Cowboys philosophy


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Sucks to be you with that attitude is all I can really say.
Once more.

When asked to get a little more intellectual and explain your perspective, you duck out the back door with your drool cup in tow.

Can't say people have not tried to get you to rise up and overcome your single digit IQ.


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I would think it would suck to be the guy who struggles to accept reality and spends his time lashing out at other fans on a sports message board.
I’m just spending time waiting on the Northern lights to show up down here in Central Texas :D


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Bottom line is that this garbage has been going on in one form or another since Jimmy Johnson left. Terrible coaches/coaching, signing/trading for big name free agents that don't work out and tie up large sums of cap space to not signing/trading for anybody and still having cap issues. The bottom line is that the Joneses are in over their heads and it's obvious they don't have a clue how to successfully run a football team. So they feed us fans crap like 'It's a process' to keep us hanging around and warming all those seats in Jerry's playground every Sunday. Until Jerry and company start seeing empty seats, ALOT of empty seats and merchandise sales dropping I think it's foolish to expect anything to change.
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They, like all teams, have made a few mistakes here and there. But my point is the philosophy is sound.
trouble you think this organization's philosophy, with a coach they've had leading the team going on 8 seasons now that you have on a 1 year rope, is sound?


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Agreed, wouldn't you want your team to do good in football?
Stupid question. I’ve been watching this team, that I can remember, since 63. I’ve been through all the ups and downs. Winning the Super Bowl is not easy. It’s not just talent, it’s not just coaching. It’s both of those and a ton of luck. The ignorant fan will point out the Patriots, but if you look at it, NE consistently plays in the easiest division in the NFL so their path to the playoffs is easier than anyone’s. Luck. Look at all the teams who’ve won Super Bowls with questionable coaches, Don McCafferty, Barry Switzer, Gary Kubiak. Just look at the SB winning NFL QB’s. There’s just as much luck needed as anything else.


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Oh so now we’ve boiled the Cowboys philosophy down to luck.



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Stupid question. I’ve been watching this team, that I can remember, since 63. I’ve been through all the ups and downs. Winning the Super Bowl is not easy. It’s not just talent, it’s not just coaching. It’s both of those and a ton of luck. The ignorant fan will point out the Patriots, but if you look at it, NE consistently plays in the easiest division in the NFL so their path to the playoffs is easier than anyone’s. Luck. Look at all the teams who’ve won Super Bowls with questionable coaches, Don McCafferty, Barry Switzer, Gary Kubiak. Just look at the SB winning NFL QB’s. There’s just as much luck needed as anything else.

You really feel like New England has become the greatest dynasty in modern sports history, possibly of all time, because they play in the easiest division in the NFL? OMG I feel like I’m in the twilight zone when I read this type of stuff.


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I don't really call crisis management a philosophy. Stephen seems to have a much better handle on personnel decisions than poppa daddy. last year's drafting of an entirely new backfield seems to have worked out pretty well. rudder amidships. steady as she goes.


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I am generally pretty upbeat about the direction the Cowboys are headed. The drafting has been solid. The Gregory pick was a pretty extreme risk but other than that the risk/reward has been reasonable.

The Cowboys have been pretty judicious about contract extensions other than Dez. They are making very good decisions. Eventually it will pay off. They just need to stay the course and be consistent.


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You really feel like New England has become the greatest dynasty in modern sports history, possibly of all time, because they play in the easiest division in the NFL? OMG I feel like I’m in the twilight zone when I read this type of stuff.

Yeah. That is part of it. That's why they have also LOST several Super Bowls too.


Junior College Transfer
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You know I’m on record for not being a fan of Jerry Jones but I do support Stephen and Garrett. Garrett for only another year. This has only been the case for the last 6 or 7 years. That’s when the Cowboys made the decided to at least try and get Jerry out of the personnel decisions. They started spending wisely in FA instead of the 50 mil for Carr, high draft picks for Williams and Galloway. TO, etc. Since then they’ve made wise decisions and have drafted very well. Sure Jerry screwed this organization up for the most part of his ownership but they’ve turned the corner. We haven’t seen the playoff success yet but that doesn’t mean it’s not coming. There is something to be said about building via the draft and having a young roster sprinkled with a few vets here and there on offense, defense and ST’s. That’s what this team is banking on,,,,young, motivated and naive.
I kept hoping for indications we somehow could upend the Egirls, Packers, Vikings, Rams, Saints, Patriots and maybe the Jags and Panthers and Hawks.
Blimey and Leeds poseys, your optimism is endearing but misguided, lad. Every team is sprinkled with young talent and veterans.
And every team has its wide-eyed fans making playoff predictions. But so what, bloke?


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Yeah. That is part of it. That's why they have also LOST several Super Bowls too.

They said the same thing about us during the 90’s. “With teams like the Cardinals and Eagles in their division” it was dumb then, and it’s dumb now.


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I’m just spending time waiting on the Northern lights to show up down here in Central Texas :D
no northern lights, but great meteor shower early this morning.'ll get one last chance to see the lyrids this morning early. 1-3 a.m.


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They said the same thing about us during the 90’s. “With teams like the Cardinals and Eagles in their division” it was dumb then, and it’s dumb now.

They would not have had the opportunity to win the super bowl this many times if they were in the NFC East.

waving monkey

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You know I’m on record for not being a fan of Jerry Jones but I do support Stephen and Garrett. Garrett for only another year. This has only been the case for the last 6 or 7 years. That’s when the Cowboys made the decided to at least try and get Jerry out of the personnel decisions. They started spending wisely in FA instead of the 50 mil for Carr, high draft picks for Williams and Galloway. TO, etc. Since then they’ve made wise decisions and have drafted very well. Sure Jerry screwed this organization up for the most part of his ownership but they’ve turned the corner. We haven’t seen the playoff success yet but that doesn’t mean it’s not coming. There is something to be said about building via the draft and having a young roster sprinkled with a few vets here and there on offense, defense and ST’s. That’s what this team is banking on,,,,young, motivated and naive.
It's the smart way to build no doubt. We do go into FA and use it as a safety net.