Game Day Cowboys vs Bears post game thread


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Hell yeah, Bambi!


Yup. That's about what his run looked like last week. :laugh:


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Very rarely does a game actually go the way I expect it to in our favor. Great game for the rooks. Dez got him a TD, Beas did what Beas do. Our defense was solid and Mo played tough physical ball. McClain looked to be very involved also. Really solid win.

Yakuza Rich

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Pretty good job here. Very impressed with Dak as I thought Fangio really threw some nice stuff at Wentz and I thought Dak played better than Wentz versus the Bears (albeit the Bears were healthier). I was afraid that some of the blitzes would get to Dak and may cause for a long day, but they didn't and he looked really good.

The thing I like about Dak is that he's a tough runner instead of a pure scrambler, but he beats defenses out of the pocket. So he can beat teams with his arm in the pocket, out of the pocket, run for yards and get easy first downs and TD's with the QB sneak. One of the big things I've seen from Dak is that he's never thrown across the field at this point. And the anticipation has been very good the past 2 weeks. Just need to clean up the deep ball location.

I would have had EE come off the bench after the 2 fumbles. But, he came back awesome here and he's still getting used to the zone blocking scheme. There was one play where he only gained about 3 yards, but he made about 3 cuts that are just about impossible to do. I would say that my best analysis of players has been RB's. I tend to be very accurate and projecting them. And I believe that the #1 attribute a RB must have is the ability to cut. Zeke really has that and it's pretty darn special. He also blocked extremely well.

Witten is still struggling to block. We got a good game out of Chaz Green though and that should make us happy. T-Will is one of those players that gets you have a good lead, you just made a play for 50 yards...last thing you need to do is try to stay in bounds and make a play. Go out of bounds, keep the ball and go play the next play.

I gotta give it to Wilcox...he really hasn't been that bad this year. He's not completely clueless in zone thus far. I would be interested in seeing who was wrong on the 1 overthrow by Hoyer where the WR was wide open. Not sure if that was Mo or Byron. Mo was playing short zone and Byron had his eye on the middle and the WR ran wide open. T. Crawford did some things, but also made some bad plays. Claiborne looks serviceable. We're playing a ton more zone than last year and I really think that's what you need to play in today's NFL. Too many rub routes, too easy to know where to go with the ball in man coverage and too many mobile QB's that make man2man a bad idea.

At this point, if Dak continues to play like this I would lean towards keeping him as the starter. However, he's done it against a couple of weak defenses. But, if he can treat tougher defenses like this, I tend to think he's earned the spot because we can't rely on Romo's health and I would rather keep a rhythm going iwth Dak. He's not reverting back to poor mechanics and the speed of the game doesn't seem too fast for him.

Now on to San Fran.


Fla Cowpoke

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I didn't like the fact that we didn't really close them out, and that we didn't pile up some stats as far as sacks and turnovers. Second half Bears were really getting rid of the ball quickly, compounding the fact that we don't have a pass rush. I saw Ryan Davis in on a couple plays and I thought he got a little pressure, will have to look at replay. David Irving got some pressure. I think McClain and Collins were pretty good, didn't see Crawford really do anything as a DE this game. Hard to explain how well Dak has played. Kid is moving the ball, he is making great decisions and we aren't turning it over. Elliott seems to be getting better week to week, but it seems like he is still missing some holes running in the zone....if that improves he is going to be unstoppable. Have to factor in the fact we had no Tyron and Lael went out and we still probably had the best OL performance from our guys thus far. What I really like is the fact that we are positioning ourselves to be a factor all season long. We are getting contributions from a lot of the young guys on the roster, which is exciting.


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wentz looks good, but its the eagles. they'll find a way to screw things up. the eagles have a great def, but we're much better offensively. i think we can beat them.

we should be 3-0. just needed 3 more seconds.


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The difference in Dak & Wentz is defense right now. Philly has the better at this time.

What the heck happened to the Squealers today? Did the Seahags pass them the baton of suckage from last week or what? Pathetic!


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The game was never in doubt - this Bear team was like the JV roster on defense. The Cowboys were in complete control the whole way. It's nice to see a game that is somewhat of a breather for a team that has struggled to win games over the past year.

Notes on the game:
  • The Cowboys continue to get off to good starts offensively. They worked the ball methodically down the field, and punched in a touchdown on the first drive. They are showing improvement on finishing drives.
  • What more can be said about Dak Prescott? Granted, he was playing against a poor defense, but he was terrific again - poised, accurate, confident and decisive. He made more plays with his feet tonight than he has all season thus far, a sign that his confidence is growing. It was nice to see him get his first touchdown pass, and his skinny post throw to Terrance Williams was absolutely ripped and on the numbers. Great throw.
  • For a team starting a rookie QB, and a team that nearly went winless without Romo a season ago, to think that they have one first half punt in three games is astounding. This points to very good execution offensively, but also outstanding game planning by the coaching staff.
  • Ezekiel Elliott is rounding into shape and is developing more of a feel for the offensive line. He showed better patience and ran very determined tonight. He was also outstanding in pass protection. The scary thing is that he can and will get much better as he goes along.
  • The Cowboy offensive line really controlled things for the first time this season. They had been very good pass blocking, but tonight, they moved the line of scrimmage in the run game, opening up creases all night.
  • Chaz Green was good tonight. How good? You barely noticed that he was out there. Yes, he committed a penalty, and gave up a pressure, but he was good in the running game, and his stamina was greatly improved from the preseason.
  • What is good to see is that Dez Bryant is not getting the degree of looks that you would expect, and Prescott has a real chemistry with Cole Beasley, and Bryant is still playing hard and contributing. His blocking downfield on the skinny post to Williams was top notch.
  • The defense continues to be scary. They got much better run fits today, with the exception of two plays (runs of 20+ by Jeremy Langford and Jordan Howard), and were hitting today, but the pass rush is absolutely MIA. The lack of production playing opposite Bobby Massie, who may be the worst right tackle in the NFL, is troubling.
  • Byron Jones made a real nice play against Miller on the third down play at the goal line, but was a step slow on a couple of other downs. He is one big play away from blossoming into a big time cover safety.
  • Dan Bailey missed a kick - it happens to the best of them.
  • The challenge by Garrett on the Witten catch/reach was completely stupid, and whoever the team spotter is in the booth failed him greatly.
  • Here's hoping that the injury to La'el Collins isn't serious. Also, hoping that Tyron Smith heals up quick as well.
Next week will be an interesting one against the 49ers. The Niners are struggling big time, but traveling west isn't easy. Also, the Field of Jeans makes the sunlight seen in Dallas in the 4th quarter of the first game of the season look like kids play (that stadium gets more sunlight than almost any other stadium in the league). Hope they come focused and ready to beat a very beatable team on the road to take it to 3-1.