No Riley Cooper Thread?

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We don't know who he was referencing (the mass of males in attendance[which probably indicates an ignorant understanding of the word] or the sprinkled brothas in attendance[which probably indicates an ack bassword view on people]) so there is no point in making a big deal about it.
Does anybody in any context really use that word to reference men in general, regardless of race?


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think what you want. I don't think you listen or watch mainstream music or're a bit detached.

Set me straight then, sir. Since you seem to be aware of what mainstream music and tv is like.. do you say that word and find it acceptable because other people also say it?


Regular Joe....
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I think it was a mistake on his end to use the word, especially in PUBLIC. Though, I don't think anyone should freak out about this, for example I seen Skip Bayless say the Eagles should cut him. What a joke, Skip yet again being a moron.

Not sure if many people realize this, but the word is used very frequently especially among African American athletes in the locker room. Every football locker room I've been into you hear the word dropped casually like it's no big deal. Also don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's OK to use the word, but lets not freak out because the MAJORITY of the NFL use the word. The word is VERY popular among the younger generation(15-30 years of age).

The word has been used by other African Americans in locker rooms and other settings for 40 years and more. This very popular for ages 15 to 30 does not really hold water to me. At some point, you have to get past that and realize that one segment of the population can not use it liberally and another not be allowed to use it at all. The word has to leave the popular
vernacular all together.


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This. Now, I have been around a lot of people who have used it who are not black. There was a time when I would fight over it, but given the context of usage and the situations at hand I simply asked to not use it in my presence as I do take it a sign of disrespect. I've never had a problem with it since I've turned to this way of handling it. Now, if someone blatantly calls me it out of anger or display of superiority then that is a different story.

Well, the one or two times I've been around someone Caucasian who said it, she was saying it in try to recap a joke by a comedian. I just told her to stop before we had to have a conversation. There are boundaries and unless folks are willing to have an open dialogue about the word, the history of its use, why certain people CAN'T say it without repercussions, then they should refrain from using it, at all.
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You can't live in this country as an adult and not know the history. It would be unrealistic to think he wouldn't considering that there's a whole month dedicated to the history of African Americans.

That said, there is a double standard. It is what it is.. I personally don't use the word and prefer folks around me not to use it, but I definitely won't allow any of my Caucasian friends to use the word in the vein of, "well, black people do it, why can't I?" That would be an immediate termination of friendship. Maybe not termination, but we'd certainly have a talk that any further use around me would not be acceptable.

unfortunately, I believe many 24/25 year olds in this country are still children. I honestly don't believe many understand the whole history here.....they are insensitized to that word or others that are offensive due to our unfortunate culture. Not making excuses for anyone, not part of my vocabulary and although I think it hurts progress, I understand the double standard


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I hope the Eagles don't cut him....and I hope he dares come across the middle of the field. You cats on this forum that are not black don't get it. If he was trying to say he will take everybody or white....then perhaps I get what he was saying. But if he was trying to reference a black person or black people only...then he said exactly what he meant. And no apology will change that. You don't use that word as a white person for the first that means he has used it before....public or private. And this time he got caught. So getcha popcorn ready!


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But that's silly, saying something racist versus doing bodily harm to someone are two different things

Not really... what he said was altogether stupid. He could've used a totally different word. One beginning with M and I don't think anyone would've blinked at it. He introduced the racial context to an argument where it wasn't needed. Unless the security guard in which he was arguing with also fired back racially, then he was alone in his madness.


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The word has been used by other African Americans in locker rooms and other settings for 40 years and more. This very popular for ages 15 to 30 does not really hold water to me. At some point, you have to get past that and realize that one segment of the population can not use it liberally and another not be allowed to use it at all. The word has to leave the popular vernacular all together.


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Some of the responses here are so ridiculous.. lol. Good grief we have a long way to go..

All I'm saying is that it's like people are programmed to be "enraged" or "disgusted" when one of these stories comes out, without actually looking at the whole story.


