No Riley Cooper Thread?

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Galian Beast

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There's the over the top reaction we were waiting for..

How is it over the top? He's asserted himself as a racist. Which I don't think the Eagles and the NFL should condone. Or should they?

Or is it not racist to say that? Let me know which part I missed.


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In my experience living throughout the South (certainly not to single the South out; obviously this incident happened in Philadelphia), being under the influence alcohol and not being in "mixed company" is when you tend to hear just how comfortable white folks are using racial slurs, and indeed their true thoughts on people of different races. So I must admit, I'm not so sure if I believe all of Cooper's remarks that he's never used the N-word before, that he wasn't brought up this way, etc. However, I was impressed by his apology. He seemed genuinely contrite and ashamed, and he didn't equivocate at all. So my inclination to take him at his word. Obviously it was just plain stupid of him to say what he did in public as a celebrity in today's social media/camera phone world. You just can't do it.

The fact that this word is so prevalent in pop culture (and just look at random Twitter/YouTube comments) is a factor in this word's continued use, and sometimes it's hard to know whether someone means in it in a truly hateful manner. Black friends/acquaintances that I've spoken with regarding this subject have expressed different views on its use in hip-hop culture, etc. I do wish we could just eliminate the use of this word (as well as a few others) outside of academic study, and seemingly the best way for that to happen is for everyone to stop using it, and just leave it to the hateful racists to use in each others' company. But this particular word does have a long history in our country, and I think that some white folks need to realize that there's a reason a certain double standard exists when it comes to the word.

I do think Michael Vick took the right approach to this as team leader, accepting Riley's apparently sincere apology and encouraging the team to accept it, and even standing up for Riley as a person. I don't think that every player in that locker room will be as quick to forgive Riley (especially newer players that don't know him much), and it's probably fair to accept that fact, but I think most players on the team would be inclined to take Vick's lead. I guess we'll hear more reaction in the coming days. The comments I heard from Vick on ESPN represented a very intelligent, mature view of this matter. My respect for Vick went up a bit.

Also, Marcus Vick's comments aside (no way he has a thousand dollars), I don't envy Riley Cooper during crossing routes this season.


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How is it over the top? He's asserted himself as a racist. Which I don't think the Eagles and the NFL should condone. Or should they?

Or is it not racist to say that? Let me know which part I missed.

Everybody makes mistakes.. no, saying what he did that one time doesn't make him a racist.

You've done something similar in your past.. its just easier to be a hypocrite about it for many people.

Galian Beast

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Everybody makes mistakes.. no, saying what he did that one time doesn't make him a racist.

You've done something similar in your past.. its just easier to be a hypocrite about it for many people.

That isn't a mistake. Cutting someone off in traffic is a mistake. And no, I've never done anything like that in my past.


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I once knew someone who had immigrated to the U.S. as a teenager. I swear the first word of English he learned was that word, probably through hip hop lyrics. He would use it nearly constantly to refer to just about anyone and anything regardless of race or ethnicity. It took a very long time to get him to stop saying the word. He just didn't get the meaning of it other than as something rappers used for various purposes and it just reflexively came out his mouth as something that cool people said.

Clearly though, Cooper didn't immigrate to this country last week. He knows what the word means and I doubt he just started using it yesterday. Waiting for revelations of his past use of the word to come out over the next couple of days.


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That isn't a mistake. Cutting someone off in traffic is a mistake. And no, I've never done anything like that in my past.

You can say you haven't.. but you've done something in your past, however small you might feel it was, where you actively discriminated against someone or some group of people or made some kind of insensitve remark about someone(s). I'll leave it at that.. thankfully, God is more forgiving than some of you.

Cutting him just because he said that one time? Hell, Josh Brent killed a man and i didn't see you on the board outraged calling for his head.


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I once knew someone who had immigrated to the U.S. as a teenager. I swear the first word of English he learned was that word, probably through hip hop lyrics. He would use it nearly constantly to refer to just about anyone and anything regardless of race or ethnicity. It took a very long time to get him to stop saying the word. He just didn't get the meaning of it other than as something rappers used for various purposes and it just reflexively came out his mouth as something that cool people said.

Clearly though, Cooper didn't immigrate to this country last week. He knows what the word means and I doubt he just started using it yesterday. Waiting for revelations of his past use of the word to come out over the next couple of days.

On a lighter note.. the story about that person you once knew reminds me of the movie Stripes.. if you have ever seen that movie ha.


Drunken Mick
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You cats on this forum that are not black don't get it.

If I said "you folks on this forum that are not white wouldn't get it"
what do you think the response I'd recieve would be? Probably not positive. So lets not pretend it takes race to understand how Cooper was wrong to say it.


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yes seriously. Based on the music and television content 24 year olds gravitate towards these days, this and other offensive words are used freely. I'm not talking 60+ yr olds.

If you are talking about rap music, ummm no. What he said and what they are saying are two totally different things. But I won't go into that. He sounds like a redneck at a redneck country concert who lost his cool. But he knew what he was saying.

Oh, and Marcus Vick has already offered a $1,000 bounty to any opposing defensive player who takes him out. That dude is just a low life idiot. He would be a nobody without his brother. He never amounted to anything at all.


Drunken Mick
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Does anybody believe they cut him if Maclin is healthy?


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I dont care that he said the N word or that anyone else says it. America is suppose to be about free speech, so when a black says it its ok and when a white guy says it I am not troubled.

When group words offend you the establishment is enslaving you properly. Think about the power some word holds on your mind or how many are afraid of it? Just because the media highlights something doesnt mean you should be thought controlled. Every "important" newsworthy event is meant to guide our thinking into the collective.

Being strong is not allowing words to be self fullfilled prophecy.

"Habit is thus the enormous fly-wheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance, and saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor. "
William James
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow you can't be this ignorant. He was obviously saying it in a derogatory fashion to a black security guard.

I could give you thousands of links to rap music videos where this word is used w/o hesitation. Why does this not make front page headlines? I hate the word and racism in every way. Treating people differently because of their race is racism so for folks to have a problem when a caucasian person uses this word but not when a black person does, to me, is racism in itself.
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If you are talking about rap music, ummm no. What he said and what they are saying are two totally different things. But I won't go into that. He sounds like a redneck at a redneck country concert who lost his cool. But he knew what he was saying.

Oh, and Marcus Vick has already offered a $1,000 bounty to any opposing defensive player who takes him out. That dude is just a low life idiot. He would be a nobody without his brother. He never amounted to anything at all.

don't understand why you don't think the term "redneck" isn't racist. Its definition: Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the southern United States.

Concerning but comical at the same time that you use a racist word to explain why someone shouldn't have used a racist word. Geeze


Kane Ala
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If you call yourself something derogatory then that's your right. If you call someone else a derogatory label then that's not ok. So there is a difference in a black using that word and a non-black.

It's a word which should go away though and won't as long as its being used so frequently. Everyone looks the same when you open them up. The melanin content of one's skin is irrelevant other than the true purpose it serves which is photoprotection from UVB radiation damage.


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I could give you thousands of links to rap music videos where this word is used w/o hesitation. Why does this not make front page headlines? I hate the word and racism in every way. Treating people differently because of their race is racism so for folks to have a problem when a caucasian person uses this word but not when a black person does, to me, is racism in itself.

In rap videos it is used as a term of endearment (-a ending) as opposed to the way riley said (-er ending). Come on dude you're better than this. Do I really have to explain this to you?
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