I think every fan as the right to critique any player on the current roster. It doesn't matter if the player is a quarterback, linebacker, running back, etc. What some of the Dak homers didn't realize was despite them posting endless propaganda threads on here, Dak got more hate than he would've otherwise, because of their hypocrisy and their willingness to bury other players that some fans like for the sake of propping their guy up. Then to go after cowboys Royalty like Aikman, Emmitt, and Irvin because of something to do about Dak, that seemed like the ultimate low. We heard crazy things like Aikman was average; that Dak would've won three superbowls on those teams and done better. That Emmitt had some sort of deminished mental capacity from taking one to many hits on the head, when he critized Dak, etc. Even Jimmy got some shade for saying that he wouldn't have re-signed Dak to that rideculous contract. The Irony is that Dak homers despite trying to change people minds ended up making people hate Dak more.