Boycott the SB


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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?
It was an uncatchable ball and I'm from Louisiana!


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Hogwash. You've been listening to too many Raider conspiracy theorists. No chance Tatum didn't make contact with that ball. 2 officials and the Referee saw it that way, John Madden saw it that way - and nobody saw it as only hitting Fuqua. Even Tatum, who claimed he never touched it, later retracted that statement and said he has no clue if it hit him or not.

Possibly. No Raider conspiracy for me. Only one official ruled it a TD. The others claimed they were not in position. The ref had to make a call in the dugout to the NFL supervisor of officials to figure out what to do. I find it strange that Fuqua has stated he knows exactly what happened but will never tell. Officiating is simply an inexact science.
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I think for some they are just tired of the blatant missed calls. Not talking about human error, simply talking about not one single official/ref said anything out to others about the most obvious pass interference. Most of them are looking at where the ball is going at this point and they all see the same thing. And they decide to let it go. Saints literally had the game stolen from them from that single play. I get that one play doesn't change the game, this is an exception. There should've been zero time on the clock for the Rams to make a comeback, instead the officials allowed the Rams to cheat (not intentionally) to give their team a chance and that's what people are frustrated about.
I get the frustration. It’s called life. **** happens all the time. Just get over yourself and move on. Pledging to give up on the NFL rings of 12 year old girl nit getting her way.


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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?
Last year it was the anthem protests. This year it's the incompetent and perhaps corrupt officiating. For actual fans, perceived unfairness in the game is cancerous to fan interest, because everyone hates that, even when you don't care about the teams involved.

I made a point of not watching the playoffs last year. This year I'm not even making a point of it. I just don't care that much, because too many games were blown by bad officiating. I'm increasingly hostile to the NFL. Particularly as a Cowboy fan. There were just too many clown calls against us this year. I imagine the Saints' fans won't be that eager to watch either. Them getting screwed, even though I don't give a hoot about the Saints, still makes me increasingly hostile against the league. And where I'm not hostile, I'm increasingly indifferent.

As for a boycott, I don't see making a blip during the SB. That's when real fans are swamped by the one football party a year fans.

I don't want to support the NFL. I'm not that interested in the games anymore. I'm probably not watching. The NFL can do what it wants, and will.


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Once Cowboys were done I was done. But yesterdays games were great regardless of the officiating........but if it were the Cowboys getting the short end Id be singing a different tune.........Super Bowl is a social event anyway, half the people there won't know Goff from Hasselhoff....


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It's the people with Nielsen boxes that need to tune into a different channel, for it to affect the ratings, but I get your point. ;)


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I actually sent an email to my congressman. Asked him to see about investigating the NFL for rigging the outcomes of games. LOL, when he reads it he'll probably think I'm a nut. As far as I'm concerned these bad calls and non-calls costs teams points and wins. For a while it seemed that every time the Cowboys got on a roll, the referees would call some ticky tack penalty that destroyed the drive. And then allowed the opposing teams to hold and grab facemasks on the Boyz without being called. These refs have to do a better job, period.


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I get the frustration. It’s called life. **** happens all the time. Just get over yourself and move on. Pledging to give up on the NFL rings of 12 year old girl nit getting her way.

I'm going to watch it, just making shining a light on reasons why you wouldn't. BTW I'm already one foot out the door with the NFL, the only saving grace is the Cowboys existing.


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The Rams deserved to win. They couldn’t hear anything because of the crowd noise ( including whistles), they hung tough, and outplayed and out-coached the Saints late. The Saints won the coin toss in OT and failed. They had multiple chances to win the game but couldn’t.

As far as the penalty, it was a big miss. But the refs missed a face mask against Goff one series earlier that likely cost the Rams 4 points. That’s football and tends to even out over the course of a game.


Star Power
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“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” ~ George Orwell


Well-Known Member
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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?

Even though that should have been a penalty I am glad it wasn't called and the two teams got to play it out as opposed to awarding one team the victory. Do you think that was the only penalty in the game that wasn't called?


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The simple fix for the officiating is to completely get rid of instant replay.
No replaying the previous play in slow motion for the crowd or tv viewers:
Ban the recording of all games:

This will stop the tv networks from replaying a single play 1000 times over and over again.


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It was a No Call not a Bad call if there is any question in the officials mind that he might have hit the player right as the ball got there I would rather he didn't throw a flag and made a NO Call then if he threw a flag and made a BAD call "Basically in my mind if there is any question let them play" the officials don't have the advantage of slow motion replays cameras they have to call the game in real time.

Both penalties were clear as day, in real time.

A referee not seeing those penalties is just flat out incompetence.

America's Cowboy

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With all due respect, big bro CC, I could care less about any of those teams. A call to boycott should be made at how many times our Cowboys have been shafted by the officials.