Jerry Jones coming up on CBS This Morning


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every single 'contender' in the NFL right now has a GM that is not the owner
so i would centend that your statement is inaccurate

not 'automatically' but it is clear that to be in the conversation, that is a necessity

4 teams in the NFL have recently had owners be very hands on in personnel decision-making


the collective records of these teams should tell you something

You are spot on. Jerry apologists kill me with their "having a GM does not guarantee that you'll contend" comments.

In a way they are right, but it sure as heck improves your chances. Just having a full time GM would be reap benefits for the Cowboys. Jerry's simply a part time GM. He's not putting his full effort into making the Cowboys better on the field. He's distracted by business decisions, ownership responsibilities, commercials, radio shows, etc.

He's probably putting in 7 hours a day as GM whereas the typical NFL GM is spending 12-14 hours a day concentrating on his job. It's evident that the Cowboys are way behind the power curve when you consider that.


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every single 'contender' in the NFL right now has a GM that is not the owner
so i would centend that your statement is inaccurate

not 'automatically' but it is clear that to be in the conversation, that is a necessity

WoW. Now that's what i call a scientifically sound reasoning.


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he also said he's not giving up the GM duties, said there are advantages to having upper mgmt and "the man who writes the checks" as close as possible. also he hopes to be doing this for another 15-20 years.

Say it ain't so :(


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He's probably putting in 15 minutes a day as GM whereas the typical NFL GM is spending 12-14 hours a day concentrating on his job. It's evident that the Cowboys are way behind the power curve when you consider that.

He does the GM thing over the 1st bourbon at 1245pm. Then its off to rap practice by 1pm.


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i found this to be a very strange quote and made me question his sanity.

With all the criticism Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones gets, you'd think that he'd avoid all outlets for fans and critics to sound off him, especially sports talk radio. But no, the opposite is true.

Jones said he listens to more sports talk radio than anyone, because he takes an odd joy in hearing people rip him.

“I think I love the pain,” Jones said Monday on “CBS This Morning." “Certainly, criticism hurts, but it, boy – fuels your ambition. It makes me think, ‘I wanna show them.’”

That's a little odd, but Jones kept going down the sadistic road with "CBS This Morning," with quotes coming from the Star Telegram's Cowboys blog. He recalled a visit to the doctor's office after a tough Cowboys loss.

“I was doing a lot of blood work, and they said, ‘We want to be sure and get this nurse in that really knows how to be gentle and get it done quickly on the first time,’ “ Jones said. “And I said, ‘This morning, I need one that needs to try 10 times. I want some pain.’”

Jones' critics will happily point out that he hasn't had to look very far to find pain, considering his franchise has just one playoff win since the end of the 1996 season.

Whatever barbs you have for Jones and how he has run the Cowboys, just make sure he can hear you. He enjoys that kind of thing.​

The only way he's going to change is if you take money out of his pockets. That's it. Fly banners, boo him, curse him on radio, etc....etc. he feeds off it.


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I am still hoping to see the roof opened when we get to the next Super Bowl held in JerryWorld (JW) ..and watch the parachutist glide in thru the roof and onto the star at the 50. There Jerry takes off the chute in front of the crowd and addresses us.


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Or maybe have a helicopter above and attach Jerry to a line that drops him softly....again...on the 50 yard line. Yes I like it. CBS and all the networks will capture this!


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He's probably putting in 7 hours a day as GM whereas the typical NFL GM is spending 12-14 hours a day concentrating on his job. It's evident that the Cowboys are way behind the power curve when you consider that.

7 hours a day?!? Jerry might put 7 hours in per week in his capacity of GM. He's doing commercials, playing with his buddies, making real estate and marketing deals, giving tours of the Jerry dome to celebrities...come on. This guy at most puts in 15 sober hours a week running football operations.


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7 hours a day?!? Jerry might put 7 hours in per week in his capacity of GM. He's doing commercials, playing with his buddies, making real estate and marketing deals, giving tours of the Jerry dome to celebrities...come on. This guy at most puts in 15 sober hours a week running football operations.

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.


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i found this to be a very strange quote and made me question his sanity.

