The Dez Lottery is just starting to heat up


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Boy o boy this is getting interesting. All those team vying for the services of Dez Bryant is so exciting. Dez is being really smart weighing all his options. Better to sit out another camp because the sore hammy excuse is a little old. Besides he is such a superior athlete that he doesn’t need to be in shape. Iverson was right about “practice”. Dez knows this. When the lights are on, especially, in the second half he is the guy. If he drops one it’s the QBs fault anyway. I heard that league GMs are all speaking with their respective team captains because once Dez signs he gets the C. Just watching All Or Nothing has coaches salivating at the prospects of having a leader like that on the team. Dez is also about ready to start thinking about maybe working out with that route running guru. When he does teams will have to open the vaults. This is incredible to watch!


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He will be sitting on the storm drain with all the rest of the kids that hear footsteps and are not picked to play LOL


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Those salty nuts must be making you thirsty.


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Actually fighting off an illness and not sleeping well.
I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you get to feeling better real soon.

As for Dez, he needs to be on an NFL rotation of playing against us every week. That's the only way tea,s would get their money's worth out of him. He's passionate and wants to teach us a lesson.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Actually fighting off an illness and not sleeping well.
Yeah! I'll wake up at 2 or 3 a.m pretty regular, pull a double glugger of Beam ,spark up a factory spun CAMEL marketed evil weed & pick up my phone that's still logged into the ZONE,,,,I hate not being able to catch a full nights sleep,myself bro!o_O


Well-Known Member
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Boy o boy this is getting interesting. All those team vying for the services of Dez Bryant is so exciting. Dez is being really smart weighing all his options. Better to sit out another camp because the sore hammy excuse is a little old. Besides he is such a superior athlete that he doesn’t need to be in shape. Iverson was right about “practice”. Dez knows this. When the lights are on, especially, in the second half he is the guy. If he drops one it’s the QBs fault anyway. I heard that league GMs are all speaking with their respective team captains because once Dez signs he gets the C. Just watching All Or Nothing has coaches salivating at the prospects of having a leader like that on the team. Dez is also about ready to start thinking about maybe working out with that route running guru. When he does teams will have to open the vaults. This is incredible to watch!

I'm literally laughing out loud reading this. Well played.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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Dez is getting less interest than even I thought he would. Guess he was even worse than I imagined.
I'm not at all surprised.....other owners and GM's also see not only his declining production but also his sideline tantrums disrupting the entire team. It's one thing to be mad and upset when a play doesn't pan out but you have to have a little self control which he doesn't have. Add in the debacle after he was released basically throwing away his man card and begging the Giants to sign him was just more than what FO's want in a player.

Dez should have taken the Ravens offer and try to work himself back into being a solid player, other teams are not going to babysit him like our FO did.


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I'm not at all surprised.....other owners and GM's also see not only his declining production but also his sideline tantrums disrupting the entire team. It's one thing to be mad and upset when a play doesn't pan out but you have to have a little self control which he doesn't have. Add in the debacle after he was released basically throwing away his man card and begging the Giants to sign him was just more than what FO's want in a player.

Dez should have taken the Ravens offer and try to work himself back into being a solid player, other teams are not going to babysit him like our FO did.
I personally think the Ravens are lucky he declined. And judging from the extreme lack of interest, it appears my thinking could be on target.


Well-Known Member
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Boy o boy this is getting interesting. All those team vying for the services of Dez Bryant is so exciting. Dez is being really smart weighing all his options. Better to sit out another camp because the sore hammy excuse is a little old. Besides he is such a superior athlete that he doesn’t need to be in shape. Iverson was right about “practice”. Dez knows this. When the lights are on, especially, in the second half he is the guy. If he drops one it’s the QBs fault anyway. I heard that league GMs are all speaking with their respective team captains because once Dez signs he gets the C. Just watching All Or Nothing has coaches salivating at the prospects of having a leader like that on the team. Dez is also about ready to start thinking about maybe working out with that route running guru. When he does teams will have to open the vaults. This is incredible to watch!
By the time a team does decide to sign him, there will only be moths in that vault.