Cowboy Facts and the Bizarro Hatred of Garrett/Linehan

PA Cowboy Fan

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When people bring up good points, the OP doesn't quote them. He's only responding to the people that aren't answering his "question".

He's cherry picking an arbitrary time frame of the last 3 years, which is just far enough back to include a 13 win season, but not far enough back to include a 12 loss season. Convenient stat massaging, that is.

Maybe the OP wants to start when Dak arrived? Well, why would we disregard Jason's first 5 years? How is that fair? A new QB replaces the old one last minute, has a storybook season, and we'll conveniently start counting then and not look at Jason's complete body of work?

Or how about what another poster mentioned and our OP totally ignored: every team listed has playoff success in the last 3 years or a coach with less time on the job than that. That poster broke it down for us, go read it.

And to top it all off, the OP keeps prancing around with his holier-than-thou, I'm mature and you aren't attitude.

Sorry, I think this thread just makes me angry. This much work and carefully picked stats to make the argument that our coaches are SO GOOD that they need a roster full of premium talent to be held responsible for winning a single playoff game at end of season, and since they haven't had that, we should celebrate their regular season wins, like anybody cares.

It's weak, man. The argument, the philosophy, the stat, all of it. And I'm sick of hearing this droning BS year after year.

Personally, I gave up on JG after 2016, after going 12-4. That was the season that made me realize that everything about this scheme is "go be better than the guy opposite you on every down of every game all year long. I will not put you in a position to succeed because I want to win by being better. We won't adjust to match our skillsets or injuries because just go do your job every play or something, clap clap clap".

Dallas is the regular season champ because you can win like that in the regular season. Unfortunately, playoff teams are too good to just "go be better than" the guy opposite you, all across the field, every down. So your coaches become key and we've got JG so 1 playoff win in a decade.

I'm happy as hell about the win streak and the NO win and I hear JG played a big part in that NO victory, which is good. Now go make something of it. We're tired of the talk. But... raise your hand if you've been a part of 3 or more of these jason garrett specialties: "oh they got hot going into December and now they're in the running for a playoff spot and now they've lost 2 and week 17 is a divisional elimination game and we all go home sad".

Everyone who's watched his whole career has their hand up. Everyone with their hand down hasn't been a part of this abusive relationship that is fandom for the Garrett-led Cowboys long enough to know what we may very well be in for. Again.

Rant over, Das out.


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So there's 50 Jerry Jones' on this board?

As much as I dislike Jerry for things (attention *****, drunk, promotion of league gambling, over-paying aging players, undermining coach's authority, etc)...he and the executive group have--in many respects-- actually done a very nice job lately.

Even the trade for Cooper, which most everyone (including me) were critical of...has turned up roses so far.


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Not arbitrary.

I went back to when we started to see the impact of the changed draft/personnel philosophy.

I've also posted his career record (which is also impressive).

Ah right, you went back to when he started having a roster built for him that was pretty talented, because he's so good that he can't be held accountable if he has an average roster. Good coaches don't make average players better; good coaches drive the bus for great rosters. Got it.

And nobody cares about his "impressive" regular season record. Nobody cares. You're about to quote this post and say I must be stupid or something to not see why it's so impressive. So just read it again. Nobody cares. Nobody cares.

How many SBs have NE, Pitt, Dallas, San Fran won? 5, 6, 5, 5 respectively. If you're on this site, you probably knew that.

How many regular season wins do those teams have in any given 3 year window? Without research, I have no idea, and neither do you, because nobody cares.
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Not arbitrary.

I went back to when we started to see the impact of the changed draft/personnel philosophy.

I've also posted Jason's career record (which is also impressive).

1 playoff win in 8 years. Impressive :laugh:


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There are 50 fans on this board who-- if they got their wishes--would drive this franchise into a ditch in 10 minutes.

These are the same whiny critics who:
-Slammed the Vander Esch pick
-Whined that we didn't get big 340 pound run stoppers and would get gouged in the run
-Opined that we would rue the release of kicker Dan Bailey
-Fussed that we didn't splurge in free agency (on what turned out to be JAGS and losers)

Garrett groupies are just as trash as Garrett


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Garrett groupies are just as trash as Garrett

As I said earlier in the thread hatred comes from the primitive, non-evolved part of the brain.

If you are operating aren't doing any real thinking...again proving my point.
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As I said earlier in the thread hatred comes from the primitive, non-evolved part of the brain.

If you are operating aren't doing any real thinking...again proving my point.

First, I didn't write that, idk why you made the quote look like I did. It's in visionary's post right above yours.

Second, there's the prancing, holier than though attitude I specifically mentioned, basically saying "you must be stupid or something" as I specifically predicted.

You got nothing man, you only respond to posts that you can answer, and half your answers are ad hominem attacks.


