Owners Meeting March 24


Vet Min Plus
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What he said is 100% correct.
Answer his questions.

You’re entitled to your little opinion, even when you’re wrong.. Either a Stinging Nettle Leaf tea is good for your lungs, or u pay a doctor for some other drugs..
You're the one who said smoking pot 'heals'.... it doesn't, and I don't need to research it or prove it either. I already know it helps with epilepsy. Patients with this problem tend to have fewer episodes when smoking medical amounts, but it will never cure this problem. Cancer patients use it to help with nausea and vomiting, and HIV patients use it because it helps them with their appetite. You will not find it mentioned anywhere that smoking marijuana cures cancer or HIV and you never will. You're just trying to make excuses for your own usage. More power to you, man.

I gave you an example of my own personal experience. All smoking pot has done for my relative is make her fat because she eats too much as a result. Go figure....

Yeah I should clarify. Cannabis oil has healing properties.


Vet Min Plus
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Great take!

You do understand that recreational use with actually weed would produce urine levels clearly distinguishable from this weak medicinal use allowance, right? (Haha, clearly you don't)

Oh ok. Clearly u know what I think...


Well-Known Member
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You’re entitled to your little opinion, even when you’re wrong.. Either a Stinging Nettle Leaf tea is good for your lungs, or u pay a doctor for some other drugs..

Yeah I should clarify. Cannabis oil has healing properties.
If I'm wrong then prove it .


Well-Known Member
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Google is your friend
I can find links on Google that say UFOs and Bigfoot exists.
Now give me undeniable proof from a CREDIBLE medical source that backs up your claim.


Vet Min Plus
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I challenge you to provide just one medical research document providing proof that smoking marijuana has cured anyone (just one person) of something like cancer, leukemia, etc.

People smoke it because they think it provides some relief or masks the symptoms of whatever it is that they are suffering from. I have a relative who smokes it for her back problems. After 40 plus years of smoking it her back is still screwed up, and smoking a joint will never fix the problem. She needs surgery, not a bong hit.

Its fairly easy to identify the people who smoke by the responses they give. And I'm not judging, its their choice. But some of the arguments brought forward are pretty funny.

For the record, I'm all for legalization if it might help reduce crime. The agencies around the DFW area should follow Dallas PD's policy of issuing citations for minor possession rather than throwing everyone in jail. The savings at the county levels would be tremendous, and reduce overcrowding at the same time.

Here’s the breakdown in this entire discussion:

YOU said smoking....

I said “Consume” which entails making an oil from the plant.

I got three people arguing about “Smoking” with themselves, I never said smoking. And speaking of smoking, you keep saying I smoke, I don’t....

They have facilities in Colorado, Cali, Washington, and a few others that makes Medicinal Marijuana and there are countless testimonies of people beating cancer as well as other issues....


Vet Min Plus
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I can find links on Google that say UFOs and Bigfoot exists.
Now give me undeniable proof from a CREDIBLE medical source that backs up your claim.

I’m not your erand boy.. Beat it sparky....


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Is the marijuana really helping with the pain or are they simply getting so stoned they don't realize their knee, shoulder, etc hurts? It could be just a mental thing. A placebo affect.
Isnt that whats happening when they are getting injected with pain killers?


Well-Known Member
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Marijuana rules, regarding the next CBA negotiations, are simply one more bargaining chip


If the NFLPA is offered a CBA deal that might result in less combined benefits for all @1,696 (53x32) players, the majority of whom don’t use pot, in exchange for relaxing the rules on marijuana testing/use, which might benefit @100 or so players in any given season, how do you think the majority of NFL players might vote?

You are way off. Chris Canty this week said that during his career with the Cowboys and the Giants approx 50% of the guys in the locker room used pot.


Well-Known Member
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The only things
they need to address in this meeting is

A. The catch rule

B. Immediate disciplinary action for refs ( players get diciplined usually the next day...refs need to be the same way and more than 2 egregious acts should be grounds for termination)


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Yeah I should clarify. Cannabis oil has healing properties.

You should read this..... https://cbd-international.net/15-health-benefits-cannabis-oil-need-know/

Finished reading? Ok, homework assignment: point out in the article where is states the oil 'heals' anything. It clearly does not. About the closest you will find is the 'preventative' nature of the oil when used by cancer patients. Still, it doesn't say its a cure for cancer.

Can you imagine the media attention this would garner if this were true? It would be the biggest medical breakthrough in human history.

Little Jr

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I'm very pro weed but it's not a miracle drug. Lol

Y'all do realize there is a difference between medical marijuana and the pot you buy from your local dealer? Lol when I see someone like Irving videoing himself getting high and talking about pills and addiction and it should be legal or whatever dumb **** he talked about, I laugh. He's smoking it because he wants to get high. If it was about injuries and pain he could get a Dr to prescribe it to him.

I have no issue with Irving getting high, I think it should be legal in all states for recreation use but it's not. So dont get on the , it's good for pain when it's really about just getting high

Let's not act like there isnt a down side and negative about pot, specifically the **** you by from your local dealer. It can help with mental disorders but also cause them. I have my pot head friends who actually try to say they drive better on it. Lol which is the dumbest shot ever. But I also have friend's who say the same thing about alcohol.

At the end of the day I think it should be legal for recreational use and it's no more dangerous than alcohol and actually less dangerous. But to make it out to be a miracle drug that has no harm just isn't true. Just because it's a plant that grows from earth doesn't mean it can't harm you. Poison ivy does to, you going to run out and rub that **** on you?