Failing to succeed


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's an even year, so maybe we have a chance - 2014, 2016...2018?
Let's go with that. Hell, at this point any little thing that can make a positive is worthwhile.

I just don't get it. I predicted 4-12 in 2014 and was more positive than a lot of what I see here. Is this really fun? If I felt the way I've seen some here are feeling, I'd have been already gone. Damn me, at least give them a chance to disappoint. I'd at least wait until the first kickoff is sailing through the air to stick a fork in their butts.


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Everybody has their own version of what's fun. Mine is somewhat questionable, but some folks are really out there.


Messenger to the football Gods
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You think he’s a sociopath, and you were under the impression the Cowboys were owned by the fans and Jerry committed an illegal act to steal ownership away from the fans?

Well, now that we have the National Inquirer version... seriously need to move out of your Mom's basement .

The DAY he thought he could become a part of building a championship team was the day, us fans, hung our hat. We had zero choice but to bend over and take it.

I seriously think you're a closet Browns fan.

Be happy with a loser mentality...... there's thousands of them.

You're nothing special.

Jerry has sold simpletons like you HOPE...... every year.

It's "fans" like you that make it suck for the rest of us.

Thanks bro..... you're our hero.

waving monkey

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Enjoy.....that's what you've been seeing for the last 25 years.
I do and I would think so do you. Of course it can be crushing but it can be exhilarating
There's room for realistic complaints


Messenger to the football Gods
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No, not close, as you invest anticipation and emotion. In theft, a specific item has to be denied...and you still have the means to enjoy. What you supposedly lose, is of your own choice. Not a bargained element of exchange. Your thoughts are your own, and so is the responsibility for how one invests them.

You receive no monetary loss or mental defect by the franchise's actions.

As a fan, appreciation is in your own court. Own it, but don't claim theft...that just doesn't hold substance in law, which you claim unlawful action. Not at all owns his own disappointment.
What a
This storied franchise was lost before he came, he restored it when he bought it and fired Landry,hired Johnson. What rock were you under?
I witnessed 5 Superbowls with Landry and Jimmy.

Landry + Jimmy - Jerry = 5.

Jerry+all his yes men= -25.

Need a calculator? I seriously hope not.

Whose under a rock? How's China?



Messenger to the football Gods
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I do and I would think so do you. Of course it can be crushing but it can be exhilarating
There's room for realistic complaints
No I don't. I just can't walk away from many, many years of my life.

I can give realistic complaints...... unfortunately.


Messenger to the football Gods
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This storied franchise was lost before he came, he restored it when he bought it and fired Landry,hired Johnson. What rock were you under? a bridge for sale. :lmao2: 2 for one!!!


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If you ever get the chance to read the story of Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey's (what a coincidence), it is an amazing story of failing to succeed. His credo was "I haven't failed, I've just found a lot of ways it won't succeed" borrowing from Thomas Edison.

We've all been witnesses to "The Education Of Booger Jones" as he's made mistake after mistake and repeated some for good measure to arrive at the point where he's not a half bad GM. What's that??? Alert the media for frogs falling from the sky, CC has complimented Booger.

My dislike for Booger has never stemmed from his running the team. It's his and he can do as he pleases and I've mentioned it before, if I owned it, I think I know enough to be just as dangerous as he was. I would hire a GM as a scapegoat that I could fire as a sacrifice to the rabid fans but I would be calling the shots, especially the big shots. And you would too.

My dislike for him stems from his spotlight seeking, inability to speak and his homespun Boogerisms that he thinks are so endearing. I dislike anyone that is in so much love with themselves.

However, in the GM gig, he has shown a lot of improvement by changing out those voices in his ears and has made some good decisions in the draft and FA and if you think that's all on Son, we can save that for another thread because I attribute the change in philosophy to the man making it up. Booger is as much in charge as he has always been and that's OK.

While we rail about the old boy and blame him for everything including putting that goofy smile on Rowdy, let's ask ourselves one question. We hold that playoff record against him but in 2007, 2014 and 2016, did he not assemble a team of players that could have made it to the SB? Those were damned good teams and should have at least made it to the NFC Champs game but that leads us to coaching and that's an entirely different discussion. We can debate Garrett and why he's there but as far as player talent, Booger has not been in the bottom half of team builders.

Like Hershey and Edison, he's learned what doesn't work and also like them, he has a stubborn streak and will run an idea into the ground before giving it up. He thought he didn't need an OL because of Houdini and not only did he reverse that, he built one of the best in the league. He's allowed himself to get rid of players he really liked, Owens and Bryant, to better his team and that is based on listening. He used to be a new year every year GM and seems to be thinking more of the building toward the future and nothing exemplifies that more than the Jaylon Smith pick.

