Kareem Hunt Beats up woman


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He pushed her and kicked her which he shouldn't have, but that was nowhere near as bad as the Ray Rice video.
It's all just so foreign to me. Why?

If that was my daughter, he'd have a bullet in his skull by now. Of course, my daughter wouldn't act like that or date a Neanderthal in the first place.


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It's all just so foreign to me. Why?

If that was my daughter, he'd have a bullet in his skull by now. Of course, my daughter wouldn't act like that or date a Neanderthal in the first place.
Yup. Your last sentence.

If my daughter was acting like that, I'd expect someone to knock some sense into her. That was some real gutter trash acting.

Kareem still should not have kicked her. That was a cowardly move.


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I don’t think any team would cut one of their star player.
Which goes to my point that KC isn’t playing around. Most teams would keep the player through the disciplinary process and KC is just cutting ties immediately after realizing he misrepresented the incident. I am very surprised at that.
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Hinted on Twitter, that even the nfl was complicit in vid coverup


Cowboys 24/7/365
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As for bold some people esp younger people roll like this. Everybody will say never hit women (I say don't hit anybody) and the like but some people low key enjoy in these situations. Maybe that's a glimpse into their lives but this isn't something new and or crazy to me personally. I had neighbors like this that were always fighting but next day act like nothing happened. When I was a little younger also had friends and randoms act this way esp when alcohol was involved. Its not right but being younger this isn't some thing I'm like why would she do this because I've saw it too often.
I have seen people act the same way many times but usually there is a reason why anyone argues--even when the reason is beyond stupid. That has me curious. According to her own words, she objected to an inappropriate request made by Hunt. Hunt told her to leave after she refused.

The video shows her outside the room, suggesting she was not restrained by Hunt or anyone in his group from removing herself from a possible situation she did not want to be a part of. What did she think prevented her from exiting that hotel floor altogether? Whatever she and Hunt were arguing about was part or all of the reason for why she did not leave. Selfishly, I want to know what that argument was about.


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He kicked the woman while she was on the ground!

He deserves to be suspended and it will cost him millions of dollars. But, he's 23 and should be allowed a second chance. My beef is the Chiefs and NFL overreacting to TMZ b/c it sets a bad precedent. Everyone knew about this back in February and it should have been handled. Now, they lie and say they didn't know to cover themselves..........and in the process just whip the media and folks like you into a feeding frenzy.

Denim Chicken

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Spare me your bogus superior morals over me cause last I checked I don't have a record of any mind. Seems my parents taught me well unlike some parents that taught their kids to be judgmental jerks because someone has a difference of opinion.

When the difference of opinion is about hitting women your character is on full display. If you're parents indeed taught you well, then you never learned.


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When the difference of opinion is about hitting women your character is on full display. If you're parents indeed taught you well, then you never learned.
Because that's what the media told you. Like I said since me and you have the same record no matter what bs you kick doesn't matter cause we are even in that respect. Maybe you and your little groupie @lopey will understand that instead of trying to out moral people.


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Victem blaming is not a good look
Victim blaming?

You know what is much worse than victim blaming? Lying to yourself and assuming things that you do not know.

Kareem should not have done what he did. I've already stated that. However, it appears to be the situation that she should also have not done what she did. If you do not see that, then you are guilty of confirmation bias. Or something worse.

Come at someone else w/ your craptastic holier than thou narcissistic viewpoint. Every case should be viewed and examined individually to determine exactly what happened and exactly how much fault should be assigned to each. I don't know what happened here and neither do you.

Assuming guilt is a trait of the weak minded.


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What if this were C. McCaffery instead and the victim didn't look like him? Think the reaction would've been the same?


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What if this were C. McCaffery instead and the victim didn't look like him? Think the reaction would've been the same?
Would've been the same from me. Find out exactly what happened before coming to a conclusion.

What happened before the vid started? Did the woman have a reason to be mad and attack Kareem in the first place? Did they have a history?


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What if this were C. McCaffery instead and the victim didn't look like him? Think the reaction would've been the same?
Well unless he is into men why would the victim look like him? If you're into that poker stuff stop it and my pov still doesn't change. I'm not flimsy with views no matter if people agree with them or not and things like your trying to imply don't change that.