News: Bob Sturm: Why I was so wrong about Cowboys coach Jason Garrett

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I brought up record amidst several other things. Not just record.

Under your premise, then Wade will be hall of fame. His 4 year record was better than Garretts.

So when did Bellicheck and Carroll suck as coaches?

you forget bilicheck with the browns and he has an all star staff on his team and in the organization, and carroll sucked as NE head coach.


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If Garrett had been able to do what Linehan did with the run game, then Garrett would still be coaching the offense. He couldnt and so he isnt.

Garrett preached every year about running the ball, he simply didnt do it. So someone else was brought it to do it. Very simple stuff.

The lions were not the Cowboys, so the comparison cant be made. But we saw quite clearly that Linehan can do both. Garrett failed.

ahhh, didn't you say its not that simple. in another quote..... you said don't look at the final results.

perhaps he didn't run it, because the team couldn't run it. but then again why bother with details, because it derails your argument.

and the excuse that the lions weren't the cowboys is really weak. its called spinning. if linehan is that good to just force his will to run and its his philosophy, he defintley sucked in Detroit.


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You can wish and hope all you want, but nothing can make Garrett a great coach but Garrett himself. Unless we win a SB with Garrett at the helm, then all these wasted years watching Garrett bumble the coaching will be for nothing.

Garrett showed that he is a better HC when he is not a HC/OC. He also made a great choice in Linehan. That is all he has proven.

But the one thing you cant get away from is the fact that this team is way better off when Garrett doesnt handle the offense. Debate that all you want, the results are night and day.

the results of garrett as an OC speaks for itself. having produced three top 10 offenses in the 4 years he was the OC with wade. as a HC/OC I agree his track record is not as good but then again he turned a team roster over during a three year span building one of the most talented and youngest teams in the league while keeping the team competitive. there is a lot to be said about his philosophy, leadership, vision and direction he has taken this team.


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Petty? Hardly. I dont like coaches that get out coached week in and week out. That blow wins by the way they call the game. Its called high standards. We saw first hand what a REAL OC could do for this team. 6 wins.

Transparent? Yep, I dont like Jason Garrett. Worst OC I have ever seen. No BS.

week in week out? please name the games and you better come up with a string of them since you said week in week out. but let me get you started. GB game two years ago......


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Amazingly, you cant state your point. Give it a shot.
Fascinating. Here again are your words:
As far as developing or being a great HC it would take more than 1 good year for the team for me to be convinced of this.
Your reference of "1 good year" is to 2014. You conditionally state that Garrett's development as a great head coach would require "more" to convince you. Logically, your condition depends on the team producing "more." Your condition is contingent upon the team producing "more" during the 2015 season.

Thus, the earliest opportunity for your condition to convince you about Garrett being a great head coach is at the conclusion of the team's 2015 season. Hey, it's your thoughts that directed your fingers to type your condition. Even so, you illogically keep rehashing everything that has formulated your opinion about Garrett to this point. Just like you have done throughout this thread. Just like your response to my statement:
I extremely doubt similar or better results beyond last season will convince you of anything. However, it will be interesting to read your commentary if the team should capitalize on its noted improvement thus far.
CowboyRoy, how can the team produce similar or better results (e.g. "more") beyond last season if the team has not had an opportunity to play an additional season at the very least?

Illogical. My reply had zero to do with your current expectations, your personal opinions of Garrett's or the team's limitations, past offensive performance, lack of performance, etc. It had everything to do with stating I do not believe you will ever be convinced and subsequently declare Garrett a "great head coach." Additionally, it is illogical for you to provide commentary about your modified opinion of Garrett when the team has not yet played an additional season.

Admittedly, I cannot see the future but I doubt I will ever be proven wrong. That's it for me. Continue your rants about Garrett with my blessing. Your unchanging narrow-mindedness is taxing enough to push me back to the sidelines of this latest transparent Garrett suckfest.


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Ok, well yah, we are far off.

1. Walk around head coach I give him a 7 for last year. Solid job with what he was asked to do. Clearly got better with less responsibility and he is no longer asked to handle the offense, which he clearly wasnt good at.

2. OC=3 Personally I have never seen anyone so bad or so overwhelmed with a job. He made rookie mistakes for 7 years and made them over and over again. If he was still the OC, I would have concerns he would still me making the same mistakes. 12-4 no way.

