Video: Is the end near for Tony Romo?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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It's funny that Dez has back problems but it's never talked about.

It HAS been talked about.

If it has not been talked about, nobody would know...including you.

However none of his back injuries have required surgery....yet and he is also much younger than football years.:)


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It HAS been talked about.

If it has not been talked about, nobody would know...including you.

However none of his back injuries have required surgery....yet and he is also much younger than football years.:)

You know what I meant. It hasn't been talked about much. I think in reality, Dez has missed more game time due to his back than Romo has. And just so you don't take this so literal, regular season game time.


Hold The Door!
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Is it really going out on a limb to say Romo is closer to the end than the beginning?
Is Mike Florio prediction accurate? It's an opinion. I wish Tony well for the sake of this season and the next...
but i'm not sure that he can overcome this adversity. But that's what the field is for......
show it...... the field is the show........

Here's to Romo playing well and staying healthy.


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I predicted about the same thing, only that Romo won't be a starter by 2015.


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to start with a cyst is NOT a back injury. So he has not had multiple back injuries. This so called article whatever is a perfect example of the garbage that passes for so called sports journalism today
I seriously doubt his first back surgery was a "cyst" removal. I think that was a cover up. And this is from someone who is a TOTAL Tony Romo fan. I have said numerous times on this board that if we had 52 other playmakers like Romo...we would have won a Super Bowl by now. In fact...if you recall...Aikman predicted Romo would win multiple Super Bowls. Of course that is just one man's opinion. But I think AIkman made that statement based on the talent and playmaking ability he saw in Romo. And truth be told...2007 will ALWAYS be a year this organization and knowledgeable Cowboy fans will wonder "what if". This entire organization..from the top down...would look a whole lot different...had we capitalized on that opportunity. If you go back and read/listen to the Giants after they won the Super Bowl that year....many of them are on record saying Dallas was the toughest opponent they faced that postseason. But I digress.....


I'm not dead yet......
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I'm glad to see some of you are coming to grips with reality, and it's not the end of the world, we will draft a blue chip QB in the spring and all will be well.


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anything bad about Tony you cheer. Hope you are proud of yourself.

We've seen the same BS from Romo for 8 years. I think we have the right to hate Romo as a player by now. You damn right I don't like Romo and I have 8 years of disappointment to show for.


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Silly question, no doubt he is closer to the end than the begining. In terms of his back issue that is a wait and see. I think the fact Johnny Football was even on our radar screen indicates that the Cowboys do understand the situation and while we may have not drafted a QB this year I do suspect they look to draft one within the next year or 2. In the meantime I know people have dismissed Weeden, myself I have not. He is still an inexperianced QB at this level and like many will have his up's and down's given the amont of work he has gotten in camp I think these pre season games will give a glimps of his progress or lack of.


Hold The Door!
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Silly question, no doubt he is closer to the end than the begining. In terms of his back issue that is a wait and see. I think the fact Johnny Football was even on our radar screen indicates that the Cowboys do understand the situation and while we may have not drafted a QB this year I do suspect they look to draft one within the next year or 2. In the meantime I know people have dismissed Weeden, myself I have not. He is still an inexperianced QB at this level and like many will have his up's and down's given the amont of work he has gotten in camp I think these pre season games will give a glimps of his progress or lack of.

Weeden is closer to the end than the beginning as well... and he just got here.:D


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Weeden is closer to the end than the beginning as well... and he just got here.:D

Staubach was closer to the end than the begining age wise when he became the QB. I do think the minimal time Weeden has spent playing QB in college and now Pros is a benifet to him health wise, it is not as if he has been taking a pounding over the course of years. It is not the age of the car it is the milage that gets you


Hold The Door!
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Staubach was closer to the end than the begining age wise when he became the QB. I do think the minimal time Weeden has spent playing QB in college and now Pros is a benifet to him health wise, it is not as if he has been taking a pounding over the course of years. It is not the age of the car it is the milage that gets you

I didn't dispute what you said, I was just making a joke reference on his age... although I'm not big on Weeden... I do agree that if he gains experience and works hard he can out play my expectations.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know what I meant. It hasn't been talked about much. I think in reality, Dez has missed more game time due to his back than Romo has. And just so you don't take this so literal, regular season game time.

Yes I know what you are talking about.

Go to any thread that deals with giving Dez a new contract and chances are you will find someone say...Well it is a good idea but I am worried about his back.

Just because it is not talked about in the Press, does not mean it is not talked about. :cool:


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I didn't dispute what you said, I was just making a joke reference on his age... although I'm not big on Weeden... I do agree that if he gains experience and works hard he can out play my expectations.

If he can develop then he helps buy time if needed. He was selected a 1st based on skill level not his looks, weather or not he can develop those skills at this level we will see but 2 year in Cleveland is not going to tell you much.


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With the Oline we have I could see 4 at least, that would be 38. These Days thats not that old.

I love how they bring up Aikman and injuries, he retired in 2000/ 2001, 13 years of medical advancement, player protection and Rule changes have extended careers. Why don't they bring up Booby Miles torn ACL and how it ended his career in high school when talking about AP? Because of medical advancement! Tommy Johns surgery was a career ender 10-15 years ago, now its nothing!

I wouldn't be surprised if he had 4 either. At this point, I wouldn't be shocked one way or the other. I just hope he retires a Cowboy.


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I find it so funny that people hang on every word that comes from the media and then they get super cereal mad about something they disagree with. This is why I refuse to watch ESPN anymore. I watch games and make my own mind up by what I see and not some pencil pusher who couldn't lift 4 pounds if he wanted to.

I'm definetly not going to watch this video. Sounds bad.


Cowboys Diehard
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Lotsa folks are making predictions about Romo's future but I'm betting none of them are clairavoyant nor are very likely to have a crystal ball that can accurately predict future events. Media types are paid good wages to offer their opinions and they're sure not hesitant to do so. That doesn't make them any more qualified than you and I or the garbage collector to foretell Tony's fate. Those totally dedicated to the unfettered truth should probably just scratch their head and admit they have no ability to foresee the future.


Hold The Door!
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we could use the force right now.


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Those who can't see he's in the final twilight of his career are in denial.

I agree, also JJ could have gotten better production from Romo if he built a line and D for the guy. We were too busy trading for scrubs like Roy Willams and Mo. If we had 2 of those picks back there wold be 2 more starters on D at positions of need DE and LB.


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I wouldn't worry about Tony.

On the train to SD he wasn't having any trouble shuffling those cards.