News: DMN: 10 players the Dallas Cowboys might regret passing on in the 2016 NFL draft


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Considering the state of our D, both pre & now post draft.....having

Would make me feel a **** load better right about now..... We couldn't stop a powder puff team last year when it counted---how the hell has that changed?


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Considering the state of our D, both pre & now post draft.....having

Would make me feel a **** load better right about now..... We couldn't stop a powder puff team last year when it counted---how the hell has that changed?

this d is better than the 2014 d, no?


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Not a one of them. Not really.
but if i had to say.
Mills most likely, but maybe Frazier will work out fine in the future, lol. Billings possibly, as those 2 were mentioned above.
And in hindsight Spence. So they were gun shy on Spence probably because of Gregory. So they gambled on Jaylon Smith....:huh:
But I can also understand they could try to wait the 4 games out so didn't want to draft a DE that high. So why did they say they wanted Bullard or Dodd, so that theory is not sound.

Now they may regret not trying hard enough to get Lynch, if Smith never plays, and now that Collins is injured, though he should recover just fine by the end of TC.

Ramsey, no way, Zeke was the better pick at that time. I would still be sick to my stomach and everywhere else if the took Ramsey over Zeke.


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I hate drafting dbs that high, but ramsey still seems like a no brainer to me at 4 in that draft.


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No, and that 12-4 team couldn't stop Aaron Rodges when it counted either.

If you recall the beginning of that game and well into the first half Rodgers was not his ol;d self still nursing his injury. The defense did nothing to keep jim off balance and break up his timing.

He found his rhythm and then the second half did what we all expected he might.

So my opinion is Rodgers was not harassed and allowed to get his act together, and that was a poor decision on the part of the Dallas coaching staff. That along with Dallas miscues cost the team a shot at Seattle.


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Still not a huge fan of taking a RB that high in the draft, especially when the 2017 draft is set up to be the most well-stocked RB class in a decade. That said, I get some of the arguments for taking Elliott there in relation to what was on the board at #4 outside of Ramsey (I still would have gone Ramsey for a number of reasons though).

The Jaylon Smith pick is really tough because he was such a tremendous talent when healthy so you have to weigh the decision in light of the value you'd be getting if he can regain his health. For me it comes down to odds. I'm more conservative by nature so I think I would have gone Myles Jack with the understanding he may only give you 3-5 years of relatively healthy but immediate play over taking Smith, who may never play again at all, but could be great if he does.


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Still not a huge fan of taking a RB that high in the draft, especially when the 2017 draft is set up to be the most well-stocked RB class in a decade. That said, I get some of the arguments for taking Elliott there in relation to what was on the board at #4 outside of Ramsey (I still would have gone Ramsey for a number of reasons though).

The Jaylon Smith pick is really tough because he was such a tremendous talent when healthy so you have to weigh the decision in light of the value you'd be getting if he can regain his health. For me it comes down to odds. I'm more conservative by nature so I think I would have gone Myles Jack with the understanding he may only give you 3-5 years of relatively healthy but immediate play over taking Smith, who may never play again at all, but could be great if he does.

You do not pass up on a talent like Zeke when he is there. Because of the next years draft class is supposed to be deep in RB's. A lot happens between now and then.
What if a team passed upon a very very good LB, in hopes of taking Jaylon Smith the following year because he was "supposed" to be better?


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1. Ramsey - had he been the pick the media would be criticizing about drafting him after learning he had microfracture in high school along with not being an interception guy and a better fit at FS over CB like Byron.

2. Lynch - the media would have reemed them over spending two picks on a player that they won't know what they got for another 3-4 years.

3. Jack - would have claimed nobody else was going to take this high because his knee has a short shelf life.

4. Spence - criticism would be why are they drafting another DE with drug issues? What about RKG?

5. Cook - not like they actually passed on him, 3rd was too high. But they would point out his not being team captain and how he's not a likeable guy by teammates.

6. Billings - they would point out Cowboys already spent for a free agent 1 tech, and when Billings wouldn't get much playing time due to backing up and possible 3rd string they would blame for drafting at an area that wasn't needed.

7. Jones - this guy may be the most over-rated qb by the media. A lot of criticism would be just how raw he is and how poorly he looks.

8. Blair - criticism would be another DE? You passed on a development QB for another year? What happens when Gregory & Lawrence come back?

9. Mills - punched his girlfriend. Another what about RKG? Also had injuries and slow 40 (4.61)

10. Matakevich - how does he fit in a Marinelli scheme that needs guys who can run?
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I like our early draft. The Jaylon Smith gamble was unnecessary but there's a good chance he will pan out. Zeke will shine and Tapper/Collins should both be solid. Prescott was a reach but given our QB desperation it can be rationalized. Will some of the players listed become stars? Probably. But our guys have just as much potential.


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1. Ramsey - had he been the pick the media would be criticizing about drafting him after learning he had microfracture in high school along with not being an interception guy and a better fit at FS over CB like Byron.

2. Lynch - the media would have reemed them over spending two picks on a player that they won't know what they got for another 3-4 years.

3. Jack - would have claimed nobody else was going to take this high because his knee has a short shelf life.

4. Spence - criticism would be why are they drafting another DE with drug issues? What about RKG?

5. Cook - not like they actually passed on him, 3rd was too high. But they would point out his not being team captain and how he's not a likeable guy by teammates.

6. Billings - they would point out Cowboys already spent for a free agent 1 tech, and when Billings wouldn't get much playing time due to backing up and possible 3rd string they would blame for drafting at an area that wasn't needed.

7. Jones - this guy may be the most over-rated qb by the media. A lot of criticism would be just how raw he is and how poorly he looks.

8. Blair - criticism would be another DE? You passed on a development QB for another year? What happens when Gregory & Lawrence come back?

9. Mills - punched his girlfriend. Another what about RKG? Also had injuries and slow 40 (4.61)

10. Matakevich - how does he fit in a Marinelli scheme that needs guys who can run?

This response is spot on other then adding not just the media but have if this board. LMAO!


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I had a stronger opinion on draft day about taking Ramsey over Elliott. However, the pick has settled on me and Im excited to see what Elliott brings. When looking at upside I do think an elite runner can make a bigger impact than an elite corner based on today's rules. I also dont think you can blame the Cowboys for taking Elliott here especially knowing there wasnt a QB, DE, or LB available at that point worth the pick.

I was lukewarm on Paxton Lynch in this draft, but hes the only player on this list the Cowboys may regret not making a stronger play for just because of how critical the QB position is and knowing this organization wanted him. He very well may not become a successful NFL QB, but if there is a chance knowing Romo is closer to retirement than his prime than sure it could be deeply regretted later.

Outside of that, there may be some regret in 2016 about not taking a player in the 2nd round that can help right away, but Jaylon Smith very well could be on this list if we passed on him as well.

All hypothetical at this point and well have to wait atleast a few years before making judgements. Regardless of the draft, there are always surprise players that fans could look back on with dissapointment we passed on. What we dont know is how it would habe translated in a different organization.


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Good list as long as the words "might regret" is included.
They could regret not taking some or.... none at all.

Personally, I think my possible regret list would be different.

But once we took Zeke at 4th overall, my original plan would have fallen apart.
I was in the trade down camp and get 3-4 players in the top 50 instead of 2.

So now we turn Zeke loose on the league and enjoy the results as bets we can.

There were good things to be said about almost all of our picks, so I guess we'll see how it works out.
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