3. Pre-2014 These kind of go together. I will give him a 4.5. He seems to have Jerry's ear more then a Wade did, but the OC thing absolutely killed him. As it did Wade. Garrett took over a team that went 11-5 and made the playoffs the prior year that got off to a bad start with injuries. And certainly his horrid play calling attributed to that.

As far as developing or being a great HC it would take more than 1 good year for the team for me to be convinced of this. And certainly a guy that we have already seen has problems handling an offense and makes horrid mistakes in no way can possibly get credit for a one year turnaround. Certainly considering what a huge difference his replacement on offense made to the team and the record. In my mind, more of the credit goes to Jerry and the other people he has brought in around Garrett. And those people that are actually doing the job of drafting the talent and coaching the players on the field and during games. Garrett made a nice choice with Linehan, but it is quite clear that Linehan is way ahead of Garrett as a coach, play caller, and OC.

Garrett was a terrible choice as OC 8 years ago and a terrible choice to be the HC. EVERYyear with Garrett and his learning curve has been a complete waste. This is NOT a farm system for head coaches. Jerry should have hired a real coach with coaching experience and skins on the wall. Plenty were available. Any of 20 head coaches could coach this current team with these coordinators and this talent and make the playoffs. Nothing special at all about Garrett. That has been proven over and over again.

garrett as OC and play caller produced 5 top 10 finishes coupel of top 5...yeah he sucks as an OC.

garrett took over a team that was 11-5? which team? oh, the team that wade inherited and failed to make better. the team that got schooled by the giants and couldn't make a simple stop in the final two minutes of the game. the team that ended up 1-7 and was so deployed of talent that there were college teams with more talent.

facts are facts. results matter. results are garrett has never had a losing season as a head coach, despite lack of talent. facts are that garrett has executed on his plan while wade flushed this team down the toilet. facts are that garrett as an OC has consistently produced top 10 offense.

facts are that the anti garrett crowd will forever only point to not running the ball as the only reason that garrett is not an OC. fcts are that you or your couple of brothers on this board have never been to produce a single fact to back up any assertions you have made and constantly spin things and avoid directly answering any questions the multitude of posters on this board have asked you.

garrett has forgotten more about football in one day, that you have learned your entire life. that my friend is a fact you can take to the bank.

all the jibberish I have read on your posts only make you into a clown. proof enough.


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Who said the players love Garrett and fight for him? The players fight and play for the money and their self-satisfaction. Some players are more dedicated and have a stronger work ethic. Garrett is not molding any player to play hard. Please name a few players who were either lazy in college or early in their Pro career that Garrett molded. The Zoners on this site are delusional to think that Garrett is HOF material as a HC. He is our version of Wayne Fontes (HC of the Detroit Lions in the 1990s). Plain and simple. Jerry has propped this clown up just to stroke his ego. Jerry hired him and Jerry will prove to the world that he is the next Sean Payton. Garrett should have been fired after the 2013 Season. Jerry allowed him to coach in 2014 but he stripped him of all his duties. Garrett is only allowed to Clap, have Press Conferences, and Give Motivation Speeches. If Jerry was the Head Coach today, the team would function in the same manner. Jerry would Clap, have Press Conferences, and give Motivation Speeches. The assistance coaches would do all the REAL Coaching. Heck, I can be the Walk Around HC in this scenario and have success.

yeah, those players fought for money and self satisfaction when they played for wade. it was so obvious in the spanking we got from greenbay on Monday night. yep..yeah, you are right.

obviously your words come from some one who has never played any competitive sports.


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My expectations are because this team has loads of talent, it has a great DC and it now has a good OC that knows how to call a game and implement and stick with a running game. Garrett is now in a place where he can help the team and not hurt the team. My confidence and expectations have nothing to do with me thinking Garrett is a great head coach. In fact, its just the opposite. My confidence comes from knowing that Garrett is no longer running the offense.

My opinion is that this team blossomed last year because Garrett has less responsibilities. You obviously don't agree. With Garrett running the offense all he could do was get them to 8-8. 3 years in a row is complete proof of that. With Linehan in place of Garrett we were 6 games better at 12-4. Now we add more talent to the defense and build on that. Good things ahead for us barring injury.

what does a running game have to do with success of a team? 5 of the top 10 running teams didn't even make the playoffs last year. so your assertion that we need to have a strong running game to be successful is far from reality and its the only thing all these anti-garrett crowd keep pointing to.

facts are this team blossomed under garrett and his leadership. can't deny that.