Yes, he's made quite a few bad decisions and he's paid for them. But, I give credit to Booger for learning life's greatest lesson about knowledge. If you don't know it, find someone that does.

I take my shots at him and have fun at his expense but just like I've said about our HC, we could do a lot worse, I feel the same way about GM.
My opinion of Jerry is slowly changing for the positive as well. Good post BTW. I've always liked Jerry the owner and hated Jerry the GM. But I was watching a youtube channel on the Cowboys and if I find it again I will post it. But I was shocked cuz the guy said that since 2000 Dallas was rated 2nd in the league in drafting. He used the metric of pro bowl players and all pros. So Jerry has either figured out this drafting thing or hired the right people to draft. OP makes a good point that he is getting a lot better about cutting his pet players instead of hanging on to them. Now the final thing he has to learn is the HC position is really important. Cuz they have a good team on paper and I would argue since 2013 we have had the talent to compete. The final barrier is that HC position, I truly think when Jerry figures that out we might be a championship quality team that can make a run for a while. We got some young players at key positions. We just got to know how to turn them loose. It seems Garrett is holding them back. I'm going to go look for that youtube video


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Here's the video, not sure how to get it to play, but here's the address. It's a Chat Sports video talking about today's Cowboys rumors, if that means anything. Not sure how credible these guys are but it's the video I referenced.



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6,776 seriously need to move out of your Mom's basement .

The DAY he thought he could become a part of building a championship team was the day, us fans, hung our hat. We had zero choice but to bend over and take it.

I seriously think you're a closet Browns fan.

Be happy with a loser mentality...... there's thousands of them.

You're nothing special.

Jerry has sold simpletons like you HOPE...... every year.

It's "fans" like you that make it suck for the rest of us.

Thanks bro..... you're our hero.

You realize you're feeding the beast, too... right? Not sure how you think you're above anyone else. Sounds like you're just another fairweather guy who can't be happy unless, "his team," gives him something to brag about. I mean, if you really have such high standards, what are you doing here? Is it just to whine and call another fan who isn't as miserable as you a, "simpleton"? Do you think your complaining will change the ownership?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan seriously need to move out of your Mom's basement .

The DAY he thought he could become a part of building a championship team was the day, us fans, hung our hat. We had zero choice but to bend over and take it.

I seriously think you're a closet Browns fan.

Be happy with a loser mentality...... there's thousands of them.

You're nothing special.

Jerry has sold simpletons like you HOPE...... every year.

It's "fans" like you that make it suck for the rest of us.

Thanks bro..... you're our hero.

Lol - the age old tactic of the poster who cannot function through logic and reason - call people names, act indignant, make blatantly exaggerated claims about what other posters believe and pretend that makes your points stronger.

There is no logic to what you have said. I never said I thought Jerry was doing a great job, I just noted your silly exaggerations. A person can dislike Jerry all they want, but he didn’t steal anything. He legitimately bought the team. He’s the owner. And because he doesn’t run it like you or I might it does not make him a thief or a sociopath.

Your post was nothing more than silly little teenage girl level melodrama.


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Brooklyn, bridges, bedrock, and the bends. and john roebeling.


Taco Engineer
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How clever.......not.

I could've swore one had to be at least 12 to post here .

Guess not.
And when you can't take anymore and need to jump off one of your bridges make sure you do a flip. Then MAYBE fans here will actual give you respect.


Well-Known Member
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Let's go with that. Hell, at this point any little thing that can make a positive is worthwhile.

I just don't get it. I predicted 4-12 in 2014 and was more positive than a lot of what I see here. Is this really fun? If I felt the way I've seen some here are feeling, I'd have been already gone. Damn me, at least give them a chance to disappoint. I'd at least wait until the first kickoff is sailing through the air to stick a fork in their butts.
the greatest thing about football season is that is coincides with the texas big game hunting season. plenty of time to hunt in the morning even with an early game. with an afternoon game, even more time. if the game is not a good one, turn off the tube, grab a rifle or shotgun, and go outside again. always a pot of beans on the wood burning stove. and thanks to modern technology, crystal clear reception.


Messenger to the football Gods
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And when you can't take anymore and need to jump off one of your bridges make sure you do a flip. Then MAYBE fans here will actual give you respect.

LMAO!!!! :lmao: OH! The irony!

I rest my case, your honor........