Dez Calls Out the "Garrett Guys" With C's On Their Jerseys


Taco Engineer
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Dez is his own worst enemies anyone not willing to look at the writing on the wall can just be lazy and blame everyone BUT Dez. He did this. On his own, From day one there has always been issues here and there and you just kind of said "oh well" because he was very good. But the last 3 seasons have demonstrated who he really is. I feel bad for how he grew up but sometimes you just need to be a man and sometimes some folks just are the way they are.
We saw his tantrums with Romo and Dak. We saw him getting all emotional and pissed on the sideline to his coaches. We saw him get taken out of games simply from a DB jawing with him. We've seen him lose his temper. We've seen him whine and mope on the sideline, demanding the ball and when he gets the ball he volleys up an INT and turns another over in a game we were winning. We've seen him half step plays not to him. We've seen him stand like a deer in headlights on a broken play and everyone else is trying to make a play. Arguing and fighting with opposing players instead of the live football going on around him. Add that to the drops and over all sucky attitude and that's a problem. I mean, he's STILL chirping on social media. Just go like a man. He caused some problems. No matter how many other people you want to blame.


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Although, like any sane person, he might get frustrated with Dez for any dozens of reasons, I think Witten was solidly in Dez' corner.

I dont know about the rest.

I think Steven saw him as a bad investment,but that alone wasnt enough.
Linehan had major issues with him that only magnified when he threw the OC under the bus after the last game.

Sure, he made life more difficult in many ways for Dak, but I dont think Dak actually sabotaged him.

My guess is it was a combination of years of baby-sitting a grown man, the big contract followed by fairly JAG production, then Steven, Will Clay, and Linehan saying time to move on.

I wish him luck


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Wow, Dez is not helping himself. He sounded like a little b------.

Yes, Dez, the guys who take their job responsibilities seriously have issues with guys who don't. Duh.


1st Round Pick
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Yet when the Pats make moves like this, it's shrewd business. I'm not saying this is all Dez' fault, but he had a lot to do with it. Tell me he didn't remind you of TO? Dez was not becoming a team cancer, he's been a team cancer for years. Yes, even when Romo was still here. But with or without Dez, this team will produce the SOS until Jerry is gone. But that's only if Stephen hires a real GM and coach...

That’s the narrative fox wanted you to buy into when they showed him on the sideline and you took it.

The TO narrative. Even though Romo and Butler said Dez is usually nothing but positive on the sidelines. He’s just emotional.


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We have all of these players, from Dez to TO to Butler to Scandrick to Church and some others all talking about how Garrett manipulates the situation for his own benefit, even at the expense of the players or the team.

Now you can choose to not believe it, but I ask a question......What has Garrett accomplished or earned that makes him so above board that the word of multiple players should be totally ignored? In other words, why such an allegiance to somebody that has accomplished so very little in their entire coaching career?


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Dez scapegoated himself.



Taco Engineer
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Folks are worried about Dez's production, but meanwhile we got 36 year old TE sporting a pathetic 8.9 YPC refusing to retire holding the team hostage at the position.
When did he refuse to retire?


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Dez has been a man-baby since day 1. He is not a fully functional adult, and if he's not producing while taking up a nice chunk of the teams cap space, whats the point?

If you want to be objective and look at the numbers, he had 3 great seasons (2012, 2013, 2014) and was paid very well for his efforts while in Dallas. His whining about being released is just further evidence of his immaturity.


"You want some?"
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Dez is his own worst enemies anyone not willing to look at the writing on the wall can just be lazy and blame everyone BUT Dez. He did this. On his own, From day one there has always been issues here and there and you just kind of said "oh well" because he was very good. But the last 3 seasons have demonstrated who he really is. I feel bad for how he grew up but sometimes you just need to be a man and sometimes some folks just are the way they are.
We saw his tantrums with Romo and Dak. We saw him getting all emotional and pissed on the sideline to his coaches. We saw him get taken out of games simply from a DB jawing with him. We've seen him lose his temper. We've seen him whine and mope on the sideline, demanding the ball and when he gets the ball he volleys up an INT and turns another over in a game we were winning. We've seen him half step plays not to him. We've seen him stand like a deer in headlights on a broken play and everyone else is trying to make a play. Arguing and fighting with opposing players instead of the live football going on around him. Add that to the drops and over all sucky attitude and that's a problem. I mean, he's STILL chirping on social media. Just go like a man. He caused some problems. No matter how many other people you want to blame.

That's right.

Let's see Dez man up and admit he hasn't been very good the last 3 years.



