I am boycotting NFL for three games this season


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Reality #3: The NFL operates in the United States of America. If you want to operate in the USA, you must abide by the U.S. Constitution. Implementing punishment against a constituent without any reasonable evidence or due process violates the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Therefore, Goodell should be sentenced to 25+ years in hard prison (general long-term -- with murderers, rapists, etc) per offense for violating each victim's (Elliott+others) U.S. constitutional rights.

I wonder if their employee hand book is the constitution?


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That's not the point being made. Nobody is saying it's not important and I can stop anytime. The point is that it doesn't rise to a level beyond that would lead to activism or a willingness to give up our weekly release/entertainment. It's just not as critical to most people's lives that they would place that kind of priority on it when there are so many other more important things to worry about and be responsible for.
I hear ya. Was actually playing devil's advocate.

I am the opposite though in that Goodell and his state of the NFL makes me feel like there are other releases out there that passed football up. My interest is still there, but win or lose I refuse to get rouled up. Just a game.


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Yes sir. I’m definately protest something this year regarding NFL, just have decided what yet. I think I’m upset about the Monday and Sunday night football intro songs. They are terrible, and it’s about time someone takes a stand

MNF yes, SNF is amazing though (helps that it was written by the same guy that did Star Wars).


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The league's preference for disciplining players via its own philosophy may lead to its own downfall ultimately. The league owners as a whole are willing to take that risk. Again, it is not a subject the owners have not wrapped their heads around. They have. It is a subject some elements of their consumer base have not accepted. Of course, that is any individual's right but the difference in opinion does not affect the owners whatsoever. Currently.
I don't think so. I think the league has much deeper problems than the public's perception of their disciplinary action, and even moreso the disciplinary action is a frantic effort to keep the image. It's highly doubtful that the disciplinary actions taken are having more of a negative effect than the players' actions causing these disciplinary actions.


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The big problem is the private sector loophole crap that ABSOLUTELY must be abolished if the nation's laws are to have any teeth. The U.S. government MUST crack down hard on the private sector and start putting a$sholes at the top in prison where they belong, and not in a pampered office dorm jail but in the same cells with the druglords, murderers, rapists et al. Because aside from child predators, corporate criminal scum are legitimately equally bad as all of the rest of the garbage in the hard cells today.
Yup, and many pockets being padded so they stay free.


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Reality #3: The NFL operates in the United States of America. If you want to operate in the USA, you must abide by the U.S. Constitution. Implementing punishment against a constituent without any reasonable evidence or due process violates the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Therefore, Goodell should be sentenced to 25+ years in hard prison (general long-term -- with murderers, rapists, etc) per offense for violating each victim's (Elliott+others) U.S. constitutional rights.
Not reality.

Employees who are costing their employers money can be legally fired. Due process is for criminal proceedings, not for employee misconduct.


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An apology is in order. Thanks to @Sydla , I looked up the Winston's NFL.com story, which stated:

The NFL "concluded that Winston violated the personal conduct policy by touching the driver in an inappropriate and sexual manner without her consent and that disciplinary action was necessary and appropriate." As part of of his discipline, Winston is required to obtain a clinical evaluation and fully cooperate in any recommended program of therapeutic intervention.

"A failure either to obtain the evaluation or to cooperate with treatment will result in further discipline," the league said in a statement. "In addition, a future violation of the personal conduct policy will result in more substantial discipline, including a potential ban from the NFL."

Seemingly, Winston agreed through negotiation to the evaluation and program recommendations, which reduced the standard six-game suspension to three games. Per the policy:

With regard to violations of the Personal Conduct Policy that involve: (i) criminal assault or battery (felony); (ii) domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse and other forms of family violence; or (iii) sexual assault involving physical force or committed against someone incapable of giving consent, a first offense will subject the offender to a baseline suspension without pay of six games, with consideration given to any aggravating or mitigating factors.

The league considered the groping as a sexual assault. My bad.
You amended your original reply with this observation after my reply. Good catch. I did not think the league weighed his groping as a sexual assault, which the personal conduct policy specifies as a mandatory six-game suspension.
And it wasn't even groping. It was "touching in a sexual manner" which is an extremely grey term. What's he do, put his hand on her arm and it offended her? We don't know.

And this is a completely different case than what EZ got accused of.


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Employers don’t hold their own investigations into somebody’s behavior that occurs outside of the workplace though. Last I checked Zeke and Jameis’ alleged behaviors didn’t happen at the practice facility or in an NFL stadium.
They do. Depends on the job, obviously, but they do. We're not talking about some checker who snorted coke here, we're talking about a possible sexual assault by a face of the business.


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And it wasn't even groping. It was "touching in a sexual manner" which is an extremely grey term. What's he do, put his hand on her arm and it offended her? We don't know.

And this is a completely different case than what EZ got accused of.
It is true. We do not know what actually happened. You say it was not groping. I could form an opinion it was not groping according to the available information. Anyone outside the commissioner and his team can make any assumption they want. It is possible that the league’s own investigation did not enlighten them either.

