Jerry is intimidated by this

waving monkey

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Jerry is a frustrated coach, he believes he is smarter than anyone, fired Tom, drove out Jimmy (or fired depending on who tells the story) drove out Parcells, Reeves didn't stay a day,Turner turned him down, yeah if you know football Jerry doesn't want you around telling him he is wrong. Jerry would be GM and Coach but NFL doesn't allow owners to coach so he hires a yes man. Jerry is AL Davis only difference is Al something about football. 20 odd years and the common link to mediocrity is Jerry and he is just to arrogant to see it. Troy see's it as well as most knowledgeable football people. Yes Jerry is intimidated by people who know football
Jimmy drove himself off
Parcell's walked on his on decision
Parcells said he and Jerry got along . _parcells lost his drive and suffered from depression it's well know


Rising Star
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The only reason he hired Bill Parcells was to make sure his stadium deal got passed.

Fans were fed up with all the losing and he needed a win to make sure his $1 billion tribute to himself didn't get voted down.

waving monkey

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respectfully disagree both suffered enough of Jerry.
then you dont know the history or comments from Jimmy or Bill.
Sorry not being argumentative I've read the investigating reports by several sports writers including Skip B. who wrote a year before he left Jimmy wanted to return to Florida to coach and live. Bill lost his drive and Jerry waited quite a while in the off season for Bil to make up his mind. Bil said the T..O. thing didn't run him off.


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Jones is not a psychopath.

Perhaps part of the problem with observers of others' behavior is the false self-belief all possible disorders are one and the same.

Question: How many of those wealthy business owners or professional players used their status as justification to invent a title for themselves in order to legitimize their actions BEYOND what they could do AS 'an owner or professional'? Or did you simply observe them doing what they wanted to do without them hiding behind a pretense?
Right. I just observed them fulfilling their passion. Some were successful others went out of business.

This is where Jerry’s revolutionary revenue streams came into play. He remembered what Tex told him in that in order to remain financially sound you need consistent success on the field . So Jerry almost single handily reinvented the wheel with all of the contributions he’s made which has allowed him to continue his passion without the sacrifices of not having the football success.

Fans often think it’s all about the money but it’s not. It’s about allowing him to continue his ways. That said Jerry also embraces the celebrity status and recognizes the importance of publicity to remain front and center.


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Those years traveling with the team on several road trips staying at the same hotel as the team with the initial groups of the Cowboys Travel Club provided a close up loook not all had an opportunity to experience along with staying at the Training Camp hotel in Austin and later San Antonio. Jerry often would mingle with us as he appreciated our support. And I was a season ticket holder at Texas Stadium for most of the 37 years.

Jerrys unyielding passion was very evident. I’m not sure I’ve been around or seen anyone who loves what he was doing anymore. Like a kid in a candy store. Wide eyed and bushy tailed. It was infectious. I was very supportive of Jerry until the Jimmy fallout and what transpired following with Barry, etc.

It wasn’t until then that we truly realized that Jerry’s promise to win at all cost didn’t mean what we thought it did meaning if he didn’t receive credit he was pursuing he wasn’t interested.

He obviously enjoyed winning but his arrogance and egotistical pursuit to prove he’s a football guy outweighed the good of the team and why it’s become blatantly obvious to me it’s always been more about Jerry than the Dallas Cowboys and why I’ve become so outspoken on the subject which once we moved to new stadium it was actually over.

The fans lost control of the power to stop him and I’ve used whatever venue and means to express and present my experiences and perspective. In the meantime I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie with the relationships I’ve made over the years with other fans on these sites. And since I retired a couple years ago have had much more time to spend on these sites.


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I was in the insurance business for 30 years. Around many wealthy business owners and professional players.

Jerry’s behavior isn’t that unusual. I’ve seen this type of behavior many times. They just weren’t the owner of the Dallas Cowboys.

Jerry bought into his favorite passion. Building, running and coaching a football team.

It would be like buying a restaurant and you insisted on cooking up every dish even if you werent the best cook for your business because cooking was your passion. I can provide other anologies.

