This Sums it Up for Me


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We have some of the worst "fans" in the league. You all need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you really like the Cowboys. Where I'm from if you like a team you don't root for them to fail.
Where I'm from almost 30 years with no Superbowl or even being close to it speaks a lot. You're right to feel how you feel, and how we feel is how we feel. In the end, this organization can do better, much better, I think we can all agree to that. If not, things will be the same, we all want us to win and be successful, but does the front office want the same


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Watching this cluster-cuss of an offseason has been brutal. This is how I feel watching this FO “handle” decisions following the GB dismantling:

What about this offseason bothers you? We've watched the same thing for the last decade. Now if you're talking about their response to the GB embarrassment by not only staying the course, but by upping it and not paying anyone as a result, I'd agree with you.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I think Stephen is taking over and there’s a part of me that is growing everyday. That part of me is hoping Dallas goes 0-17 next year and has a couple seasons of 2-3 wins. We need to be in a place that the team is losing nationally televised games and isn’t relevant anymore for change to occur.

I strongly believe Jerry would never give up power as long as he’s alive but there’s a slim chance Stephen might. But he needs to be thoroughly embarrassed over a couple seasons. So even though is would suck it might be the best thing for the franchise’s future.
I have wondered for a while now how Jerry Jones has set up succession for his children. Stephen Jones is his likely successor but what if he divides his NFL franchise equally between Stephen, Charlotte and Junior? Will the latter two just continue in the niche roles their father created for them after buying the franchise? Or could a power struggle ensue for control of the franchise between the siblings?

And does the family have an already preset plan in place in case dear old dad developed actual dementia--instead of the falsely perceived senility some have always assigned to him. I would assume Jones' legal counsel would have advised him of that possible contingency and planned accordingly. There should be a clear cut transition of power to whomever is chosen as successor if-and-when Jones were medically deemed mentally incompetent and unable to oversee his business affairs.

Personally, I wished there was a little of Warren Buffett in Jones. Someone who would not automatically bequeath what he built to his children simply because they share DNA. At least then a family Game of Thrones contest might ensue. The franchise's fans would finally have an opportunity of seeing nonsense flipped flopped, from Jerry and Stephen pushing out the poorly managed on-the-field product of the past three decades, to internally squabbling over their own self-produced crap amongst themselves for once.


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So you are blindly supporting the clowns who don't give a damn about you?
I blindly support my team. I may not agree with all the moves they make and of course I'm never happy with losing. Do you think any of the owners really "give a damn" about the fans? No, they don't. They want your money. That's why tickets to games aren't free. Just ask yourself if you really get any enjoyment from following this team. I don't think some posters on here do. And if that's the case, why are you here?


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All I can think is they are trying to clear money off the cap, then when the cap jumps and they have cleared space they can sign Dak, Parsons and Lamb. But I think Lamb is going to possibly want his bag now. He may hold out. JJ is still in charge. The whole comment of being all in was still strange.


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I blindly support my team. I may not agree with all the moves they make and of course I'm never happy with losing. Do you think any of the owners really "give a damn" about the fans? No, they don't. They want your money. That's why tickets to games aren't free. Just ask yourself if you really get any enjoyment from following this team. I don't think some posters on here do. And if that's the case, why are you here?
I like to watch pro football. The Dallas Cowboys are my favorite team. I will root for them. I have no control over what the FO does. Every owner wants his team to win a SB. They have been in cap hell so many years I think they maybe letting players go to clear space for the big 3 signings upcoming.


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All I can think is they are trying to clear money off the cap, then when the cap jumps and they have cleared space they can sign Dak, Parsons and Lamb. But I think Lamb is going to possibly want his bag now. He may hold out. JJ is still in charge. The whole comment of being all in was still strange.
strange just to give us as fans/media something to talk about


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while it looked like a cluster to start with them literally doing nothing....if they continue to do nothing but focus on the draft and then filling in gaps with whatever FA's are left, refuse to resign dak and don't do any stupid contracts, then they will actually be setting up for 2025....2024 is going to be a mediocre to lost year if they do this but then 2025 should an exciting start to something new.

if that is really whats happening then I am going to be super happy....if they just resign dak and overpay for him, do some dumb deals...basically half in half out, then its going to be 10x worse.