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unfortunately, I believe many 24/25 year olds in this country are still children. I honestly don't believe many understand the whole history here.....they are insensitized to that word or others that are offensive due to our unfortunate culture. Not making excuses for anyone, not part of my vocabulary and although I think it hurts progress, I understand the double standard

Then we can agree to disagree, because I just don't believe 24-25 year olds aren't completely ignorant to the history of this country. 4-5 year olds maybe. But by the time, they hit 14-15, these kids know the dos and don'ts. 24-25 year olds are adults. period. and do not get a pass for the foolishness.
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Set me straight then, sir. Since you seem to be aware of what mainstream music and tv is like.. do you say that word and find it acceptable because other people also say it?

what are you talking about? Not looking to get into a debate for the sake of it. I even said we're probably alike in that we both find that language wrong. I'm trying to give a context of a different a hard line, closed mined posture if that's you


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All I'm saying is that it's like people are programmed to be "enraged" or "disgusted" when one of these stories comes out, without actually looking at the whole story.

Trying to be reasonable about what you posted though, you said would people's reaction be the same if he has said he wanted to fight "every guy there" and not "every (blank) there"?

Well of course it wouldnt' man, because you'd be completely changing the meaning of what he said, in that scenario.

If i said to you, "Hey man, i hate camels."
You change that to, "Hey man, i hate whites".

You don't think there's a difference there? That the main point that everyone should look at is just that i "hate" things?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
All I'm saying is that it's like people are programmed to be "enraged" or "disgusted" when one of these stories comes out, without actually looking at the whole story.

I know the whole story and still think what he said was stupid, how he said it was stupid, and why he said it was stupid. This isn't a guy who made a comment and what he said could be interpreted as something else, but people are taking it to the extreme. He said something out of his own mouth that was just highly inappropriate. He owned it...two months after the fact once it came out on youtube..but he owned it.


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Not really... what he said was altogether stupid. He could've used a totally different word. One beginning with M and I don't think anyone would've blinked at it. He introduced the racial context to an argument where it wasn't needed. Unless the security guard in which he was arguing with also fired back racially, then he was alone in his madness.
Right, but what I'm saying is that if he does use that M word then people don't even blink at the story, but the fact of the matter is he made a threat, in a clearly intoxicated state, but nobody cares to speak about the situation as a whole, they just care to wag their finger at some stupid young kid saying the no no word


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what are you talking about? Not looking to get into a debate for the sake of it. I even said we're probably alike in that we both find that language wrong. I'm trying to give a context of a different a hard line, closed mined posture if that's you

Im in that same age bracket that you are referencing.. and you're just wrong man. We aren't talking about children.. who may not know better. We're talking about grown men.. and we know better.


Regular Joe....
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All I'm saying is that it's like people are programmed to be "enraged" or "disgusted" when one of these stories comes out, without actually looking at the whole story.

You know, I don't entirely disagree with you here. Our society is so PC oriented that it's almost impossible not to get yourself in trouble. However, the truth of the matter is that the PC charged environment has some very serious consequences and it's simply too dangerous to even go there. I don't like it, I certainly do not think it's fair but it is the way people have decided to conduct the rules in our society. It's utterly ridiculous but the ramifications are just too harsh. Would be great if these attitudes would just go the way of the dino but too many people will not allow that to happen in this day and age. It's funny and sad at the same time.

Whomever said we still have a long way to go is absolutely right.


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And now we have Michael Vick's brother, Marcus, supposedly offering a 1k bounty reward to any safety or linebacker who "lights him up".Stupid is as stupid does follows stupid is as stupid does.


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Trying to be reasonable about what you posted though, you said would people's reaction be the same if he has said he wanted to fight "every guy there" and not "every (blank) there"?

Well of course it wouldnt' man, because you'd be completely changing the meaning of what he said, in that scenario.

If i said to you, "Hey man, i hate camels."
You change that to, "Hey man, i hate whites".

You don't think there's a difference there? That the main point that everyone should look at is just that i "hate" things?

But what I'm saying is there should be no difference, threatening to beat someone is a threat to beat someone though and through, how you said it shouldn't really be a big deal.

If it was like a sit down interview with Cooper just speaking his mind about racist things in general (ala Edward Furlong in American History X) then yeah it should be a news story concerned only with race, but there's so much more to it.
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