Jerry isn’t a physcopath . He just wants to be a football guy. Lol

But Jerry's owner/gm/phantom head coach model is completely unique among NFL owners. Bungals sorta have it but their owner is not their phantom head coach and lets his hc hire their own staff. Jerry's peers are the other 31 billionaire owners and none of them, no matter how arrogant, have adopted the Jones model of football management. Why would they unless they want to ensure decades of mediocrity and never win championships?


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But Jerry's owner/gm/phantom head coach model is completely unique among NFL owners. Bungals sorta have it but their owner is not their phantom head coach and lets his hc hire their own staff. Jerry's peers are the other 31 billionaire owners and none of them, no matter how arrogant, have adopted the Jones model of football management. Why would they unless they want to ensure decades of mediocrity and never win championships?
Correct. No one has copied Jerry’s model for mediocrity:)

I’ve always argued on Jerry’s behalf that if the NFL required all owners to also serve as their teams GM in the same capacity as Jerry I think he would have much more success in the NFL .


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Die, I quit buying anything branded cowboys a long while ago... I will not support JJ and his ego....and I have a grandson who loves the cowboys, and now has to ask why I don't watch the games....pathetic coming from a guy who is 59 and been a fan since about 8 years old.

I am the same way. I stopped watching most of the games and buying Cowboys products once he hired Jason Garrett. I knew right off the bat he was the wrong fit and would not do much for the team. I may watch a quarter here or there, but I can now count on one hand the number of quarters of Cowboys football I watch in one season. I watch other match ups that intrigue me, but watch Garrett sit there and clap over bad Cowboy plays is embarrassing.

At least I was privileged (as are you) to have been able to watch and see the 90's Jimmy Johnson Cowboys and the Super Bowl wins. There are a group of people here who have never seen the sustained success that we have seen. And they have never seen us in a Super Bowl, That is a shame.


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If you think this is going to make anything better you're sadly mistaken. Jerry will only dig in further against the media criticism. He'll probably give JG a lengthy extension along with Dak just to be defiant. Reminds me of someone...can't quite put my finger on who though.

I know who he reminds you of. I just won't say it in this forum . . . .


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Correct. No one has copied Jerry’s model for mediocrity:)

I’ve always argued on Jerry’s behalf that if the NFL required all owners to also serve as their teams GM in the same capacity as Jerry I think he would have much more success in the NFL .

Excellent point. :)


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Completely agree with the OP of this thread. A new coach will come from within the organization. Nothing will change. If Kellen Moore can stay employed, the custodians of the Star facility can believe they have a shot at HC.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Jerry's ego is always the issue.

What's crazy is that if he hired a big name HC and they, oh my God, started really winning, the Cowboys would make even more money and have more publicity.
But he would get none of the credit. No can do.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Still not a guarantee, but if this team finishes as poorly as they have been playing lately, say 6-10 or 5-11, Jerry probably can’t justify keeping his personal Tom Landry anymore, despite wanting to.

But...IF Jerry has to hire a new HC, based on his history and a weird psychosis about not having a HC that can outshine him, don’t expect some big name guy to be named.

Because for some strange reason, Jerry is intimidated by real football people who have had major success. Rather than hiring a HC that gives HIS TEAM the best chance to WIN, he wants to hire someone that gives him the best chance to feel good about himself.

I’m sure someone with some expertise in psychology could write a book on why this billionaire is so insecure and even petty about his credentials. So bottom line....if Garrett gets fired, don’t expect some big name coach with a history of NFL success as a head coach to be hired. And I wouldn’t expect an up and coming young star college coach like Lincoln Riley either. It will probably be another mid-level NFL Asst Coach few have ever heard of.

Too much star power makes Jerry uncomfortable and intimidated. And by now, we should all know his personal comfort has top priority over winning.

My running joke has been we'll end up with Marty Mornhinweg or Jeff Fisher, but I'm only half joking. John Fox fits the Fisher mold as well.

It'll likely be a hire reminiscent of Wade Phillips. Let's hope not.


