Tom Brady suspended for four games


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Once piece of evidence is that the persons accused of deflating balls actually admitted to deflating balls in text messages to one another. Then those same people offered up ridiculous stories to explain what are otherwise easily understandable texts.

oh yeah and all the balls were under-inflated


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I am not Pats or Tom Brady fan. but Roger Goodell is out of control. once again he went to far with his power. 4 games. a million dollar fine. and a first and 4th round pick for this. you have got to be kidding me. i am going to be fair even if i am a cowboys fan. Greg Hardy will miss 27 games for messing up 1 time. and now this over reach. this guy needs to be fired. he has been nothing but trouble.


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I agree but I would add that I don't see it going to court. If it goes to court, Brady risks having to turn over his texts and emails which will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole thing came from him.
I'm not sure that's the case. I think the court would only be determining whether the NFL had the authority to enforce the suspension, not engaging a fact finding endeavor.

Risen Star

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I can't even imagine how pissed I'd be if my team lost a 1st and 4th round pick because of deflating footballs.


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Imagine the NFL Thursday season opener against Pittsburgh....with Jimmy Garropolo.

It well be a long night for Patriots hands. This won't die ever, and Spygate just found new life.

Watch New England drop to 5-11 and lose a heck of a draft pick.


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I keep seeing this thrown around but people don't understand why that phrasing was used. The "more probable than not" also known as a "preponderance of the evidence" is the wording used in civil cases. "Beyond a reasonable doubt" is used in criminal cases.

The league actually operated under the concept of "beyond a reasonable doubt" before Goodell changed the requirements "to preserve the competitive integrity of the league" and "maintain public confidence."

And he changed it because of the Patriots. After....get this...spygate.

thanks for the info, appreciated, its easier to get the heads up from people who follow it more closely than i do, rather than read the media reports


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We all have teams we dislike for whatever the reason. We might actually hate a team. But, when people talk about the Patriots we refer to them as cheaters. I think the integrity of the game must be first and foremost and the Patriots need to realize why the public perception of them has been tainted.


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I can't even imagine how pissed I'd be if my team lost a 1st and 4th round pick because of deflating footballs.

Probably pissed enough for you to miss all the board action for a 3 - 5 day span because you were hospitalized with an irregular heartbeat and highly volatile blood pressure.


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those telling me to read the report, no thanks, i dont have time or to be honest the inclination, hence the reason i asked what evidence do they have.

I hope this stops people crying about goodell being krafts puppet anyway.

The evidence they have is this. The equipment guy basically stole the footballs from the officials room before he was given permission to take them to the field. When asked about it, he lied and said he went straight to the field. They showed him video of him taking the balls into a bathroom for a minute and forty seconds. He then said he went in to use the urinal but there is no urinal in that bathroom so he lied again. Then they have his texts with the clubhouse guy talking about get signed goodies from Brady for deflating his footballs. He actually called himself the deflator. You don't need anything else. Video evidence of the balls being taken into a room before the game. Numerous lies from the guy handling the balls and said guy getting free signed Brady gear. When put together, it's obvious what happened.


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Surprised by the length of the suspension as I thought it would be 2 games. Figured Brady wouldn't appeal.

I still see it being reduced to 2 games especially since Goodell and the League's decisions are arbitrary and capricious. There is no rhyme or reason behind the suspensions they hand out (with the exception of drug infractions or PED's).

Surprised by the 4 games but not at all with the fine or taking of picks from the Pats.


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It is an interesting correlational analysis.

But you would have to provide some additional support here - yes, the Pats fumble rate is unusually low. Is that due to deflated footballs? Is it due to having a coach who won't tolerate fumbles? Some combination of factors? We don't know

I agree there are many variables that have to be included and no study has done that or has been able to do that up to this point. Did Belichick tolerate fumbles from 2000 to 2006?


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It is an interesting correlational analysis.

But you would have to provide some additional support here - yes, the Pats fumble rate is unusually low. Is that due to deflated footballs? Is it due to having a coach who won't tolerate fumbles? Some combination of factors? We don't know

Well if there is a causation relationship between rate of fumbling and ball deflation, it should show up in future fumbling statistics for the Patriots where they are no longer an outlier going forward (assuming the Patriots are not audacious enough to try deflating the balls again). This may be one of those things that 5 years from now you look at the past stats and can see a clear break between pre and post deflate-gate. Of course, if such statistical evidence ever does show up it will look even more damning for the Patriots as it will support the notion that not only did they cheat but that the cheating had a material impact on the game, in which case the asterisks on their Superbowl only grows larger.


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I'm not sure that's the case. I think the court would only be determining whether the NFL had the authority to enforce the suspension, not engaging a fact finding endeavor.

How in the world could the nfl not have the authority to enforce the suspension? The reduced suspensions as of late were due to the league applying the current rules to issues that occurred before the rules were in place. That is not the case here. The league has spelled out exactly what the suspension is for and this happened after the new rules were in place.