimited connections...i took a picture of myself with my new

smart phone and i scared myself....i dont look that bad in the mirror....but not the same from phone.....what can i bring to the table....looks bodied no,...\ maybe a miracle might occur....that is why i still put up PLATS for these cowboys?....cause maybe a miracle might occur....keep you all up to date

on this supposed miracle....maybe cowboys win superbowl and maybe GORICO gets a not bet on either to come all have a great week

sincerely GORICO

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