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You might not like Garrett because he has made some mistakes and yes he needed to learn his job as a HC. And yes, he cost the Cowboys a game or two, but not as many as you might want to think.

But, there is one thing about him. His players love him and will fight their *** off for him and that is all I want to see from a coach.

And last year all the "experts" were predicting 4-12 or worse and he led the team to 12-4. That's scoreboard.


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Yah, likeable is good. But you need to be a football guy. Being likable is what Garrett does best no question. However, if you agree that he has made mistakes, then those 10's dont seem to apply.

LOL........tucking tail? You didnt even know that Garrett was the OC for 7 years here. How can you argue with a guy like that? Confused? So who was the OC here in Dallas the last 7 years if it wasnt Garrett?

When you can answer that question come on back to the conversation and we can begin again. Or you can just say mindless things like.

"transparent" Which means you obviously got nothing to say or simply cant argue the facts.

Belichek is loved by his players as well. So much for another of your theories.


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I do not troll. I have been a cowboy fan since 1975.I have seen the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. These are my observations. The truth hurts sometimes. The "Less is More" Philosophy is working for Dallas - "Less Garrett involvement equals More success for Dallas". Personally, I am a big fan of Rod Marinelli and I wish he was the Head Coach. It must be frustrating as hell to work for a Head Coach who has less knowledge then the average football coach.

rod marinelli already proved he wasn't any good as a HC. some coaches aren't cut to be had coaches and just make better coordinators under the right leadership. wade was another on of those.

facts are that cowboy have found success under garrett. no denying that. his vision, leadership, philosophy have put this franchise on the right path. thank god for garrett.

and now you can start pointing to the running game and stay away from the facts just like your other friends.


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Rod Marinelli told Sturm that what Garrett has that most HC don't is a formula to win and having his schemes on offense and defense compliment each other.

oh, don't say that. some of these cowboy haters will not like these facts coming from coaches. they will probably claim they have to say that because wrath of garrett puts the fear in them.


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yeah, those players fought for money and self satisfaction when they played for wade. it was so obvious in the spanking we got from greenbay on Monday night. yep..yeah, you are right.

obviously your words come from some one who has never played any competitive sports.

I guess "Garrett was not the Offensive Coordinator for Dallas" in the Green Bay Game. Otherwise, Garrett would have been part of the Coaching Staff that got whipped that day. Garrett had total charge of the Offense that day so "his fingerprints are all over that fiasco". Furthermore, New Orleans laid the wood on Dallas in 2013 for a 49 - 17 romp. Garret was the HC that day. The players played hard for Garrett that day I suppose.

In terms on my knowledge, it comes from fine members like you who live in a Fantasy World.


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I guess "Garrett was not the Offensive Coordinator for Dallas" in the Green Bay Game. Otherwise, Garrett would have been part of the Coaching Staff that got whipped that day. Garrett had total charge of the Offense that day so "his fingerprints are all over that fiasco". Furthermore, New Orleans laid the wood on Dallas in 2013 for a 49 - 17 romp. Garret was the HC that day. The players played hard for Garrett that day I suppose.

In terms on my knowledge, it comes from fine members like you who live in a Fantasy World. are spinning things once again as the anti-garrett crowd tends to do...

you are the one who said players don't play for coaches. they play for money and self satisfaction. I just gave you an example. now it seems you are onboard that players do play for coaches....let me know which side of the argument you are going to stick to.

and NO laid the wood on cowboys. because our team was over matched specially defensively. just because you get in a blow out doesn't mean you have given up. that's your assumption. but if you noticed they played to the end and weren't walking around. we just got whooped.

the players did give up under wade. the GB game was the culmination which led to Wade's firing. the team had given up way before then. the team was 1-7. the players stood around and watched instead of run or tackle. it was all there for everyone to see.

and that same garrett you just mentioned. that same team, in that same year went on to finish 5-3 and play hard. so was it garrett? or was it Wade?
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I guess "Garrett was not the Offensive Coordinator for Dallas" in the Green Bay Game. Otherwise, Garrett would have been part of the Coaching Staff that got whipped that day. Garrett had total charge of the Offense that day so "his fingerprints are all over that fiasco". Furthermore, New Orleans laid the wood on Dallas in 2013 for a 49 - 17 romp. Garret was the HC that day. The players played hard for Garrett that day I suppose.

In terms on my knowledge, it comes from fine members like you who live in a Fantasy World.

Dallas got wafflestomped in that game vs NO butbat no point did I think they quit like I did from the minute Romo broke his collarbone vs the Giants until the moment Wade was mercy-fired.

