Online dating

Most of them were free in the beginning. Then the free ones had majority scammers and fakes as profiles. They made it hard for those that were really looking for love and companionship.

Probably why most of them are pay sites now.
GORICO got to pay....i dont even get a flirt back.....them women high-tailed it out of there....but going to try....i feel good for that
Be careful, lots of jerks and predators out there.
tabasco...yesterday...i tried one of those one night stand thingy's.....nothing....not even a today i paid 120 for 2 services...EHarmony and Silver Singles

they even have suggestions if you are disabled....just be upfront right from the start....and they have had a few hits....but i am old and fugly crippled and broke....not the

best four attributes when you are hitting dating scene?......but i am going for it...2 services for 6 said dont shoot too high so what did i do....i found

one of the most pretty but we had high compatibility score.....i am going to throw as much against the wall and see if anything sticks....just like my PLATS

i believe in Cowboys win Super bowl this year and GORICO gets a a PLAT on both...take it to the bank....right???
The joke’s on you.
hey Rock---i paid for 2 services...6 months each.....putting a PLAT on it and a PLAT cowboys win superbowl.....
My long-time gf and I met on Match. Virtually every couple I know at this point met online. I had nothing but good experiences. Met lots of cool people I would never ordinarily encounter, that was something I really liked about it. So ymmv obviously, but I can't relate to the negativity here (except obviously about needing to be careful safety-wise).
but JD----i see your profile pic....aint that bad....a nice shade of purple
Hit or miss. That said, been married now for 20 years because of online dating.

I did't go to church and I didn't drink, so no bars, I was busy enjoying myself when I wasn't working, traveling and doing things outside what I loved doing.

My wife got me back into going to chuch LOL

After two kids and now being empty nesters, quite the lifestyle change before being married LOL
Carry a gun in your purse and stay in public places with lots of people.
If you get up to use the rest room, take your drink with you.
I’ll add bring your drink with you anywhere you go. In fact it is best to get the drink from the bar yourself
Yes, I’ve heard the horror stories
I have twin daughters who are in college and I constantly preaching this to them. They are probably tired of me saying it to them but I would rather them be safe then sorry.
People talking online dating but so far no pics! What’s with that?
hey Rock---i paid for 2 services...6 months each.....putting a PLAT on it and a PLAT cowboys win superbowl.....

but JD----i see your profile pic....aint that bad....a nice shade of purple
Well, I can't deny that being devastatingly handsome, as you can see I am, is a big help in the world of online dating. But that doesn't mean others shouldn't give it a try.