Questions for the Dak trashers


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What's Tom Brady's QB rating the last couple games against the Broncos? What was Aaron Rodgers QB rating when he played against this defense in 2015?

Just want to make sure we are being consistent when we are saying things like he was terrible and how he's a fraud etc. Broaddus summed it up pretty well on Talkin' Cowboys after analysing the tape. The Denver secondary is the best in the league. I think it's just about established now, Dallas doesn't have a dominant receiver. They have a bunch of good solid guys. It wasn't that their dline dominated our oline, even though our oline did not have a good game by any stretch. The Broncos secondary just flat out shut down our receivers with single coverage. Guys didn't get open.

Apart from a few broken coverages, Dak had to hit pretty tight windows all game. He couldn't do it, but guess what, the two best in the game, in their prime couldn't against this defense also.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The guy he replaced would have made them pay for stacking the box to stop the run.
If we were 14-2 every year with Romo, I would agree with this. Romo was a technician, no doubt about that. But the Cowboys had horrible games and losses, TEAM LOSSES, with Romo at QB. I didn't blame Romo then so I won't blame Dak now. The fact is that the Dallas Cowboys played like crap from whistle to whistle and there wasn't a damn thing Dak Prescott could do about it. Did Dak have a good game? Hell no, but who could under those circumstances? It was the game from hell for everyone in silver and blue. Let's just move on.


Well-Known Member
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What's Tom Brady's QB rating the last couple games against the Broncos? What was Aaron Rodgers QB rating when he played against this defense in 2015?

Just want to make sure we are being consistent when we are saying things like he was terrible and how he's a fraud etc. Broaddus summed it up pretty well on Talkin' Cowboys after analysing the tape. The Denver secondary is the best in the league. I think it's just about established now, Dallas doesn't have a dominant receiver. They have a bunch of good solid guys. It wasn't that their dline dominated our oline, even though our oline did not have a good game by any stretch. The Broncos secondary just flat out shut down our receivers with single coverage. Guys didn't get open.

Apart from a few broken coverages, Dak had to hit pretty tight windows all game. He couldn't do it, but guess what, the two best in the game, in their prime couldn't against this defense also.


The Broncos have the personnel to match up very well one on one with our WRs.

We could not throw them out of their defensive front, so they were able to control our running game and take away any easy reads for Dak.

Tough TEAM loss. Enough blame to go around and hopefully make everybody bring their lunchpail to work on Mon night.

They got punched in the mouth. Interested to see how the team responds.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I hear what you are saying and agree with much but it did seem like Denver's dline was through our oline awfully quick. Not sure coverage had anything to do with that


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Easy! Its just an early season loss. Offensively, its been a rough start...that was to be expected. The ship will right the course. Presently the club is 1-1. Not so bad. The Team will play better next week. Bank on it. 13-3 last season was not realistic and set expectation way too high for this year.


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Dak didn't play well but it didn't matter. Even if he played well we still would have lost. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken crap (or something like that)

I'm not too worried about it. This loss shined a light on where the team needs to improve. Since we are still a young and inexperienced team I think we can make those improvements.


Well-Known Member
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What's Tom Brady's QB rating the last couple games against the Broncos? What was Aaron Rodgers QB rating when he played against this defense in 2015?

Just want to make sure we are being consistent when we are saying things like he was terrible and how he's a fraud etc. Broaddus summed it up pretty well on Talkin' Cowboys after analysing the tape. The Denver secondary is the best in the league. I think it's just about established now, Dallas doesn't have a dominant receiver. They have a bunch of good solid guys. It wasn't that their dline dominated our oline, even though our oline did not have a good game by any stretch. The Broncos secondary just flat out shut down our receivers with single coverage. Guys didn't get open.

Apart from a few broken coverages, Dak had to hit pretty tight windows all game. He couldn't do it, but guess what, the two best in the game, in their prime couldn't against this defense also.

No one in their right mind should trash Dak
The coaching was atrocious and the OL got their behinds handed to them
Your "great" RB gave up and sulked
The defense is young and was depleted
This was a team loss
The altitude may have had a role to play

Dak was part of the problem but he is a second year QB and has a lot to learn

That does not mean we cannot be critical of him

There is a middle ground


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I'm not going to trash Dak for game 1, but I will trash the entire team sans D-Law for the last game. Dak doesn't look as comfortable or confident in this early season, and I don't know if he's ready to change every other play at the line like Romo did. We all know the team didn't do him any favors.

Maybe Sunday was a fluke, but I don't think we will know how good we are until we play Green Bay, but we could find out how bad we are against a bad Cardinals team.


Pixel Pusher
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If we were 14-2 every year with Romo, I would agree with this. Romo was a technician, no doubt about that. But the Cowboys had horrible games and losses, TEAM LOSSES, with Romo at QB. I didn't blame Romo then so I won't blame Dak now. The fact is that the Dallas Cowboys played like crap from whistle to whistle and there wasn't a damn thing Dak Prescott could do about it. Did Dak have a good game? Hell no, but who could under those circumstances? It was the game from hell for everyone in silver and blue. Let's just move on.

Please forgive their short memories and inability to consider context.