Garrett is a great coach waiting to happen


Junior College Transfer
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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!


Landry Hat
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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!
If he stops clapping no one can call him the clapping carrot that would take a lot of fun away from some people Do you really want unhappy posters?


Vet Min Plus
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He just needs a real 1-Tech and the Supa Bows start flowinz.....


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Something's just itching to burst out of Garrett!!!


Go Seahawks!!!
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I think a lot of issues would be resolved if he would actually coach a little on game days instead of absorbing information to analyze for the following week. Maybe we could pull a few more close games out. The “just keep doing what you’re doing” mantra isn’t quite getting the job done.


Well-Known Member
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Who are all of these NFL coaches who are pulling games out with their coaching on Game Days?

I see players pulling games out on Game Day. Coaches just put them in position to win.


Well-Known Member
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Garrett has more success when he has more talent. If he’s responsible for our roster then he should be fired.

We definitely need someone to assemble a more talented roster .

Like the top 5 defense in Philly and their MVP QB they drafted. That’s what Garrett and every coach in NFL needs.


Well-Known Member
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Number one thing holding Garrett back from being a great coach.....clapping:facepalm:

Clapping when things go bad is indicative of the type of asshat JG really is. It speaks volumes as to who he is as a person and leader; someone who honestly doesn't give a **** and is collecting a handsome paycheck because of it.


Well-Known Member
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Garrett is a Hall of Fame QB and Doomsday defense away from winning Super Bowls.

The same components Landry and Jimmy had.

But he can't do that when he is everyone's best friend.

What drove me crazy is when Garrett will go to basketball games with Romo and Witten. Would Landry, Parcells and any good coach do that? I doubt it.

Garrett is too soft on his players. He wants to be liked by the players and wants to be be too buddy buddy with them.

If he wants to be great coach he needs to emphasis excellence and accountability. PERIOD. He needs to bench players for dumb and stupid mistakes. He needs to chew them out for bad plays right in front cameras rather than keep slapping their butts even though were losing.
He needs to stop sugarcoating why they lost and tell it as it is - that the team sucked and that there will be players benched if this continues.

When was the last time he chewed Dez? NEVER. Why didn't he bench Chaz Green after the Atlanta game? NOPE. What did he with the team when they got blown out against the Eagles? Probably NOTHING.

I would be embarrassed as a coach to have won the game against Philidelphia's 3rd stringers last year. I would have made a statement and said we have won nothing. Yet he sugarcoated that win as though we really won something worthy of bragging.

We fans aren't as naive and clueless as what Garrett thinks. We all know that the REAL Eagles team didn't show up to play. Does he think were that dumb?

Losing is part of the Garrett culture. There is no consequences or accountability to losing a games. Its the status quo around here. Yes were still an country club in Dallas. Until I see otherwise Im sticking to it.