Jason Hatcher Rips Romo and Garrett


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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“Romo didn't have the it factor to make people around him better. I think when I was there he thought he was bigger than the team. It was like Romo and then the team. Like nobody in the locker room is really going to respect you like that. I really don't respect him as a player based on what he did to the team where a lot of people didn't see.”

"He was a great player and got all the numbers and stuff but I'll take Dak over Romo any day because Dak has the ability to make people around him better. You'll run through a wall for Dak but Romo, hell no."

When asked to clarify his remark about making people better, Hatcher went on to criticize Romo even more.

"Romo was feeling like he was a Brett Favre and I'm like 'dude, you ain't do nothing. What have you done? You got your own space that you leave ... don't come in the locker room an interact with your teammates, but you call yourself a leader? Nah, partner. It don't work like that.'

Hatcher was asked about what happened around the time the Cowboys fired Phillips and if the team quit on him?

"Let me tell you something. I'm going to tell you the truth. I saw Jason Garrett sabotage this man."

When asked if Hatcher believed that he said, "absolutely."

"We ran three plays three freakin plays (before Wade was fired). I don't care what the media say. We was flying around. We was out of pads in week 7 (in 2009). We was beating people's heads in. Now we go into camp cupcake (in 2010) and do what Wade don't want to do. We get in pads, we beat each other down. We tired, we not fresh. And then you go and call three or four plays (Garrett on offense) till this man gets fired."

LOL.....ok now the truth has come to pass......:omg:


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No clue what kind of locker room guy Romo was. I always suspected there was a divide on his watch but I wasn’t there so who knows. But when you say Romo doesn’t make people around him better and Dak does then you lose all credibility. There are countless examples but Dez is the best one IMO. Romo made Dez look like a hall of famer. A couple of years with Dak and he’s out of the league. Dak is the definition of a QB that needs a cast of All Pros around him to be successful. Which is totally fine as long as you pay him based on that. Dak’s a gamer and still has room for growth. But he relies on his cast for success, not vice versa.


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"Sudden change in offense" means nothing. It means absolutely nothing at all except changes needed to be made. You know what changes also made? Our aging veterans got less playing time and younger guys came in after Wade was fired.

And THEIR side has nothing but feelings. Again, HOW does it make sense that the DEFENSIVE SIDE of the ball gave up on Wade IF it was all Jason Garrett and his master plan?

Listen to yourself and then think. It makes little to no sense that the very players that defend Wade and go after Jason were part of the reason Wade was fired since they gave no effort once Romo went down. This is all gossip being made by irrelevant players turned small-time talking heads.

Jason was the OC. This was his main purpose. He introduced a new offense suddenly. Did he create this upon Wade's firing? Really?

I am going by what the players said, and rumors of this have been ongoing regarding JG and WP for years. Not the specifics, but it has been there. This supports this, and regardless what you say, these players were in that lockeroom. How do you just disregard what they have to say as if a lie and you are truth? Let's see if this can be debunked by someone credible, besides yourself.


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“Romo didn't have the it factor to make people around him better. I think when I was there he thought he was bigger than the team. It was like Romo and then the team. Like nobody in the locker room is really going to respect you like that. I really don't respect him as a player based on what he did to the team where a lot of people didn't see.”

"He was a great player and got all the numbers and stuff but I'll take Dak over Romo any day because Dak has the ability to make people around him better. You'll run through a wall for Dak but Romo, hell no."

When asked to clarify his remark about making people better, Hatcher went on to criticize Romo even more.

"Romo was feeling like he was a Brett Favre and I'm like 'dude, you ain't do nothing. What have you done? You got your own space that you leave ... don't come in the locker room an interact with your teammates, but you call yourself a leader? Nah, partner. It don't work like that.'

Hatcher was asked about what happened around the time the Cowboys fired Phillips and if the team quit on him?

"Let me tell you something. I'm going to tell you the truth. I saw Jason Garrett sabotage this man."

When asked if Hatcher believed that he said, "absolutely."

"We ran three plays three freakin plays (before Wade was fired). I don't care what the media say. We was flying around. We was out of pads in week 7 (in 2009). We was beating people's heads in. Now we go into camp cupcake (in 2010) and do what Wade don't want to do. We get in pads, we beat each other down. We tired, we not fresh. And then you go and call three or four plays (Garrett on offense) till this man gets fired."
Shuddup, Hatcher, you fat has been.
I am a Romo critic. But, Dak over Romo???? Seriously, human?

