Josh Brent?


Well-Known Member
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1) Lilly
1-A) Manster
3) Jethro Pugh
5) Rat
4) Glover

Honorable Mentions:
Leon Lett
Tony Casillas
John Dutton
Don Smerek pre-gunshot to the chest.

I think Leon Lett was the most gifted athlete on that list but only tapped some of his ability.


The Boognish
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golden cock is better than Brent..

I have to disagree. Brent wasn't getting pushed around by double teams and it you single blocked him on the pass rush someone was going for a ride.

Teams all year and in the playoffs single blocked Hayden and he failed even at that a lot giving ground and being turned. He did not get off blocks either most of the tackles he got were from after the runner was past him and he is trying to drag them down from behind. Sometimes this was well downfield. At least he hustles!

Hayden's work on the nickle is one of the more frustrating things I have ever experienced. I invite you to go put in the second half of that GB playoff loss and look at his performance. He got isolation after isolation and failed. Opposing OL know he sucks and pick on him game after game. He gets decleated a lot.

Brent might not be great but he is better than that.


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Brent is a much better player than Hayden, but he is far from being a top quality starter that some fans have made him out to be. He has some talent and he is strong. Those two qualities should make him the starter if he stays healthy.


Cowboys Diehard
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Brent is strictly a 1-tech that isn't highly desirable in Marinelli's view of things. He has next to nothing to offer as far as passrush ability is concerned -- something that Marinelli values greatly. I'd be a bit surprised if he was anything more than a rotational guy that sees limited action at best. There will be DTs available in the upcoming draft that should have enough run plugging and passrush ability to merit more action in Marinelli's system.


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Josh Brent. Drafted in 2010. Entering what would be year 6 of his NFL career. Evidently still filled with incredible untapped potential...

If you're a repeat drunk and killed someone you apparently have a lot of untapped potential on CZ because "which of us hasn't done that"? :rolleyes:


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Brent is strictly a 1-tech that isn't highly desirable in Marinelli's view of things. He has next to nothing to offer as far as passrush ability is concerned -- something that Marinelli values greatly. I'd be a bit surprised if he was anything more than a rotational guy that sees limited action at best. There will be DTs available in the upcoming draft that should have enough run plugging and passrush ability to merit more action in Marinelli's system.

Your description kinda tits Hayden as well. At least Brent has power at the POA. An upgrade is really needed, but the team doesn't show any interest in it.


Loud pipes saves lives.
Reaction score
1) Lilly
1-A) Manster
3) Jethro Pugh
5) Rat
4) Glover

Honorable Mentions:
Leon Lett
Tony Casillas
John Dutton
Don Smerek pre-gunshot to the chest.

No love for Larry Cole...then and


Well-Known Member
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you clearly never watched Glover if you think Rat was better

Yes, I don't get all the Rat love. He had a good couple of years and then was lost (while crying about Rob Ryan wanting to move him) for a few and then faked being hurt. I'll take Brent over an injury faker any day no matter the talent.


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Lets say we don't get a good DT in the draft or if we do, he needs a year to get accustomed to the NFL. I have been thinking about our D line and keep thinking Hardy, even though he's really good, is going to need help along the line or he's just going to be the focus of the O line on every play. I know everyone on here is already aware of this but my question surrounds Josh Brent and his ability. I mean, is he better than Rat or just a guy? I always considered him a good player with a lot of potential. Just curious what your thoughts are on Brent and his ability........

Is Brent better than Rat? Simple answer: no.

But just to be clear, Brent and Rat played two different positions in the 43, and had different responsibilities. Brent is the 1-tech and Rat is the 3-tech. So for Brent to be effective in Marinelli's scheme he doesn't have to be Rat.


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Rat was completely overrated here. He constantly wore down at the end of the games and at the end of seasons. The fact that he would not play any other position except NT was idiotic.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think Brent is the holding card of the Cowboys playing deck in the DL.

Like with Spencer..Brent needs time to healup and get into football shape.

I think letting Spencer go was about keeping Brent..most definitely.

But Dallas isn't going to publicize it because of all the negative pub they would get.

We'll be fine.

I have no doubt they are going to draft defense on every round to help Marrinelli get some live bodies on defense.

The offense is busting at the seams with talent.

How is there a connection between Spencer and Brent?