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What really intrigues me is the dynamic in the locker room for team meetings. That FA CB we had for one season said he'd never seen anything like it. Team meetings held up because Booger & Idiot Boy Child were running late.

There is something that takes place in meetings that is very revealing about the power structure and validation of those in middle management and coaching is middle management. In the business I was in for many years, we referred to that as the "eyes magnet".

We'd have presentations for committees or groups and the assignment was to identify the "eyes magnet". That was the person others looked to for approval or to read what was being said and was that being bought. If the Joneses, the check signers and contract makers, are in the meeting, where do you think the eyes are going?

When I was a sales manager, my boss would seldom attend my meetings unless there was a specific reason and likewise, when I was a GM, I did not attend my sales managers' meetings without purpose and then got the hell out. I hired that person and entrusted them with the sales force and how could I hold them accountable or responsible if I was seen as interference. I even backed my sales managers when I felt that might be wrong because that chain of command is critical to not only their success but that of the entire company.

When Booger bought the team, he liked that phrase " from socks to jocks" but what GM's are that involved with their team? Think the really good GM's attend that many team meetings? What message does that send to football players? Let's be honest here, these are football players, not astute business people and they've had it one way since they started playing the game, one man in charge. Think the AD at Bama, Clemson, Notre Dame or Michigan sits ion on the team meetings?

Want the job done right? Hire the right people and get the hell out of their way and whatever you do, do not confuse the people that have to ultimately get the job done. Booger is the bad link in the chain of command.

And for that reason, how do I know what kind of HC Garrett could have been? He's never had the job.


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A few of us keep mentioning this but people read what they want to read but here goes again:

Narcissistic personality disorder

Signs and symptoms:
  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office

Is Jones a textbook narcissist? Admittedly no. For example, he has demonstrated empathy for others publicly on numerous occasions, especially for current or former players. All cases are not exactly the same though.

If you examine the diagnostic criteria set forth by the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 Manual (which is the benchmark), there are 9 characteristics listed, of which only 5 are required to establish diagnosis.

So yes, he's literally textbook.


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Still not a guarantee, but if this team finishes as poorly as they have been playing lately, say 6-10 or 5-11, Jerry probably can’t justify keeping his personal Tom Landry anymore, despite wanting to.

But...IF Jerry has to hire a new HC, based on his history and a weird psychosis about not having a HC that can outshine him, don’t expect some big name guy to be named.

Because for some strange reason, Jerry is intimidated by real football people who have had major success. Rather than hiring a HC that gives HIS TEAM the best chance to WIN, he wants to hire someone that gives him the best chance to feel good about himself.

I’m sure someone with some expertise in psychology could write a book on why this billionaire is so insecure and even petty about his credentials. So bottom line....if Garrett gets fired, don’t expect some big name coach with a history of NFL success as a head coach to be hired. And I wouldn’t expect an up and coming young star college coach like Lincoln Riley either. It will probably be another mid-level NFL Asst Coach few have ever heard of.

Too much star power makes Jerry uncomfortable and intimidated. And by now, we should all know his personal comfort has top priority over winning.
I got to admit. This is by far the most intelligent post I've ever read on this site and every other site since I got started in discussion forums. You nailed it. Analyzed him and the situation perfectly


Cowboys 24/7/365
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If you examine the diagnostic criteria set forth by the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5 Manual (which is the benchmark), there are 9 characteristics listed, of which only 5 are required to establish diagnosis.

So yes, he's literally textbook.
Thanks for that. I have refrained from ever mentioning the DSM to prevent anyone of accusing me of practicing psychiatry. The closest I ever came to being a mental health physician were two college psychology courses, lol.

My hope is posting scientific information on the forum will prompt more members into re-evaluating Jones in a logical fashion. Commonly accepted reasons such as 'he's greedy', 'he's selfish', 'he's ignorant', 'he's stubborn', 'he's a misguided overachiever', etc. are far more off-base than on target. After all, someone exhibiting constant, unchanging, atypical behavior for thirty years cannot be quantified accurately by simple explanations.