PA Cowboy Fan

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The only thing that has a chance of catching Jerry's eye is an empty stadium, and I think I would enjoy seeing that more than 5 straight 0-17 seasons. Jerry cares more about butts in seats than he will ever care about the win / loss column. He convinced himself many years ago that because clueless fools keep filling up the stadium he must be doing everything right. There's no pressure to change.
And he has 3 SB's and is in the HOF. What more does he need? There is no pressure on him to win anymore.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Where I'm from almost 30 years with no Superbowl or even being close to it speaks a lot. You're right to feel how you feel, and how we feel is how we feel. In the end, this organization can do better, much better, I think we can all agree to that. If not, things will be the same, we all want us to win and be successful, but does the front office want the same
Jerry caused me to feel how I feel about the team. You know 30 years ago I was a homer too. The Cowboys could do no wrong. That was a lifetime ago. Maybe I started feeling the way I feel after I realized Jerry doesn't care about winning. I hate what he has done to my favorite team. I hate it.


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while it looked like a cluster to start with them literally doing nothing....if they continue to do nothing but focus on the draft and then filling in gaps with whatever FA's are left, refuse to resign dak and don't do any stupid contracts, then they will actually be setting up for 2025....2024 is going to be a mediocre to lost year if they do this but then 2025 should an exciting start to something new.

if that is really whats happening then I am going to be super happy....if they just resign dak and overpay for him, do some dumb deals...basically half in half out, then its going to be 10x worse.
It is a little exciting to think about, but because of Jerry either scenario may occur. The 1st scenario seems to be the direction they are moving in. I agree it is very exciting to think about. Sadly we cannot get on board because Jerry will not tip his hand. We will have to wait and see


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Jerry caused me to feel how I feel about the team. You know 30 years ago I was a homer too. The Cowboys could do no wrong. That was a lifetime ago. Maybe I started feeling the way I feel after I realized Jerry doesn't care about winning. I hate what he has done to my favorite team. I hate it.
It's upsetting, we have more passion for this team than he does


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And he has 3 SB's and is in the HOF. What more does he need? There is no pressure on him to win anymore.
and we may not like it one bit, but this is so true. No incentive. No motivation to work harder. No pressure.
It's like Jerruh and son are following Yogi Berra's advice: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." The team's general management and player/personnel guys have no road map or plan.


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Watching this cluster-cuss of an offseason has been brutal. This is how I feel watching this FO “handle” decisions following the GB dismantling:

easy stop following, move on and be mentally healthy,,i hear KC needs more fans..maybe Philly hmmm

posts like this sum this up for me people, Dallas ALLEGED Fans, who are impatient, entitled, they feel like if things aren't done on their timeline that it's just broken and not going to work ,

you do realize that most offseason look like this, I mean they typically wait till after the draft to go after the other free agents left in a very large free agent pool, draft , more cuts and trades to come!!!

five months from today is when we should start really discussing our roster and our concerns with the roster since it's not been built quite yet, I don't believe any team before the draft is ready to play game one...

So if it's frustrating,​
you maybe you should take a break..​
maybe you should delete all your push notifications that are attached on social media with the Dallas Cowboys name, don't come here for a while ,and then wait until it gets closer to the start of the actual season that have all these posts hundreds and hundreds of people upset with an off season that has five months left to build, 2 weeks away from the draft, and you're very upset...​
well it sounds like to me you could use a vacation from the Dallas Cowboys literally just cut yourself off for about I don't know 6-8 weeks come back here around training camp maybe we could actually discuss a roster that might be shaping up to be the starting rotation for the Dallas Cowboys for September!!​

So the more of these I see the more I'm going to respond of how ridiculous it is to call this a brutal offseason when it has yet to actually take shape. 3 three straight seasons of disappointing offseasons for this fan base has turned into 36 wins two division titles three straight playoff appearances and we've been in the playoff five out of the last eight years when we had our quarterback healthy we've been competitive and yet everybody every offseason earlier and earlier are more and more unhappy and judge the same offseason the same way and yet somehow it's worked out at least for the regular season.....

I'm not sure how you guys aren't used to this literally it's the same almost every year they will put a team on the field before game one but right now it's way way too soon to be worrying about this crap!! :facepalm: :oldcouple:


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All I can think is they are trying to clear money off the cap, then when the cap jumps and they have cleared space they can sign Dak, Parsons and Lamb
I had not thought of it this way but it makes sense. In other words, take one step backward to gain two steps. We may have a losing record for 2024 but in 2025 we can still have our core players, clean books, ton of cap space, and high draft picks. MM will be evaluated not on W/L record but on his ability to keep the team competitive or from quitting.