That's just one of the numerous points you're way off on.

Dear God, make it stop.


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But you nailed it on Wade PHillips. He has EXPERIENCE. That is why he was hired. What experience did Garrett have?

Jerry should have let him learn on the job somewhere else for 7 years. Any way you slice it, 7 wasted years was not worth it. Certainly not worth Garrett.

wade had experience. he was also a failure (and now three times). what experience did John Harbaugh have? what experience did Bilicheck have when he became head coach of the browns? if teams hired head coaches with experience only, we woul dhave a league of head coaches that are 90+ and some trying to coach from the beyond.

this was probably your dumbest post so far.

and in seven years he produced 4 top 10 offenses. a team that hasn't had a losing record in 4 years. yeah.....not worth it....


Here comes the Sun...
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I guess "Garrett was not the Offensive Coordinator for Dallas" in the Green Bay Game. Otherwise, Garrett would have been part of the Coaching Staff that got whipped that day. Garrett had total charge of the Offense that day so "his fingerprints are all over that fiasco". Furthermore, New Orleans laid the wood on Dallas in 2013 for a 49 - 17 romp. Garret was the HC that day. The players played hard for Garrett that day I suppose.

In terms on my knowledge, it comes from fine members like you who live in a Fantasy World.

I like this saying and it seems appropriate as a response to you.

"Never argue with a both get dirty, but the pig likes it".

Carry on...oink, oink,

Pass it on to CowboyRoy...


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Dallas got wafflestomped in that game vs NO butbat no point did I think they quit like I did from the minute Romo broke his collarbone vs the Giants until the moment Wade was mercy-fired.

That's just one of the numerous points you're way off on.

Dear God, make it stop.

You gotta figure, on a site with tens of thousands of registered Cowboys fans, you're going to always have one or two guys who are content to just be wrong for very little reason at all. They don't like Jason Garrett. That's all there is to it. Logic really isn't going to enter into it if they aren't willing to consider the actual performance of his teams or of the offensive unit since he's been here. No amount of reasoning is going to change it.

Somehow, the team and the staff will manage to trudge on, knowing PAINFROMUKRAINE and CowboyRoy remain unconvinced and uninterested in actual performance, anyway.


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The result of a poll is a fact. Jerry's own words are a FACT. Garrett admitting he screwed up and needs to get better is also a fact. Fans and media bashing Garrett for many years is a FACT. I'm not going to argue that.

I am not trying to win any argument, just simply stating the facts that support my argument. You calling them NOT FACTS doenst make them so. To take a line our of your arsenal.

And again.............your trying to take one good year for the team to justify the mistakes over the prior 7. Quite a leap that holds little water in my book. Its another attempt by you to use one year to justify your mystifying support of someone that was completely overwhelmed with the job he was given. You are also attributing the success of the team to ONLY Garrett. Which again is ridiculous.

Any offense with Romo, Witten, and some good receivers is going to score points. Any fool can call some plays to make that happen. But it wasnt until Linehan that the offense became efficient, balanced, run game dominant, red zone efficient, better execution, low penalties. Those are also FACTS.

one good year? I say the previous three were also good years. going 8-8 while completely turning a team over and remaining competitive is always good. those are facts my son. facts which you like to skip.

(don't forget you haven't mentioned garrett didn't run the ball enough in about 10 posts, so you are due).

the media and fans bashing garrett doesn't have anything to do with facts for the team. and you want to quote double speak jerry? I can throw you a few jerry quotes. like how he wanted Manziel and had the card in his hand and was ready to turn it in. he has a long list of quotes and meddling that are all FACTS as you said.

and garrett has consistently produced top 10 offenses. not sure why that fact is lost on you (this is your clue to jump in on the he didn't run the ball enough).

and since you are into quotes. didn't linehan say garrett told him he wants to run the ball like they did in the 90's. or did that quote get lost in the shuffle somewhere.

and contrary to your drivel. not any fool can run an offense and score because they have talent. do you really want me to dig up the failures in head coaching..... this is the kind of drivel that people like you post and then later quote as facts, but its far far far from any fact anyone with the slightest knowledge of football knows. this is the kind of drivel that you use to bash garrett. its called spinning.

that same linehan you love to point to so frequently sucked as a head coach and struggled offensively and wouldn't run the ball. and he had full control. so was it linehan? or was it garrett's demands and the team he handed to Linehan?
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