Boycott the SB


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I’ll watch. I love football. These slights people focus on are laughable. Must be terrible living like that. Missing the SB.
I think for some they are just tired of the blatant missed calls. Not talking about human error, simply talking about not one single official/ref said anything out to others about the most obvious pass interference. Most of them are looking at where the ball is going at this point and they all see the same thing. And they decide to let it go. Saints literally had the game stolen from them from that single play. I get that one play doesn't change the game, this is an exception. There should've been zero time on the clock for the Rams to make a comeback, instead the officials allowed the Rams to cheat (not intentionally) to give their team a chance and that's what people are frustrated about.


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It was a No Call not a Bad call if there is any question in the officials mind that he might have hit the player right as the ball got there I would rather he didn't throw a flag and made a NO Call then if he threw a flag and made a BAD call "Basically in my mind if there is any question let them play" the officials don't have the advantage of slow motion replays cameras they have to call the game in real time.


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It was a No Call not a Bad call if there is any question in the officials mind that he might have hit the player right as the ball got there I would rather he didn't throw a flag and made a NO Call then if he threw a flag and made a BAD call "Basically in my mind if there is any question let them play" the officials don't have the advantage of slow motion replays cameras they have to call the game in real time.


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They would have to be blind or corrupt to miss the call. If they're blind, why do we pretend to have rules at all?

Just my opinion, but I think you'd have to be pretty naive to think money doesn't rule everything around us. Football is entertainment, and it's a NE based trust full of billionaires. Give me a break.

The "game" hasn't mattered in years. If it did, they'd have full time referees. They don't. Shocking. They can influence every game, under an umbrella of incompetence, and keep the social media, entertainment addicted eyes on the screen. You know, the goal of every single advertiser/TV show/application on the planet. Every single one.

I'm not even mad about it. It's expected, mainly because NFL fans will rip out their own spines before they can admit some billionaires care more about money and their.. business.. than some arbitrary "rules" in the "spirit of the game". That's pretty laughable.


Safety third
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I hate myself for loving NFL football.

Been saying for years that the league has been going downhill and it's losing me in the process. It's hard to give up on a life long obsession though. Tied to so many good memories of family and friends.

Haven't made any party plans and probably won't. If something non-footballl related comes up it won't be hard to skip the game. Not hard at all.

If it's a typical cold mid-winter night with no plans the TV will be tuned to the game. The woodstove will be cranking though and odds are I won't be awake to see the end.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It was a No Call not a Bad call if there is any question in the officials mind that he might have hit the player right as the ball got there I would rather he didn't throw a flag and made a NO Call then if he threw a flag and made a BAD call "Basically in my mind if there is any question let them play" the officials don't have the advantage of slow motion replays cameras they have to call the game in real time.
I thought it was a pretty easy call in real time.


Well-Known Member
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I’ll watch. I love football. These slights people focus on are laughable. Must be terrible living like that. Missing the SB.

Not terrible at all. I PREFER watching a good movie to yet another Tom Brady love fest with tons of stupid commercials and talentless celebrities and trendy, generic pop acts. I like football, but when it doesn’t involve the Cowboys my interest drops significantly. Plus, the game itself isn’t what it used to be, and I have SO MANY fun and productive things to take up my time.


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Good lord, every team gets screwed by calls all the time, why is this one causing such a fuss.

1)It’s getting worse.
2)Cowboy fans are jaded and cynical, because it’s been happening to us for quite awhile.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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There were at least two DPIs against the Rams that didn't get called the announcers including Mike Pereira all agreed. Not to mention a lot of other momentum changing stuff.
And Brees took a couple of hits to the head that would have been called for any other QB in the league not named Romo.


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I KNEW when KC stopped them on that last drive that a flag would save them—and it did!


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Must admit, I think last night was the first time ever I wanted the Patriots to win, as I consider them the better team to beat LA.

I don't want the Rams to win another game ever again


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The only thing I will probably boycott is Maroon 5 at halftime. Other than that I will watch the entire game and root for the Patriots.


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Everyone is making a big stink about the play. The Saints aren't the only team screwed by a bad call in the history of the NFL. Yes, Dez caught it. Now they want to launch lawsuits etc. Get real, this is silly talk. The Saints lost that game on their own letting LA back into it, getting suckered by a fake punt and losing in OT. They had chances to win that game regardless of that call. You never let a game be decided by the Refs, they could have put out the Rams but they didn't.

not every game can be dominated. when they're close and the blown call is that bad heads need to roll. Goodell gotta go 99% of the refs need to go.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I won't be watching but it's not the issue of the referees.

I didn't watch it last year because the idea of watching an Eagles/Patriots Super Bowl was truly vomit inducing. Couldn't stomach it.

While Rams/Patriots is somewhat better, I'm sick of Brady, sick of Belichek, sick of Kraft. Sick of anything to do with the Patriots. Listening to 2 weeks of Patriots love to promote the game makes me want to jump off a bridge.

I went skiing with the family last year and had a great time. Conditions are good again this year. So another skiing trip is in order for Super Bowl Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.
Well, to be honest, I was not going to watch it if NE got in for the same reasons as you but my cause gives me a much nobler approach than just tired of them.


Sleeps with the fishes
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Chuck Noll: “play better than the refs ref.”

This isn’t the first, nor the last, missed call in a playoff game. I’m kind of surprised by the outrage. Human beings made a mistake? In this case an official missed a call in a sporting event? Happens all the time.

The Rams certainly have run as many, if not the most, fake ST plays over the last few years. Yet the saints defender over the gunner completely turned his back on that fake punt. The Saints let a 13-0 lead slip away at home. You could argue they mismanaged the clock after the Ted Ginn catch. They also played defense at the end of regulation like it was a 7 on 7 drill. They won the toss in OT and turned it over. They need to get over it.

Jason Garrett might be a garbage HC, but I for one, will always respect his “ we had 56 minutes before that play, and 4 minutes after it, to win the football game” after Dez Bryant’s non catch in GB during the ‘14 playoffs.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
All viable points, but I believe THOUSANDS of people will actually not watch. It won’t HURT them, but I can see some of them being unhappy about not making as much as they envisioned. Of course, they’ll probably respond by passing it along to the common man anyway—increased prices, layoffs, and lowering the quantity and quality of the product...

Thousands? That’s like a couple of grains out of a bucket of sand.