Dak Prescott wasn't the problem against the Houston Texans


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Stop with the Mahomes comparisons, KC has playmakers everywhere on the offense. They are 4 deep at receiver and a top flight TE. You think Mahomes would put up the same stats in this offense......... That's laughable

Really Mahomes drops a 4 yard pass to Tyreek Hill and Hill makes everyone miss.

He is good though but we can’t get anything wth these WR


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Gallup has been a disappointment. He just cannot get open. Tavon has shown iffy hands. We are void of talent. But like I said, its a marathon..not a sprint. This is part of it when you have lots of change at a position. The tightends looked MUCH better tonight. The oline and wideouts didn't.


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Dak did his best Harry Houdini play after play just to escape,buy time,and give the wr's a chance to get open. THEY COULD NOT. When they did,Dak was either laying on his back ...running for his life or just trying to survive. The oline was exposed AGAIN. THAT said, THE playcalling in overtime was vanilla.It got us beat. We didn't even give our guys a chance. We served it up to them on a platter in OT. Hate to be that guy...but here it is. GOT TO FIRE GARRETT. He simply doesn't understand ebb and flow,situational play calling. HE JUST DOESN'T. In OT, it was 4th and 1,if you punt,your likely toast and going to lose the ball game. All it takes is a FG at that point. My pet peeve is, you freakin go for it in that sitch! Do not hand them the ball! Either way...if you don't get the first down,they get the ball...so crap, may as well go for it! Garrett showed no brass at all. That was a good time to hit the tightend on a seam and surprise them. I hate how we lost. They wanted it more than we did and their HC out coached us.


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Really Mahomes drops a 4 yard pass to Tyreek Hill and Hill makes everyone miss.

He is good though but we can’t get anything wth these WR
great point. SOMETIMES its up to the talent around the QB to make a play. YAC yards. Tavon can be that guy,but his hands are not great. We saw that tonight on the tip drill int. Dak did good enough on that pass, a halfway decent wr would have caught that ball in his sleep. I support Dak 100%...tired of the folks with blind hate of the kid. He simply has no viable options around him passing-wise. The oline had a rough game to boot.


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to all the fans that forget. Did you see Dak escape JJ WATT...more than once,with the dude hanging on him? Clowney had him in the grasp several times...only for Dak to somehow shake him off and make something out of nothing...so I DO NOT WANNA HEAR IT. A lesser QB would have been sacked 7 times in this game. THAT IS THE GODS HONEST TRUTH. Truth is we are going through a big rebuild at the wr position.Its a hard pill for all of us to swallow,but here we are.


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....why do you guys do this? Wanting Dak gone =/= wanting Garrett to stay.

You want to discuss that? Go to a thread about Garrett. This is about Dak.

No wanting Dak gone is not recognizing that the problem is Garrett and this dysfunctional crap storm that Jerry has created. I will be the first to agree that Dak is far from perfect but there is no denying that he has regressed as a qb. How much of that is him vs Garrett? Does anyone know or is your dislike of this kid because you cannot stomach the fact that he replaced Romo and the Cowboys then ushered Romo out and that injustice now needs to be payed by one Dak Prescott?
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Garrett needs gone,not Dak. I been consistent on this. Garrett lost the game or at very least...lacked the balls in OT to go for it on 4th and 1. Giving the game away. Poor decisions in OT did us in by the staff on offense. The D gets an A.


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Garrett needs gone,not Dak. I been consistent on this. Garrett lost the game or at very least...lacked the balls in OT to go for it on 4th and 1. Giving the game away. Poor decisions in OT did us in by the staff on offense. The D gets an A.

Dak also needs the help of a seasoned qb coach and an OC that doesn’t suffer from ADHD.


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ITS ALWAYS HARD FOR US FANS WATCHING OUR COWBOYS LOSE A CLOSE WINNABLE GAME. Myself and others on here in preseason knew way in advance what we would be this year,which is exactly what we are seeing. A team in rebuild offensively that will be lucky to be around .500. Did we not already know this? Throw into the mix a rookie left guard and missing the leagues best center,well...we have what we see. Its gonna be a mixed bag of results on offense weekly. I hate it,but that's it. Last nights game was winnable in OT...JG made a major errornot going for it on 4th and 1. He doesn't understand momentum and situational play calling. Got to be fired.


Romo was elite
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Too say its all on Linehan is silly. Dak routinely on 1st and 2nd down faces stacked boxes meaning 1 on 1 on the outside but he refuses to consistently attack 1 on 1 coverage. Often we see defenses put 10 men within 5 yrds of the LOS. Dak has to make defenses pay for those looks but he cannot consistently. The all 22 proves that defenses do not respect our passing game. Its Daks responsibility to get us in plays that have a chance to succeed and yet he routinely does not. Why, because he does not trust his own ability. he is risk adverse to a fault. When you have a QB that refuses to make the proper checks at the LOS the defense simply can smother the offense which is exactly what is taking place.


