Will Hernandez (UTEP) - Combine


The Funcooker
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37 reps on the bench press, tops among OL. this guy is *STRONG*

And he has been working his butt off in Senior Bowl practices and now the combine. This guy is hungry to play and win. I hope his footwork drills go well

If his footwork drills go even decent, I have a feeling he may not even be there at 19.


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Good to hear but you people think three guards are going top 20 when even one guard rarely cracks top 20. The guy is raw and used to lesser competition, that's not a good first round player combination. If someone wants to take that risk I hope it's not us. He should be near the top of the second round grades though and I'd love to grab him at 50.


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This is the kind of guy I like blue collar carrying his lunch pail tough SOB.
Yup..and I even think he may be versatile enough to kick out to right tackle in a pinch.I only say that because altho I see a mean SOB and punisher at guard that also happens to have a fierce work ethic and wants to get better that possesses freakish athletic ability. I would be just fine taking him at 19. Not the sexy pick,but he is a plug and play pro bowl player for us for the next 10 years. The bust factor with him is almost zero.


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Good to hear but you people think three guards are going top 20 when even one guard rarely cracks top 20. The guy is raw and used to lesser competition, that's not a good first round player combination. If someone wants to take that risk I hope it's not us. He should be near the top of the second round grades though and I'd love to grab him at 50.
The kid can play at a high level. He's no Larry Allen..but if memory serves,didnt he play at tiny Sonoma State? What about his level of competition? I think that pick turned out well. Level of Comp.means NOTHING...can you play ball or not..PERIOD. Film dont lie.


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If your arguement is he is a 2nd round guy...ok..I am running his draft card up at 50 and high fiving everyone. He may be the best olineman in this draft period. I dont say that lightly. Love the 2 Notre Dame kids..but this beast belongs in that same convo.


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The kid can play at a high level. He's no Larry Allen..but if memory serves,didnt he play at tiny Sonoma State? What about his level of competition? I think that pick turned out well. Level of Comp.means NOTHING...can you play ball or not..PERIOD. Film dont lie.
It's not like that anymore, Larry Allen goes to Alabama or some other powerhouse today even if he starts at Sonoma state. I think he will turn out well, but I want a step in starter that won't be a liability. I think he can step in and start day 1 but there will be growing pains that we didn't see with Tyron, Fredrick, or Martin. I think most can agree that Lawrence was worth his picks, but it took a while. Hernandez is going to be that way as well; I'm even ok trading our third to move up in the second just like with Lawrence, but not our first. If it's a Fredrick situation where we trade down and select him at 30 I'm cool with that as well but I believe we have a first round round rule in place that dictates we select a player from a P5 conference.


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It's not like that anymore, Larry Allen goes to Alabama or some other powerhouse today even if he starts at Sonoma state. I think he will turn out well, but I want a step in starter that won't be a liability. I think he can step in and start day 1 but there will be growing pains that we didn't see with Tyron, Fredrick, or Martin. I think most can agree that Lawrence was worth his picks, but it took a while. Hernandez is going to be that way as well; I'm even ok trading our third to move up in the second just like with Lawrence, but not our first. If it's a Fredrick situation where we trade down and select him at 30 I'm cool with that as well but I believe we have a first round round rule in place that dictates we select a player from a P5 conference.
It IS that way still. Problem is we live in the era of the internet and EVERYONE knows who these small college kids are. The days of finding a hidden gem arent long gone,but its far more challenging of a task for teams. If your hinting that Hernandez will be a liability...you are in the minority. Would I prefer the kid at 50 or late first round? Heck yes..I do agree that 19 may be a tad too high..but if he's our best rated player on the draft board,YOU TAKE HIM.


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why are we trying to reinvent the wheel? Football teams are not built from the outside in. They are,and always have been built from the interior FIRST. The Championship teams throughout history of the NFL have proven this true. Football is only complicated if its mucked up with data and "work out warrior's" and stats. The litmus test should ALWAYS be the game tape and can the kid play and play well. Thats IT PERIOD. As long as the off field stuff checks out,it should always be about play on the field. Case and point...Mike Mamula,and yes so far, Byron Jones..both work out warriors and Combine studs. Problem was the game tape never lined up. Moral of the story is, stop looking at the shiny sexy objects...ie the skill position players...lets look at our bread and butter when we were highly successful, THE BIG UGLIES IN THE TRENCHES!! For me,thats where it starts and ends. We can find good wideouts from round 3 on...lets take care of the trenches first. He who controls the lines of scrimmage controls the game outcome typically. Hernandez or Wynn would be great picks ...just depends what the staff wants and where you want to take them at. Thats my 2 cents.."keep it simple stupid" should be the call of the day.

Denim Chicken

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I think gaurd is going to be the pick at #19. I don't like it, but I think that is where Dallas will go.


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I think gaurd is going to be the pick at #19. I don't like it, but I think that is where Dallas will go.
Hey I hear ya...maybe its not my preference either,but in the end,its the correct pick. Not sexy...no intrigue...but thats ok. Ask ourselves..what happened when we lost Leary and Free last year? You know the answer. We werent the same...even with Zeke. It showed from game one. We gotta fix this. Cooper and Chazzy boy Green...aka the dumpster fire,are not the longterm answers.


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I know this thread is about Will Hernandez..but what I'm about to say fits into that potential pick. What about the idea of drafting a RB in round 3..like Nick Chubb? Think about it...very high production between the tackles guy...low to the ground lower body power..built a little like Emmitt and was the work horse at Georgia prior to his injuries a couple years ago. He would be a nice replacement for Morris. Chubb and Zeke behind that oline would be unstoppable!! Then we have Rod Smith!!! He can finish them off. Its who we are guys...we are a potent running team who must control clock. Its our identity and until we get back to that smash mouth game style,we wont get to the playoffs.


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If we are flinging the rock more than 25 times per game,we are doing something wrong and wont win. We are a run heavy team. Lets get back to what we do best. BEAT PEOPLE UP AND PUNISH THEM.


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If your arguement is he is a 2nd round guy...ok..I am running his draft card up at 50 and high fiving everyone. He may be the best olineman in this draft period. I dont say that lightly. Love the 2 Notre Dame kids..but this beast belongs in that same convo.

There's a gap between the ND kids. Nelson is the best OL in this draft, by far. Hernandez does not belong in the same conversation.

It's Nelson......... and then everyone else. He's got better size, technique, arms, can play OT possibly, and while Hernandez was shoving around mid-level talent at UTEP, Nelson was smacking Power 5 conference kids all over the place.