What everyone knows by now (or should have learned) is that none of that matters in the end. Goodell validated his final decision on what you say is an “extremely grey term”. Seems the two of you disagree. Perhaps there is a difference in opinion what Goodell calls it privately. Who knows? Maybe he read the investigators’ report and concluded, “Hey. Sounds like Winston groped her. Better not include groping in the official statement though. Some people might say it is an extremely grey term.”


rock music matters
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I am boycotting NFL for three games this season. I let the NFL office know as well and I encourage others to do the same...let your $s speak. Zeke gets a 6 game suspension, in a case that was thrown out of court, police closed the case, she retracted her story and NFLs own investigator said, they shouldnt' suspend.

then Winston does the same, lies, then admits to it, and gets a 3 game suspension, although NFLs own POLICY says, minimum 6 games.

what gives? of course we know that was Goodell getting even with Jerry for challenging him.....

so for three weekends, they don't get me to watch their commercials...

so NFL will probably say, ***.... so I wrote their advertisers as well. Budweiser, etc.

will it amount to anything? maybe, maybe not...but NFL depends on me the fan, and when me the fan is unhappy, NFL will know....they are not the king of the hill, they exists, because I exist.
i'm in.

pre-season is history.


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A real boycott would be refusing to purchase any NFL garb or any products that sponsor the NFL.

A real boycott would mean refusing to watch any NFL games in order to further plummet ratings.

But even these steps would be too little to make a change. Too many NFL sheeple out there make your individual voice irrelevant.

The NFL will die a slow, natural death. I can’t imagine the NFL existing in its current state by 2050. It may succumb to public indifference and damaging legal battles far sooner than that.

I truly believe the CTE issue will be the ultimate nail in the coffin for the NFL as we know it now. It's already happening. Players retiring early, parents stopping their kids from playing. Honestly I wouldn't want my boy (I only have girls) playing knowing there is a real serious risk of brain damage even at a young age. It's scary to think about. I remember hitting helmet to helmet when I was 11 years old in Pop Warner. I had headaches for days, I was just a little kid. I guarantee if the studies were out then that are now my parents would of refused to let me play.


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I do not have time to teach you how sales and clicks work when it comes to the internet. Just keep *****ing about Jerry and loading his pockets
That’s interesting, yet you have plenty of time to search through months of other users post history.



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I am boycotting NFL for three games this season. I let the NFL office know as well and I encourage others to do the same...let your $s speak. Zeke gets a 6 game suspension, in a case that was thrown out of court, police closed the case, she retracted her story and NFLs own investigator said, they shouldnt' suspend.

then Winston does the same, lies, then admits to it, and gets a 3 game suspension, although NFLs own POLICY says, minimum 6 games.

what gives? of course we know that was Goodell getting even with Jerry for challenging him.....

so for three weekends, they don't get me to watch their commercials...

so NFL will probably say, ***.... so I wrote their advertisers as well. Budweiser, etc.

will it amount to anything? maybe, maybe not...but NFL depends on me the fan, and when me the fan is unhappy, NFL will know....they are not the king of the hill, they exists, because I exist.

The NFL like any other business allows for a small percentage of influx during time periods, the NFL is each week for their games. With the tens of millions that watch NFL football the loss of you and a very tiny percent of 1% of those tens of millions of viewers that may join you will mean nothing to the NFL or any of their sponsors. You may think you're doing something and that it may in some way hurt the NFL and their sponsors but in reality it won't mean anything to anyone except you. So if and I use that big word literally, if you're really a Cowboys fan and choosing not to watch 3 of their games because of something that only matters to you makes one question if you really are a Cowboys fan.


"We Are Penn State"
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Yes sir. I’m definately protest something this year regarding NFL, just have decided what yet. I think I’m upset about the Monday and Sunday night football intro songs. They are terrible, and it’s about time someone takes a stand
They'll get more attention kneeling.:p


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The NFL like any other business allows for a small percentage of influx during time periods, the NFL is each week for their games. With the tens of millions that watch NFL football the loss of you and a very tiny percent of 1% of those tens of millions of viewers that may join you will mean nothing to the NFL or any of their sponsors. You may think you're doing something and that it may in some way hurt the NFL and their sponsors but in reality it won't mean anything to anyone except you. So if and I use that big word literally, if you're really a Cowboys fan and choosing not to watch 3 of their games because of something that only matters to you makes one question if you really are a Cowboys fan.
The NFL has had a 20% ratings drop the last 2 years.......that is a ton of people walking away one at a time

It makes a big difference


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The NFL like any other business allows for a small percentage of influx during time periods, the NFL is each week for their games. With the tens of millions that watch NFL football the loss of you and a very tiny percent of 1% of those tens of millions of viewers that may join you will mean nothing to the NFL or any of their sponsors. You may think you're doing something and that it may in some way hurt the NFL and their sponsors but in reality it won't mean anything to anyone except you. So if and I use that big word literally, if you're really a Cowboys fan and choosing not to watch 3 of their games because of something that only matters to you makes one question if you really are a Cowboys fan.
That's kind of unfair. We are all Cowboy fans and approach things differently. Some have a stronger passion about certain things than others. I disavowed the Cowboys when JJ fired Tom Landry. One fine Sunday afternoon, I was going to see a movie and noticed the parking lot was sparse. I commented and someone said "Oh the Cowboys are playing in the Super Bowl" and my sorry butt came crawling back to the Star. I haven't left since. To me, the three game hold out is more than I'm willing to pay. I'm not hurting Goodell, just myself but I admire someone that is willing to take a stand.