Fla Cowpoke

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Yup, doesn't look so good. Add in the fact he miss almost all of 2015, injury in 2008 cost us a playoff spot and couldn't make it through the preseason in 2016. Stack on several years of mediocre play and nothing to show for it but 4 playoff games and 2 playoff win. I just don't see the hype on this guy. At this point Dak is already at 2 play off games and 1 win. Still under rookie his contract. Also add in the fact Dak has STARTED ALL his games.

If Romo hadn't got hurt...Dak would still be sitting on the bench.


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If Romo hadn't got hurt...Dak would still be sitting on the bench.
If Romo held on to a slippery ball he wouldn't have spent his career with a monkey on his back.

So what? We can play the if game forever nothing changes what happened.


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Who has Dak made better? I’ll wait.

Who has Romo made better? See @WillieBeamen post up there.

Nuff said.
Beasley best season was with Dak.
Cooper career resurrected with Dak.
Jarwin has 3 TDs in one game which hasn't been done since the 70s.......also with Dak.
Leading rusher 2 of 3 years with Dak.

You guys dislike Dak so much but never want to be honest and call out the facts when it comes to him. Frankly the more i read about what you Dak haters say it gets more pathetic every time.


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Hatcher and his 32nd ranked, worst defense in Cowboy history, bs
Romo carried your stinky ***
Yes, you suck Hatcher:lmao2:

Im not saying anything about Dak though.
Really, neither should Hatcher. He never even played with the guy


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I don't care what anyone say, Dak is a better leader. That's why he took Romo's job. Talent wise? Well...he's definitely on the clock. Can't really, truly evaluate Dak until Garrett is fired. :(


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....so you admit he made a claim in this, and still saying he "just" gave an opinion? Stating a now HC had a nefarious plan is not just an "opinion" - it's an accusation and one that is baseless.

I never stated what he said about Romo wasn't an opinion, I stated he didn't just give an opinion because he didn't.

You love Garrett and hate dak. Lol

Can you even be called a fan? Not a cowboys fan.


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If Romo held on to a slippery ball he wouldn't have spent his career with a monkey on his back.

So what? We can play the if game forever nothing changes what happened.
Sux thatthey had the starting QB playing special teams....so weird.
But he makes no excuses. Never has
Bad ending to his 1st playoff game and had nothing to do with him as a QB


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No, it's an opinion. They asked him and he gave his opinion on Romo. That's how he felt about Romo. When former player's praise Romo , do you say it's not opinion, It's a claim that should be backed up? I'm pretty sure you don't.

Hatcher wasn't the first player to say this about jg. I'm not saying I 100% believe it but where there is smoke sometimes there is fire.
This is the post you initially responded to. He clearly differentiated between the opinion that was given and the statement that was made. He addressed each one individually.
He didn't JUST give his opinion on Romo, he made an accusation about Garrett. So no, it's not just "opinion".
This is you not recognizing that.
He actually DID just give his opinion about Romo. He used phrases like "I think" and "I believe" when discussing Romo.

He stated he saw Garrett sabotage and doubled down when asked if he really believed it.

So why are people upset about his opinion? We give ours here all the time and it only gets this dysfunctional when we discuss a QB...

Nevermind I almost forgot where I was.
my post
....so you admit he made a claim in this, and still saying he "just" gave an opinion? Stating a now HC had a nefarious plan is not just an "opinion" - it's an accusation and one that is baseless.

I never stated what he said about Romo wasn't an opinion, I stated he didn't just give an opinion because he didn't.
Your misunderstanding of my post.
You should reread my post. I clearly stated he gave an opinion on Romo.

Then he made a statement about Garrett.

So when I asked about his opinion which part do you think I was referring too?
Tried to clear it up for you.
Is English your second language?

Me stating he didn't JUST give an opinion is saying he gave an opinion and more, which I pointed out in the post you responded to where I specifically stated he made a claim against Garrett.

Why? Why does this place always argue just to argue? Get a hobby.
Each post addresses the opinion and statement separately so where did anyone claim it was just an opinion? Nobody did. I tried pointing that out and perhaps could've done a better job at it. Then again after misunderstanding my other post maybe you're just a bit worked up over this whole thing.

Edit: the line about arguing is honestly funny when looking back at your participation in this thread.


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Hate to say it, but I think its racial for some of these guys
There, I said it. Could be wrong, of course
Cant stand it and can never relate to it, either way, but it does in fact go both ways
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