Should QB's be limited how much they make?


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I believe in a free market, but let's also look at it in another way, TCV. Total contract value can also (not always) be put together with other long term considerations. Champions like Jordan and Brady took less than market value and thus were able to surround themselves with better overall team talent, thus resulting in more championships. Being a championship player can result in a greater income in real time and down the road after retirement. Things like endorsements, appearances, speaking engagements and business opportunities.

Others may say "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" and in a lot of cases they may be correct. IMHO a real champion will do whatever it takes to be a champion, while others are in it for a quick buck.

So yeah, if I were a GM or owner, that is how I would sell it, but I probably wouldn't make a QB cap mandatory.

Come on, my 11 year old nephew knows why Brady and Jordan were able to sign "smallish" contracts. Brady has a wife that makes as much as he does and Jordan originally made more money of his Nike endorsement, enough so that he was able to buy into Nike and have his own shoe and has made more from that than any NBA contract. That's why they were able to sign smallish contracts. BTW Brady's salary is small at 4 mill but the bonuses he gets paid puts him up to a cap hit of 22 mil. Yes that's lower than one might think he would make but again he has a very rich wife.


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I think all positions should have some sort of CAP, even if its the Teams enforcing it vs the league, someone has to be the first to say ENOUGH, and stop OVER paying for any postion which can cripple the team its self..why wait on the league, just have number and if your player doesnt except it let him some point the downward trend will be adopted as fast as the upward trend..

And then what would a team do if they did that and then violated a NFL rule that teams must use 95% of the cap money each season. The NFL put that rule in because of what other teams in other sports did by jettisoning their high price players and just signing cheap players so the owner could make more money. I believe the most well know team to do it was the Marlins in MLB.


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Come on, my 11 year old nephew knows why Brady and Jordan were able to sign "smallish" contracts. Brady has a wife that makes as much as he does and Jordan originally made more money of his Nike endorsement, enough so that he was able to buy into Nike and have his own shoe and has made more from that than any NBA contract. That's why they were able to sign smallish contracts. BTW Brady's salary is small at 4 mill but the bonuses he gets paid puts him up to a cap hit of 22 mil. Yes that's lower than one might think he would make but again he has a very rich wife.
Gisele has openly expressed her displeasure with Tom's deal.


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honestly the Bird Rule should be in the NFL while the NBA needs a hard cap as well as taking away max contracts.

The NBA may have a soft cap but they also have a luxury tax that they have to pay for every dollar over that soft cap that tax money then gets divided among the teams that were under the cap.


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It's not that they have the money, the problem is that they don't pay their fair share of taxes. And don't tell me about the new jobs they create in korea, malaysia, the dominican republic, etc.
Top 1% pay approx 50 percent of all Fed Income taxes per CNBC which is hardly a conservative source. Stated another way the top 1% are paying more in Fed taxes than the bottom 95%. You think it should be higher than that?


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But in effect it does limits to total amount availible to pay players. If there was no cap a QB would probably be getting 50 mil a year
I don’t want to cap salaries any different than now. I just want to cap the pct of the cap to any one player. In effect more players would make more money than now because the cap wouldn’t change so the money would be spread to more players rather than most going to a few players and most going to one
The QB salaries wreck teams so cap just what any one single can make as a pct of the cap and teams can keep their players much easier and more players get a bigger piece of the pie

honestly i doubt a QB would make 50 mil a year if we didn't have a salary cap. The whole point of the salary cap was to keep the value of players artificially low so the owners can rake in more of the profit.


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Dear Fellow Fanzone Freaks--- I am so sick and tired of how much money QB's make in NFL compared

the rest of the players on a it cripples the team from being able to put quality players

at other positions....we have all heard the top 6 QB's who make the most money in NFL were not even

in the playoffs...i am so sick of it...the good teams have QB's that take less so other players can make

more and have a better team...i wish Dak would step up and say...i am only taking 15 mil a year cause

i want and need good players around me!!...but he wont...he will be a money grabber probably

what do you all think????..thanks for your views in advance


Why don't you set the example. Tomorrow, walk into your supervisor's office and offer to take a pay cut for the betterment of your company. Let me know how that worked out. :rolleyes:

Gangsta Spanksta

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Perhaps there should be an adjustment instead to how the Salary Cap is done. Like have a Franchise Player, most likely the quarterback, that doesn't count against the cap for each team.


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Gisele has openly expressed her displeasure with Tom's deal.

