News: Bob Sturm: Why I was so wrong about Cowboys coach Jason Garrett

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True...and, some need to remember that you can be the best at what you do, but if you don't have the proper tools (players) no matter how smart you are, you will fail. Well, Garrett has the proper tools now going forward (coaches and players) and from what we saw last year, it seems to be working.

Also, when Garrett took over with all the broken rusty tools he inherited, the team never had a losing season. That has to tell you something right there.

That is clearly part of it putting a team together. It does not happen overnight. Has Garrett made mistakes sure all coaches do and it took year 4 to see results but then there are many great HC where it took time before results happened. Right now I'm not going to claim Garrett as one of the great coaches in the NFL, I think he has made big strides but like anything it is all about consistency. 1 winning season is a beginning greatness is putting great season together where is becomes expected.
Hate to say it but for some they are so locked in on their own personal dislike of Garrett that no amount of winning will change their views. Pretty much a lost cause.


Outta bounds
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Yah, Im going to bow out of the conversation with you. If you didnt even know that Garrett has been the OC here, then the conversation is over.

I agree. Probably is a good idea for you to tuck tail.

I think you have too many disagreements going on for you to keep up with them all, apparently.

Either that or simply very weak sauce that you're spooning out.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just say you're confused.


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I think this is a vital element that some observers avoid when critiquing coaches. Regardless of the sport, much of a coach's success or failure depends upon how effective players can produce results or even to what degree their talent can translate efficiently. In the case of football, reducing or totally subtracting a roster's attitude and effort lends itself towards an overall poor coaching evaluation.

Of course, all of these men in the NFL know a lot more about this game than arm chair QB give them credit for, the key is getting through to your team having them buy into what you are doing. And not just players but the front office.


The Boognish
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You can tell Garrett feels more confident. He is very good at taking over a room so to speak. You see it in his press conferences the last two years where not so much before that. An added benefit for me as least has been him deviating off the canned Garrettisms and him speaking to all manner of subjects.

He talked in one of the early pressers about how he had all the coaches give presentations on their scheme/group/etc to all the other coaches. You have to think that last year with Callahan in the room and his outcast way, we didn't get that last year. I still think it at the root of why we turned the ball over so much on playaction and why hybrid plays like screens and such were easily sniffed out. That and of course blitz and stunt pickup. Callahan wasn't exactly doing Linehan favors is my thinking. His run game was world class though.

Very interested to see how it all shakes out.


Here comes the Sun...
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Of course, all of these men in the NFL know a lot more about this game than arm chair QB give them credit for, the key is getting through to your team having them buy into what you are doing. And not just players but the front office.

One characteristic that I like about Garrett is...he played on champion teams. He knows what Cowboy football should be like. He knows the pressure cooker that the Cowboys are always in. He knows how to motivate his players. He has the passion to get this team back to being competitive each and every year. He may never win a SB...but there is not a person on the planet that knows if he will or he won't. My bet is that he will...


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I think a man who deserves a lot of credit is Jerry, given how upset fans were after a 3rd 8-8 season and missing post season on the last weekend no one would have blamed Jerry had he pulled the plug on Garrett. He didn't


Here comes the Sun...
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You can tell Garrett feels more confident. He is very good at taking over a room so to speak. You see it in his press conferences the last two years where not so much before that. An added benefit for me as least has been him deviating off the canned Garrettisms and him speaking to all manner of subjects.

He talked in one of the early pressers about how he had all the coaches give presentations on their scheme/group/etc to all the other coaches. You have to think that last year with Callahan in the room and his outcast way, we didn't get that last year. I still think it at the root of why we turned the ball over so much on playaction and why hybrid plays like screens and such were easily sniffed out. That and of course blitz and stunt pickup. Callahan wasn't exactly doing Linehan favors is my thinking. His run game was world class though.

Very interested to see how it all shakes out.

Nice...when I read the he talked to his coaches on both sides of the ball, he wanted to make sure that one unit will help the other out in time of possession. And, all his coaches agreed on how to make that happen. This team is not just a Cowboy offense against a Cowboy defense, it is a team that are trying to help each other out.

The offense is trying to keep the defense off the field and fresh while scoring, and the defense wants to get the ball back as fast as they can. It's a philosophy that he teaches and even the older coaches agree. It's going to be fun to see...


Here comes the Sun...
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Garrett made him an offer he couldn't refuse. It's call "The Process" I believe.

And, really, that is exactly what it is. This team needed to start all over, that's how bad the teams of the past were aside from a few pro-bowlers.


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These are your words:
Perhaps you intended on phrasing it differently..?

No, it is all phrased exactly as I have said it many times. Maybe you chose to interpret it to your liking. Or maybe you pick out one element of a point and try to create an angle.


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8.6.7."Has" not "will." Visible results are my criteria. Garrett took a team that had surrendered under Phillips and gutted out the season. Inspirational. Garrett did not allow the team to regress while instituting his coaching philosophy. Sustainability. Garrett oversaw the team take a progressive leap forward in prolonged successful player execution. Proficiency. These are qualities which a coach can (and in this case has) elevate the overall play of his team. The answer is yes.
Who knows? There are nights when fighting ceases in the Gaza Strip every blue moon. Anything's possible.

EDIT #1: Added "and gutted out the season"

EDIT #2: Added "the answer is yes"

Ok, well yah, we are far off.

1. Walk around head coach I give him a 7 for last year. Solid job with what he was asked to do. Clearly got better with less responsibility and he is no longer asked to handle the offense, which he clearly wasnt good at.