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The limbic brain - a part of our early evolution - merges emotions with judgments. When HATE is involved...that's the limbic brain working. When someone is engrossed in HATE...they aren't using their neocortex...they aren't rational and you can't reach them with rational arguments.

Thus here we are: people lost in unexamined irrational hate of a decent coach.
MY created brain sees we need new coaches.


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The realities of Garrett are nuanced like the realities of the realties of all life and people.

Is Garrett flawed in some ways? Certainly.
Could we find a better coach than Jason? Probably yes, in a patient and thoughtful job search. (might be a painful transition though!)
Could we replace Garrett and find ourselves with a worse coach? Easily. We could find ourselves worse off.

It's not that different than with Dak. There isn't a decisive answer.
Is Dak a top-ten passer? Does he make it up in other ways...leadership, warrior spirit, running the ball?

The best posters here can understand nuance and see the cross-currents and eddies in the swimming water. The ones who see things in all-and-nothing terms, who endlessly rant hate...aren't really thinking at all...and don't offer much of anything to the discussions.


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Wait, it's now bizarre to hate Garrett? Wow. And you picked a very arbitrary time frame to make your numbers work. What you didn't list was playoff victories. We have none since 2014. And that is our only one this entire decade. Of which Garrett has been here as head coach all but 9 games.

How many teams have turned it around and got successful in that time frame? Many. All while we continue to accept mediocrity as some type of success.

This post is pretty embarrassing.


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The realities of Garrett are nuanced like the realities of the realties of all life and people.

Is Garrett flawed in some ways? Certainly.
Could we find a better coach than Jason? Probably yes, in a patient and thoughtful job search. (might be a painful transition though!)
Could we replace Garrett and find ourselves with a worse coach? Easily. We could find ourselves worse off.

It's not that different than with Dak. There isn't a decisive answer.
Is Dak a top-ten passer? Does he make it up in other ways...leadership, warrior spirit, running the ball?

The best posters here can understand nuance and see the cross-currents and eddies in the swimming water. The ones who see things in all-and-nothing terms, who endlessly rant hate...aren't really thinking at all...and don't offer much of anything to the discussions.

You are creating this false equivalence where people saying he should be fired must be in this camp of all-or-nothing, kick to curb midseason, a true Cleveland special.

I want JG fired, and I want a thoughtful search and transition. These aren't mutually exclusive.

I recognize a transition is difficult, and I accept that cost for what I perceive as a long term gain in the form of putting this YOUNG roster in the hands of a coach with an upward trajectory, not this middling junk. I don't trust Garrett to make the most of this young roster, at all.

I also recognize that no new hire is a guarantee. In my line of work, I have to. Same goes for coaches and we've seen it several times. But, I KNOW what I have in Garrett. Lots of regular season wins and no real playoff success. Anyone can go not make the playoffs, so worst case scenario is I lose the title of "regular season champ", continue to miss the playoffs, and continue building through the draft. Give the new guy 2 to 3 years and then reassess how best to proceed.


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Most wins in the NFC over a 3-year span = mediocrity. Got it. :rolleyes:

Please stop. Please. You are embarrassing yourself. This team has zero playoff wins in your arbitrary time frame. You honestly believe this team is not mediocre? It is the definition of mediocre for over 2 decades now.


Junior College Transfer
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In the past 3 NFL seasons here are the NFC leaders in wins:

Cowboys 29
Saints 28
Vikings 27
Rams 26
Seahawks 26
Eagles 26
Falcons 25
Panthers 23
Packers 23

Winning is HARD. And not a single team in the NFC has been better in recent years in consistently winning games than the team Garrett, Linehan and Marinelli are coaching. Not one team.

And what do these coaches get in return for their accomplishments? Endless scorn, derision, personal attacks from embarrassing fools.

It really is cringe-worthy to hear some of you rant like children.

Same idiots who yammered, like Lancashire lambs, GROZ!!!


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We could go 16-0 every year under Garrett and if we never win any playoff games I would still feel EXACTLY the same way. Regular season laurels mean nothing. I would rather go 9-7 and win a single playoff game than go 14-2 and get knocked out in the first round. The NFL is about winning SBs and winning in the post season, period. Fantasy sports can go to hell. All of those other teams with decent winning records also have post season please spare me the regular season champion crap.


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And for the record, I wish like sixty that we win the SB this year. Nothing would make me happier as a Cowboys fan than to get to come in here in two months to this very same thread and say "well what the hell do I know".

I'm still holding optimism, overall feeling good, but it has little to do with our offensive or head coaches.


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We should at least see how they do in December, and hopefully the playoffs, before we start debating about extending any coaches. I personally believe if they don't win a playoff game this season, we should clean house.