The only way he's going to change is if you take money out of his pockets. That's it. Fly banners, boo him, curse him on radio, etc....etc. he feeds off it.

Jerry is weird. He says the dumbest things. If you can even figure out what he's saying that is.


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7 hours a day?!? Jerry might put 7 hours in per week in his capacity of GM. He's doing commercials, playing with his buddies, making real estate and marketing deals, giving tours of the Jerry dome to celebrities...come on. This guy at most puts in 15 sober hours a week running football operations.

I actually don't think Jerry has 15 SOBER hours in his week.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Here is the video if anyone has the intestinal fortitude to watch it. This man is delusional :(



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Here is the video if anyone has the intestinal fortitude to watch it. This man is delusional :(

I've heard before that part of the reason these millionaires/billionaires buy professional teams is so they can be famous. I believe that because JJ was a millionaire before he bought the Cowboys and no one knew who he was, you can also say the same for Mark Cuban. I've seen people getting JJ autographs on dollar bill at games, when have you ever seen an oil man or computer wiz that has made millions give autographs? probably never. Being the owner of the Cowboys has really stroked his ego like nothing else ever has.

JJ has turned into a fame *****, he gives post game press conferences because he wants to be the face and only face of the franchise. If he'd only remember that the 2 times he wasn't seen as the face of the Cowboys he had the most success (Jimmy and Bill eras). Who am I kidding Jerry doesn't care as much about team success than he does about his Q rating and ringing cash registers.

His comparison to hitting a gusher after coming up dry on other attempts really does emulate what he's trying to do on the football field, he wants to find a way into the playoffs and catch lightning in a bottle and hopefully that propels us to a super bowl win.

All you can do is just shake you head at this interview.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I've heard before that part of the reason these millionaires/billionaires buy professional teams is so they can be famous. I believe that because JJ was a millionaire before he bought the Cowboys and no one knew who he was, you can also say the same for Mark Cuban. I've seen people getting JJ autographs on dollar bill at games, when have you ever seen an oil man or computer wiz that has made millions give autographs? probably never. Being the owner of the Cowboys has really stroked his ego like nothing else ever has.

JJ has turned into a fame *****, he gives post game press conferences because he wants to be the face and only face of the franchise. If he'd only remember that the 2 times he wasn't seen as the face of the Cowboys he had the most success (Jimmy and Bill eras). Who am I kidding Jerry doesn't care as much about team success than he does about his Q rating and ringing cash registers.

His comparison to hitting a gusher after coming up dry on other attempts really does emulate what he's trying to do on the football field, he wants to find a way into the playoffs and catch lightning in a bottle and hopefully that propels us to a super bowl win.

All you can do is just shake you head at this interview.

Yea, I could not care less about these guys who want to be in the limelight. In Oxnard this past August, Jerry was giving high fives and signing stuff right in front of me. My reaction, get out of the way, I can't see the field!

I am not one who goes gaga over celebrities. They do not care who I am so why should I care? I have gotten four autographs in my time due to me not being able to control myself over them....Darryl Strawberry, Emmitt Smith, Olajuwon and Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer only because I had to find a way to get in there :) The wife wasn't too happy because she is the one celebrity who I would allowed to be with if (never) possible :D

Heck, Troy Aikman and three of his friends ate at Denny's soon after a Thanksgiving game in the booth next to us. All I did was steal his coffee mug when he left and have it to this day. He wasn't very friendly/talkative but did say hello. After he noticed I dipped too, he became a bit more relaxed and we discussed which was better, skoal or copenhagen. I never asked for a picture or autograph and I think he appreciated it, who knows.

As for Jerry, I want to apologize to all Raider fans I have given grief too over the years for Al. Please, show some mercy back :D


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I think Cowboys fans tend to make the mistake of assuming that Jerry doesn't know how bad of a GM he is. I think he actually knows full well how bad he is and just doesn't care.

There was a point in his life when he cared enough to succumb to the pressure (when he hired Parcells), but at this stage of his life he just wants to play with his toy. He didn't buy it to let someone else play with it.

If you told Jerry he could have one more Super Bowl ring doing it "his way", or three more letting someone else come in and take the reigns, he would choose one his way every day of the week. He's not stepping aside until he's dead.