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Dak showed he has elite escape ability most QB's just don't have. He is like Donavan McNabb. Streaky guy that runs to pass. He has very green wr's around him. He has a HC that just doesn't understand situational play calling...ebb and flow and how to change the momentum of a game in crunch time. Garrett is a clip board holder..thats it. The oline clearly missed Fred Beard last night. Dak couldn't set up to pass like he wanted,outside of a handful of times.


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its time to sign Rishard Mathews. Get him in here pronto. Also, we need some answers at oline. The left side is pretty bad.


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Dak Prescott is nothing more than a stop gap QB. I said going into this season that my biggest concern for the Dallas Cowboys was that he would play just good enough for the Cowboys not to draft a top QB prospect. Dak Prescott is part of the problem, he isnt the whole problem but his limitations handcuff the offense by creating simple game plans and route running. Last night was a classic example of a team taking away the Dallas run game and forcing Dak to try and beat them. Defenses dont fear Dak at all. Believe it of not the Texans have the 20th ranked pass defense and 9th ranked rush defense. Dak couldnt exploit thier weakness and yes we know about the drops but what about all the other plays. Every time Dak falls behind down and distance he fails to convert. Another wasted defensive effort by Dak Prescott who had chances to right everything by moving the ball into FG range twice at the end of the game. You look at Watson and he was harrassed all night but still made a lot of great throws. He also made some dumb runs exposing himself with hits. But he is what I call a work in progress. Dak is NOT! he does not have the arm or accuracy and it shows in pressure situations. Dallas extends his contract and this organization will look like a bunch of idiots!!


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
ITS ALWAYS HARD FOR US FANS WATCHING OUR COWBOYS LOSE A CLOSE WINNABLE GAME. Myself and others on here in preseason knew way in advance what we would be this year,which is exactly what we are seeing. A team in rebuild offensively that will be lucky to be around .500. Did we not already know this? Throw into the mix a rookie left guard and missing the leagues best center,well...we have what we see. Its gonna be a mixed bag of results on offense weekly. I hate it,but that's it. Last nights game was winnable in OT...JG made a major errornot going for it on 4th and 1. He doesn't understand momentum and situational play calling. Got to be fired.

With a good QB we would be 5-0 right now....and playoffs would not be a dream any longer.....key here....GOOD QB....


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Dak Prescott wasn't the problem against the Houston Texans

  • By Sam Quinn
  • 2h ago • 2 min read
Some day, historians are going to look at the Week 5 loss that the Dallas Cowboys sustained against the Houston Texans and think that Dak Prescott played a bad game. The evidence is there. The Cowboys scored only 16 points. Prescott threw two interceptions and gained only 208 yards through the air. His quarterback rating was 66.4. Based on his poor play in the four weeks prior, it wouldn't be a stretch to just tack one extra bad game onto his ledger. And that is a shame, because for once, Prescott was not remotely the problem against the Texans.

Those two interceptions Prescott threw? Both tipped... by his own receivers. Granted, they weren't perfect throws, but most throws aren't. It is reasonable for a quarterback to expect his receivers to be able to, you know, stretch. Prescott didn't throw those balls 10 yards over their heads. He missed slightly. But when you miss at all with this group of Cowboys receivers, you miss entirely.

Speaking of missing, Prescott made the Texans do quite a bit of that. He was pressured relentlessly in this game, but he was sacked only twice. He escaped perhaps half a dozen sacks based on nothing more than body control and athleticism.

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Dak is a problem and was a major problem last night, he did not (and doesn't appear to be able to) play good consistently. His overall play was a little better than poor, one or 2 good plays do not negate the many poor ones. His accuracy is is not NFL caliber. Anyone who believe that Dak is a championship type or championship winning QB is just deluding themselves.


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It's really cute reading through the thread at some of the last remaining hardened Dak supporters.

The way they see the same game everyone else is watching is bizarre and the excuse making they come up with for Dak is hilarious. It's like listening to a 5-year old sincerely try to explain where babies come from.


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Carrot demonstrated on 4th and 1 with the game on the line in overtime, that he REFUSED to give this O / team a chance to win. As I have said before, he shackles and puts chains on this O, and then suffocates them to finish them off. And his play calling is horrendous as well.

5 LOSSES in a row to go and then Jerry is forced to get rid of Carrot. I volunteer to be the first to open the door and leave a permanent and huge footprint on Carrot's A S S on the way out.

Doug Pederson stood up on the podium and took OWNERSHIP for the Eagles loss yesterday. I have NEVER heard Carrot stand up and take accountability to everyone for his failures. He throws everyone under the bus EXCEPT himself.
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