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With his sit down with Jane Slater, Dez calls out the guys who wore C's on their jerseys and the players he calls "Garrett Guys". Saying they didn't like him and he was whining in typical Dez fashion about how he didn't know why. And he won't call out names but they know who they are and he will text them and let them know. But he kind of gave a lot of them away with the C's on the jerseys statement. In 2017, the players who wore the C were:

Sean Lee, T Crawford, Dak, Witten, Lee, Bailey and Scandrick.

Going to guess Scandrick was always in his corner. Bailey doesn't get involved in that as he's a kicker. They are loners. I doubt Crawford really cared either way. But Lee, Witten and Dak? I am pretty positive they were tired of his tired act. Dak made the comment after the Seattle game that maybe he should put the ball right in his facemask so he can't drop it. Witten was on him in that Detroit game a few years ago when he melted down on the sideline. And left early.

Dez could have easily took the high road and went on about his business. But nope. He thinks him getting cut is some big deal. Players are cut constantly in this league. Even the good ones get this treatment. But remember everyone telling us how mature he has gotten? Lmao. He's still the same immature clown he has always been. This is why Dallas was done with him. His act wore out. And he started to diminish on the field. He was a problem to this team and it's Dez first, winning and team second. He proved that his whole career. But so many fall for his Throw Up the X and team first marketing gimmick he portrays online and they eat it up. Acting like this is some dark day in Cowboys history.

Good riddance Dez. You won't be missed.
I love Dez for his contributions to this team. Tough decision are made all the time in football. I don’t buy that Garrett’s guys (players)made this choice, not at all. This sounds stupid. Players don’t make decisions on other players futures. The coaching staff and management made this happen. Steven and the coaching staff were done with Dez and his sideline antics. Did it have an effect on Dak; you bet. Let’s move on.

PA Cowboy Fan

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That’s the narrative fox wanted you to buy into when they showed him on the sideline and you took it.

The TO narrative. Even though Romo and Butler said Dez is usually nothing but positive on the sidelines. He’s just emotional.
I agree. I think most of it has been exaggerated. Always have.


Kane Ala
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Who cares? Not big into pointing fingers. I'm goal oriented. Dez costs too much for the amount of production. Rather have three players working and pick the 1-3 who step up. This league is all about TRYING to pick the best fit for the club and then managing the asset efficiently.


Well-Known Member
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Dez is his own worst enemies anyone not willing to look at the writing on the wall can just be lazy and blame everyone BUT Dez. He did this. On his own, From day one there has always been issues here and there and you just kind of said "oh well" because he was very good. But the last 3 seasons have demonstrated who he really is. I feel bad for how he grew up but sometimes you just need to be a man and sometimes some folks just are the way they are.
We saw his tantrums with Romo and Dak. We saw him getting all emotional and pissed on the sideline to his coaches. We saw him get taken out of games simply from a DB jawing with him. We've seen him lose his temper. We've seen him whine and mope on the sideline, demanding the ball and when he gets the ball he volleys up an INT and turns another over in a game we were winning. We've seen him half step plays not to him. We've seen him stand like a deer in headlights on a broken play and everyone else is trying to make a play. Arguing and fighting with opposing players instead of the live football going on around him. Add that to the drops and over all sucky attitude and that's a problem. I mean, he's STILL chirping on social media. Just go like a man. He caused some problems. No matter how many other people you want to blame.

Lol, unhinged.


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Dez even said he walked into Garett’s offense and told him about the lack of creativity and Garrett didn’t want to hear it.

Stubborn coaches.

Everyone hates Dez but he knows the problem is with this offense.
Jesus. When did the player become an offensive mastermind? Did he get it from his monkey?

It was probably more like, "yo, Dak really needs to throw me the ball more. I am mad open every play. You hear me fam?"

So then we did just that. Force-fed him the ball. And he wasn't open. He dropped or fumbled some of them. Then quit on the team. Or became distracted. Whatever the hell that means.

Now, with all that said, I do think Garrett needs to go. But let's see what things look like next year with Linehan running the show.

Just keep Garrett out of the way and let him do what he do - clap on, clap off.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We have all of these players, from Dez to TO to Butler to Scandrick to Church and some others all talking about how Garrett manipulates the situation for his own benefit, even at the expense of the players or the team.

Now you can choose to not believe it, but I ask a question......What has Garrett accomplished or earned that makes him so above board that the word of multiple players should be totally ignored? In other words, why such an allegiance to somebody that has accomplished so very little in their entire coaching career?

Dez, TO, Butler, Scandrick.

There's a reliable group for you.

Yeah they've got a world of credibility.