2. OC=3 Personally I have never seen anyone so bad or so overwhelmed with a job. He made rookie mistakes for 7 years and made them over and over again. If he was still the OC, I would have concerns he would still me making the same mistakes. 12-4 no way.

3. Pre-2014 These kind of go together. I will give him a 4.5. He seems to have Jerry's ear more then a Wade did, but the OC thing absolutely killed him. As it did Wade. Garrett took over a team that went 11-5 and made the playoffs the prior year that got off to a bad start with injuries. And certainly his horrid play calling attributed to that.

As far as developing or being a great HC it would take more than 1 good year for the team for me to be convinced of this. And certainly a guy that we have already seen has problems handling an offense and makes horrid mistakes in no way can possibly get credit for a one year turnaround. Certainly considering what a huge difference his replacement on offense made to the team and the record. In my mind, more of the credit goes to Jerry and the other people he has brought in around Garrett. And those people that are actually doing the job of drafting the talent and coaching the players on the field and during games. Garrett made a nice choice with Linehan, but it is quite clear that Linehan is way ahead of Garrett as a coach, play caller, and OC.

Garrett was a terrible choice as OC 8 years ago and a terrible choice to be the HC. EVERYyear with Garrett and his learning curve has been a complete waste. This is NOT a farm system for head coaches. Jerry should have hired a real coach with coaching experience and skins on the wall. Plenty were available. Any of 20 head coaches could coach this current team with these coordinators and this talent and make the playoffs. Nothing special at all about Garrett. That has been proven over and over again.


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You might not like Garrett because he has made some mistakes and yes he needed to learn his job as a HC. And yes, he cost the Cowboys a game or two, but not as many as you might want to think.

But, there is one thing about him. His players love him and will fight their *** off for him and that is all I want to see from a coach.

Yah, likeable is good. But you need to be a football guy. Being likable is what Garrett does best no question. However, if you agree that he has made mistakes, then those 10's dont seem to apply.
I agree. Probably is a good idea for you to tuck tail.

I think you have too many disagreements going on for you to keep up with them all, apparently.

Either that or simply very weak sauce that you're spooning out.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just say you're confused.

LOL........tucking tail? You didnt even know that Garrett was the OC for 7 years here. How can you argue with a guy like that? Confused? So who was the OC here in Dallas the last 7 years if it wasnt Garrett?

When you can answer that question come on back to the conversation and we can begin again. Or you can just say mindless things like.

"transparent" Which means you obviously got nothing to say or simply cant argue the facts.


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One characteristic that I like about Garrett is...he played on champion teams. He knows what Cowboy football should be like. He knows the pressure cooker that the Cowboys are always in. He knows how to motivate his players. He has the passion to get this team back to being competitive each and every year. He may never win a SB...but there is not a person on the planet that knows if he will or he won't. My bet is that he will...

If he knows what Cowboys football should be like, and played on the Cowboys 90's team, then why was he a pass happy OC that was scared to run the ball?

If he is so good at motivating players, then why did we go 8-8 for 3 years and under achieve? Why did his team come out flat most games when he was OC/HC? Why were they penalty prone? Poor in the red zone?

This team didnt take the next step until Garrett was forced to step back from the offense.


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I think a man who deserves a lot of credit is Jerry, given how upset fans were after a 3rd 8-8 season and missing post season on the last weekend no one would have blamed Jerry had he pulled the plug on Garrett. He didn't

He did EVERYTHING else but fire Garrett. Fired the DC basically two years in a row. Then the final year forced Garrett away from the offense and had him replaced. That finally worked. That, along with the talent that him, Stephen, and McClay have been amassing. Jerry finally figured out what Garrett did well and what he didnt. Too bad we had to waste 7 years and the careers of guys like Romo, Ware, and Witten getting to this point.


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And, really, that is exactly what it is. This team needed to start all over, that's how bad the teams of the past were aside from a few pro-bowlers.

Aside from a few pro bowlers. LOL

Like a franchise QB, RB, WR, TE, DE, ect...ect..... Garrett had all the talent he needed to make the playoffs those first 3 years and he simply blew it with his coaching. First year he no longer calls the plays or runs the offense and this team blossoms. Nothing coincidental about it.


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He did EVERYTHING else but fire Garrett. Fired the DC basically two years in a row. Then the final year forced Garrett away from the offense and had him replaced. That finally worked. That, along with the talent that him, Stephen, and McClay have been amassing. Jerry finally figured out what Garrett did well and what he didnt. Too bad we had to waste 7 years and the careers of guys like Romo, Ware, and Witten getting to this point.

We get it you don't like Garret and I really do not care. Players and management opinion matter they play for him you do nothing. You have a view we get it.


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We get it you don't like Garret and I really do not care. Players and management opinion matter they play for him you do nothing. You have a view we get it.

Oh I am tickled pink, dont worry. Garrett is no longer bumbling the offense and ruining careers here in Dallas. First I prayed for Jerry to fire Garret. When it was obvious his ego wasn't going to let that happen, then I prayed for Jerry to kick Garrett to the curb with the offense and hire a real coach. AND HE DID IT!!!!

Thank the heavens! And oh my god look at the results!!! A power running team, 12-4, playoffs, and instant contender.

I couldnt be happier. I just get a kick out of listening to the Garrett lovers laughably try to act like its all about Garrett coming of age. :lmao2:

Garrett is truly doing what he is good at. Walking around, patting fannies and getting people to like him. Leave the real football stuff to strong coordinators.
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