Dlaw 4-6 month recovery time


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The management is right most of the time. A lot of these players are spoiled, entitled, jerks that thinks the world revolves around them. They are nothing more than employees and they should be treated as such.

What’s the point exactly? Some employers treat their employees well....


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Unfortunately, I can speak from a TON of experience on this injury. I've had 4 shoulder surgeries in the past 5 years. Although my doctor is not infamously known, he is one of the best around here, and is the shoulder and knee guy for several NCAA Final Four teams the past few years. He's very good!

With that being said, this isn't going to be any less than 6 months to get to even 90%. I had 7 anchors used on my right side to put my labrum back together, with work done on the AC joint and some RC clean up as well. Starting just a couple weeks after words, I went to PT 4 days a week for several months. It took over a year for me to get full ROM back. Let's say that because Tank is a world class athlete, he cuts that time in half. It's still 6 months, which is being very generous. I've had a lot of injuries over the years. Nothing was ever as painful and as hard to recover from. I wish him the best and hope this doesn't drag out like Andrew Lucks labrum did.
I'm no expert in these matters . I didn't think jaylon would ever recover following his horrific injury. But never been so happy to have been wrong. It's in the hands of the medical staff now.


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.
I have no problem with it. He used his injury as leverage To get a deal done. A deal he would’ve accepted a long time ago but they decided to play hardball.


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The pursuit to be right at all cost.....legendary


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.
I agree with you.


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.

It's a big problem for the league, and they have to do something about it, but it's hard to see what. Potential tagged players are going to use this until they do.


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.
I didn't like it but I understood it. Same can be said for the FO approach to tagging him twice.


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.
Its called professional football. Pay for play. No loyalty by either party.


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I realize this is not really apples to apples but,

Ziggy Ansah was also a free agent. He had surgery prior to the opening of free agency.
It feels more like that was the thing to do.

I agree with those who felt this was a bit dirty and underhanded. To hold an injury against
the FO essentially gives them no choice but to sign him or get nothing for him.
Money makes us crazy... lol.

All told, I'm glad he's here. I hope it all works out.


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Didn’t some numbnuts on here say it was a 4-6 WEEK recovery for this surgery? We should’ve used the $$ on Ansah and cut this clown. He’s gonna miss 8 games min.
4-6 recovery basically means you can do basic task in 4-6 weeks (drive a car, change your shirt with no pain, pick objects up without pain). D-Law won't probably start strengthening the shoulder till June and then July/August will be him getting back into football shape.


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I’m expecting him to miss the 1st half of camp doing light training/conditioning

Then catch the last two preseason games before a sluggish start before he gets in midseason form... the usual we have come to expect from our top pass rushers as they always seem to miss 3-4 weeks to start the year


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.

I agree...…………..using the shoulder surgery as leverage to get paid leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If he is out till October, I am really going to be pissed.:mad:


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I agree...…………..using the shoulder surgery as leverage to get paid leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If he is out till October, I am really going to be pissed.:mad:
Will probly be that long before he is back to his old form. I thought he should have had the surgery done ASAP.