Whether she likes it or not it doesn't change the fact that Brady admitted he could sign the contract he did because of the income that both he and his wife make. I don't see or hear her running to see a divorce attorney.


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Please...everyone put your adult pants on.

Nobody on the planet is paid what they are worth. They are paid what the market dictates a person with the skill set necessary to fill a position in a company is worth. That is true for the guy emptying trash cans at Wally World all the way up to the CEO of the largest company in the world.

If you complain about a QB making $25 million a year but don't complain about Ellen DeGeneres making $75 million a year or The Rock making $124 million a year please help everyone out by posting "I'm a hypocrite". Don't be jealous of how much others make.
Could not have said this any better. Everyone worried about how much the other person is making. Mind your own Freaking business and get to work and maybe one day you can own a piece of the American dream too! Think Big boys and girls...


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Top 1% pay approx 50 percent of all Fed Income taxes per CNBC which is hardly a conservative source. Stated another way the top 1% are paying more in Fed taxes than the bottom 95%. You think it should be higher than that?

yeah. It should be high enough to the point where everybody in the country is able to be provided the basic resources that allows them to live in comfortable existence just for the sole reason that they are human beings.


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Perhaps there should be an adjustment instead to how the Salary Cap is done. Like have a Franchise Player, most likely the quarterback, that doesn't count against the cap for each team.

Since the players already get 48% of the money called the cap and you're saying that the franchise player's salary doesn't come out of the cap so the only thing left is for the owners to say "ya, we'll be happy to give up even more of our money to pay for those franchise players. After everything we only make 25% - 30% and the players already make 48%, so why not." That money has to come from someplace and I seriously doubt you'll get the owners to give up even more money. Sometimes you have to think things through first.


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The NBA may have a soft cap but they also have a luxury tax that they have to pay for every dollar over that soft cap that tax money then gets divided among the teams that were under the cap.

yeah but at the very least it's easier to retain the players that you drafted and developed which i feel is something that would feel more applicable to the NFL than the NBA.


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Capitalism has fueled the vast majority of major advancements worldwide in the last 100 years.
But it does have a dark underbelly, and one of the weird results is that we massively overpay our entertainers
Top athletes, musicians, and actors all are grotesquely overpaid. But there are entire industries that employee so many due to ripple effect. Pros and cons then.
It's a lot easier being a teacher or a plumber than being Tiesto, no? Tiesto's are in short supply, teachers and plumbers not so much.


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yeah. It should be high enough to the point where everybody in the country is able to be provided the basic resources that allows them to live in comfortable existence just for the sole reason that they are human beings.

Everybody can do that if they buckle down in school and do something really strange for some and actually work hard and save a little here and there and not expect others to pay their way.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Since the players already get 48% of the money called the cap and you're saying that the franchise player's salary doesn't come out of the cap so the only thing left is for the owners to say "ya, we'll be happy to give up even more of our money to pay for those franchise players. After everything we only make 25% - 30% and the players already make 48%, so why not." That money has to come from someplace and I seriously doubt you'll get the owners to give up even more money. Sometimes you have to think things through first.

The quarterback position is the most valuable position there is. If you have a worthwhile quarterback, the face of your franchise, like rodgers then you should pay the guy. But we see what paying Rodgers does to Greenbay and I don't think it should be like that. I think you should be able to insure you have your franchise quarterback and still be able to surround him with weapons. I think the system is broken if you pay your QB and then everyone else on the Team is average.


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yeah but at the very least it's easier to retain the players that you drafted and developed which i feel is something that would feel more applicable to the NFL than the NBA.

There is MUCH MUCH MORE competition in the NBA than any other league. The NBA has the smallest rosters and it also has the 1 and done in college so there's a lot more younger talent around every year. Then there's all the foreign players that come into the NBA and that's why so many of the really good players seem to move around more than in other sports.


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yeah. It should be high enough to the point where everybody in the country is able to be provided the basic resources that allows them to live in comfortable existence just for the sole reason that they are human beings.
So someone needs to work harder and give more to that dumb person who decided that college was not for them and because well everyone should be comfortable. Serious? Free cars and houses too?


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Top 1% pay approx 50 percent of all Fed Income taxes per CNBC which is hardly a conservative source. Stated another way the top 1% are paying more in Fed taxes than the bottom 95%. You think it should be higher than that?
I like that you do your homework. But it only takes about 450k to be in the top 1% for the most part. They pay a higher percent, but their opportunities for tax avoidance far eclipses those making less.