Boycott the SB


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If you look at the play from the sideline view it is as blatant a PI as you'll ever see. Maybe an official in NY that can call to the field and tell the referees the play must be reviewed. I'm going to boycott all the pre-game but most likely watch the game to see how my fantasy lineup is doing.
Under the present guidelines, that play is not reviewable.


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Hogwash. You've been listening to too many Raider conspiracy theorists. No chance Tatum didn't make contact with that ball. 2 officials and the Referee saw it that way, John Madden saw it that way - and nobody saw it as only hitting Fuqua. Even Tatum, who claimed he never touched it, later retracted that statement and said he has no clue if it hit him or not.
Ahhhhh Frenchy Fuqua, coolest name in the NFL at that time and clear platform heels with goldfish in them. He was cool before cool.


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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?

A significant boycott is unlikely to ever happen.

Declining viewers over time will be the only way they change.

A website devoted to the issue would be cool.

Maybe @Reality will start one...


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I wasn't planning to watch this Super Bowl anyway. Watching the Patriots win literally makes me angry (the only other team that can do that to me is Philly), and I'm just not invested in the Rams in any way. They have a great team. Good for them.

I agree that the Saints got absolutely screwed but that's not the reason I'm turning off the game. I just don't care about the game. To be honest, I am less and less invested in the NFL as a whole if the Cowboys aren't playing.

Didn't watch the Philly-NE Super Bowl last year and didn't feel like I was missing anything. I doubt this year will be any different.
Yep, I didn't watch either or the NE-SEA game either.


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Everyone is making a big stink about the play. The Saints aren't the only team screwed by a bad call in the history of the NFL. Yes, Dez caught it. Now they want to launch lawsuits etc. Get real, this is silly talk. The Saints lost that game on their own letting LA back into it, getting suckered by a fake punt and losing in OT. They had chances to win that game regardless of that call. You never let a game be decided by the Refs, they could have put out the Rams but they didn't.
yeah that is how I see it.
plus there are many non calls during a game that affect the outcome, but the network and announcers, dont point them out and replay them over and over,
and in slow motion.

There were many things not called in the 2 champ games, that I saw, and then many that were called that I thought should not have been
called. That is just the way it goes.

Refs on the field dont get to see plays in slow motion , lol it is very fast and we dont know what their view point was.
They are also field level, not from above like we see it on the camera's.
In the playoffs, they also tend to not call things they might normally call. which makes me wonder about some of the calls where not much
Some said the NFL wanted the rams to win, but the NFL is the owners of all 32 teams, so why would the other teams want rams to win??

In a way this is like Karma biting payton and NO
for the way the got to the SB they won, by bountys on opposing QB's Warner and Farve.
2 old qb's they beat up so they could win. like they say payback is a B.....!!


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I meant in the future to try and fix some of these things , doesn't have to be PI it can be anything that is as obvious as that call.
That non call will force them to do something but it's a pretty good call that we won't like it, the games will have more stops and commercials.


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Ahhhhh Frenchy Fuqua, coolest name in the NFL at that time and clear platform heels with goldfish in them. He was cool before cool.

Caleb McSurdy would be the best name in NFL history if Frederick's parents had named him that. Perfect name for an All-Pro OL if he looks like Fredbeard, not so much for a practice squad LB.


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yeah that is how I see it.
plus there are many non calls during a game that affect the outcome, but the network and announcers, dont point them out and replay them over and over,
and in slow motion.

There were many things not called in the 2 champ games, that I saw, and then many that were called that I thought should not have been
called. That is just the way it goes.

Refs on the field dont get to see plays in slow motion , lol it is very fast and we dont know what their view point was.
They are also field level, not from above like we see it on the camera's.
In the playoffs, they also tend to not call things they might normally call. which makes me wonder about some of the calls where not much
Some said the NFL wanted the rams to win, but the NFL is the owners of all 32 teams, so why would the other teams want rams to win??

In a way this is like Karma biting payton and NO
for the way the got to the SB they won, by bountys on opposing QB's Warner and Farve.
2 old qb's they beat up so they could win. like they say payback is a B.....!!

Nice post.


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not every game can be dominated. when they're close and the blown call is that bad heads need to roll. Goodell gotta go 99% of the refs need to go.

There were a number of bad calls in that game. Even Rams were screwed on some calls. Every game has plays which could affect the outcome.


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As ticked off as I am in still watching. I'm not robbing myself of watching the last football game of the year because nfl refs are incompetent.


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When you look at that play, it is so egregious on all levels. The DB never turns his head to locate the ball and never did see it, hits the WR before the ball arrives and it is a catchable ball and on top of that uses his helmet to ram the WR's helmet. That's NO's choice of two fouls and I do not know if they couldn't have taken both since one is PI and the other PF that carries one warning. Usually it's a choice but I don't know how they enforce the new helmet rule. Obviously, not at all in that instance.

I think the most surprised person was the DB because I think he assumed he'd get called and was just trying to prevent a completion or worse. He sure was celebrating hard.


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I won't watch it simply because I'm sick of the Patriots.
patriot SB's are always close games, with good finish, win or lose.
I will watch.
Patriots are amazing, they draft lower than most teams ever year , and still find players and coach them up
good enough to make the SB.
They play smart coach smart, change schemes , adjust during games and season, are prepared for just about anything,
and that is why they get to the SB.
KC had way more talent, but were just out coached.
Plus Brady is like a coach on the field, which is a big advantage. but he works hard to be as good as he is.
He wants to win every year and goes all out to win.
Romo pointed out what he was doing yesterday, and he is just hard to beat, just imagine if gordon had been able to stay and help.
Or if they had tyreek hill etc, they would really dominate.


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The best we can expect from the horrible non-call is a jumbo tron rule change. Such obvious errors must be reviewed.