Speculation: Dak Deal To Be Finalized By End Of Next Week

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Lol thank you. Every above average qb gets paid market value. From Kirk to Derek Carr to Jimmy G. None of which are considerably better or have done better than Dak in their careers. Again not saying good move or bad move, guys like us just try to help these folks understand simple marker science.

And let's point out that a ton of people, including many Cowboys fans, criticized the contracts that Cousins, Carr and Jimmy G got.


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It's the market, live with it. Today's overpayment is tomorrow's bargain. Because those Qbs behind him will leapfrog him when they're up.

Exactly, and Dak was getting paid under $1 Mil, so this actually does make a fair amount of sense. Especially considering the fact that QBs tend to command a lot of money in today's NFL. I think it's a tad more than what I'd give Dak, but I think it's actually quite reasonable for a franchise QB and someone who had been getting paid very little. I do think the whole cap structure the NFL uses is completely outdated considering how much the QB market has gone up. I think that the next CBA should structure either structure the cap system so that it takes into account the value of QBs, or it should completely scrap the CBA and create a new system. What that system is, I don't know, but there should be a way to sort something out so that the QBs get paid their due without completely dooming other parts of the field. Unfortunately, like most things, the NFL is very outdated with its practices.

CT Dal Fan

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If the deal is truly for that much, I suspect it will be a frontloaded deal with lots of incentives and up-front bonuses. There's lots of ways to fit a big contract like that under the cap.

And I have no problem with the money. If Kirk Cousins is worth $84 million for winning nothing, Dak should get paid after winning 33 games his first three seasons.

Oh, wait, Cousins is more accurate than Dak. I forgot that wins don't matter. Tighter spirals do.


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If Cousins got 28 mil a year.....I'm just saying

Yes, and I don't think Dak has ever lost to Cousins. Just to point that out, and we don't know the guaranteed bit. That's always a sticky-wicket with NFL contracts.


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Pro Bowl? Oy. And wasn't he a late addition to one of them because other QBs backed out?

He's a decent QB. Why pay him like an elite QB (assuming the numbers bandied about are accurate - we won't know for sure how bad this potential contract is until we see details)?

It's how teams end up with cap problems. They overpay for players.

It doesn't matter how he got there, it says pro bowl. Any other qb could've been chosen to be there after one backed out.


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Remember, any contract signed as an extension is added to his current $2.1MM deal. So for instance, a 5 year deal at the low end of $27MM annually, is actually a total of 6/137.1 for an annual value just under $23MM for cap purposes. Not saying whether I agree with the price or not, just providing some additional context.

It is possible, but unlikely, that the last year of his contract isn't rollled into a new deal. If you think he is going to play for $2m this year and get his extension money next year, I think you will be disappointed.


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I figured around 25.i like Dak. I think he has a shot to have a nice career here. We just have to surround him with the right team. Tony career he didn’t have a ton of help. Let’s not make the same mistake twice

Yes, and $27M with incentives and other bonuses would be actually quite sensible, especially with what he's been making previously and with how he's done for a 4th round pick.


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If the deal is truly for that much, I suspect it will be a frontloaded deal with lots of incentives and up-front bonuses. There's lots of ways to fit a big contract like that under the cap.

And I have no problem with the money. If Kirk Cousins is worth $84 million for winning nothing, Dak should get paid after winning 33 games his first three seasons.

Oh, wait, Cousins is more accurate than Dak. I forgot that wins don't matter. Tighter spirals do.

Just because the Vikings make a dumb move by signing Cousins to a stupid contract doesn't mean we have to do it too.


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And let's also note that many of the people who will praise the Cowboys for signing Dak to a contract like that probably ripped the Vikings for being silly and signing that contract with Cousins.
not one person will praise the FO for Paying Dak that kind of money , even his upmost supporters..i was one saying he should get a bortles type deal but with inflation and what not maybe that equated to 22 per and I can live with that but anything over 25 was unnecessary and a mistake..

Cowboys FO please stop bidding against yourselves.. why fight with Dlaw and then aqueous to Dak with too big a number..

play hardball with them all , I prefer that over backing up the brinks truck when you dont need to , a year early and no true pressure to do this..hmm:omg::huh:


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Dan's been to the pro bowl 2 out of 3 seasons, been to the playoffs 2 out of 3 seasons, unquestioned team leader. No matter what you think. That s how qbs are paid.

Yes, and he's won a playoff game as well. Oh, and he's done all that while being coached by Jason Garrett and Scott Linehan. Really impressive when you think about it from that angle.


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Remember, any contract signed as an extension isadded to his current $2.1MM deal. So for instance, a 5 year deal at the low end of $27MM annually, is actually a total of 6/137.1 for an annual value just under $23MM for cap purposes. Not saying whether I agree with the price or not, just providing some additional context.
Great point.... it will stay around the 23m zone and his 30m+ signing bonus can be spread over more years

His cap hit this year will be around 8m-10m
Next year he will have a large base salary that will be automatically restructures to pro-rate the cap hit over the full 5 years


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Look at his numbers last year. Now imagine his numbers this year.

Healthy O-Line and running game to take pressure off.

A full year with Cooper in the line up and a anther year improved Gallup.

Another year experience with our TE and Witten for a security blanket.

And another year of experience reading defenses and throwing to his recievers.

We made the playoffs and won a game this year. Why do you think Witten came back for 2 million dollars this year.


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It’s guys like this that I do it for lol. You do understand that you don’t sign the players JJ does right?

Accept it man, it’s the going rate. It’s a market it’s just how it works. You’re going to have a heart attack if you keep believing in fantasies lol they literally both said he’s getting paid big bucks. You don’t believe SJ, JJ, Dak, or his agent? You think they’re all joking?

I'm not a big fan of Prescott but it's hard for me to ignore three simple facts:
  1. He wins.
  2. He has not missed a start.
  3. His teammates love him.
I hope the Cowboys know what they are doing.

CT Dal Fan

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Just because the Vikings make a dumb move by signing Cousins to a stupid contract doesn't mean we have to do it too.

You're right, but this is the going rate for quarterbacks these days. They aren't going to find anybody cheaper that's better than Dak; and the guys that are better than Dak are factually unavailable.

So pay Prescott and move on.
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