Cowboys Should Consider Trading for Rosen

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Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Yeah, I used to be a Mod for several years. Now, I'm just a regular poster. Maybe not as smart as some of you though.

Smarter than I, in these situations...

Thank you, my good friend.


Regular Joe....
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What's funny is that I've seen about what I expected to see in this thread and it's kind of a shame. Most of the posters who are against this move are against it because they are threatened by anything that even slightly threatens Dak. Very few actually take a position of evaluating Rosen on the merits of the Backup QB Pros and Cons.

I mean, can anybody argue that he would not instantly be a better option then what we have no at backup? Doesn't matter. Everybody has their own opinion and certainly entitled to it. I'm done for the day, everybody have a good evening.


Cowboys Diehard
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Actually, if the Cowboys were to make this move, I see White as the 3rd string developmental guy. I see no reason why we wouldn't continue to try and develop him. Rosen is the backup and Dak is the starter if all goes according to numbers. I see Rush as the odd man out in that scenario. If White develops, that's even better. You turn around and trade Rosen if White is good enough and get perhaps an even better pick for him.

Let's be practical about this -- the Dallas FO isn't about to pay anywhere near what the Cardinals would be likely to demand in a deal for Rosen. The problem isn't really about developing White; it lies within acquiring Rosen to begin with. The Cardinals gave up far too much for Rosen to allow him to exit cheaply enough for the Cowboys' FO to be willing to acquire him. They gave up their 1st, 3rd and 5th round picks to get him. It's highly unlikely they'd be willing to part with him for as cheaply as some seem to think in this thread, imho.
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Well-Known Member
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Count me in. This franchise will regret throwing 25-30 mil a year at Dak. Everything will have to go exactly right for Dak to get this team over the hump, and with Jerry and Red in the mix that will never happen.
Things would need to go exactly right for this team to get over the hump.


Well-Known Member
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So instead of getting a player to help us win this year we will get a qb that may or may not ever play a snap for us and hurt Daks confidence. I’m not a Dak homer by no means bc I believe we live and die by him and it’s closer to dying but this move would make Zero sense. Qbs that can win consistently in this league don’t come often. Even top picks from draft before. Rosen didn’t show me anything last year


Well-Known Member
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Rosen didn't just have a rough time because he was a rookie on a bad team. He LITERALLY had the lowest passer rating of any QB with significant snaps. #33 of 33.

His scouting report is really ugly in terms of just not having the mental make-up for an NFL QB. It can't just be taken as a given that he'll be an upgrade over Dak.

  • Durability
  • Has had at least one concussion
  • Has had shoulder, hand injuries
  • Poor intangibles
  • Questionable leadership traits
  • Quality of teammate
  • Different personality; could clash with teammates and coaches
  • Could have problems with the media

These were some same issues we heard throughout his college career. Hell, the fact the Cards are admitting their mistake after only one full season is mind-blowing. Can't remember the last time an NFL team gave up a 1st round QB after only two seasons.

BTW......Not one teammate has stepped forward to offer support. D Johnson offered some luke-warm guidance a couple of weeks ago but that's it.


Last Man Standing
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I think Prescott is the better QB both now and in the future.

Ditto. Didn’t like what I saw from Rosen last year. I don’t think he has the leadership qualities.

I would like to see the Cowboys draft another quarterback to compete with White. But Dak is our quarterback for the next 10 years. :cool:


Well-Known Member
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I agree, he is not a guy who is going to be able to take a pounding the way Dak can, in the run game etc. but that, to me, is why he could be a good fit for us. I think that our OL is going to be much improved this year and I could see a guy like Rosen being able to stand in and throw behind our OL. He's an excellent throwing QB, very good footwork. He has some skills as a thrower. Not a lot of teams can pass protect as well as we can when our OL is healthy. Besides, ideally he is our backup so he wouldn't be our starter unless pressed into action. IDK, i just like him better then anything we have on the roster right now as backup.


This is kind of bull****...even when our o-line was AT ITS BEST in 2016 we still weren't elite at pass protection...we were OKAY but it's real strength was the running game.


Well-Known Member
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no one is going to give up a 1st for Rosen until multiple bottom feeders are worried about getting sniped for a QB. Most realistically Cards will probably take no less than a 2nd, but if they draft Murray they lose any leverage in getting a 1st round pick back.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Now before everybody losses their mind, consider: Cardinals are rumored to be going after Murray. That probably leaves Rosen as expendable. Opinions on what it costs to get Rosen are all over the place. I think it's reasonable to think that you might be able to get him for a 3rd Rd pick.

Now a 3rd Rd pick is valuable for sure but lets say they would trade him for a 3rd, would you do this? While Rosen was with the Cards, their Offense was horrible and their OL was worse. Certainly not all of it was on Rosen but some of it was. He needs to be developed but lets say you traded for him. What you get is a kid with a lot of natural ability to throw the ball. Rosen has talent, there is no question about that. The real question is, does he have the rest of it? I don't think anybody can really know for sure what Rosen is, in that Cardinal Offense. Just too many holes and not enough talent around him. However, if you could trade for him, he immediately becomes the best backup option the Cowboys have on the team and who knows how good he might be behind our OL and with our skilled players? At the very least, he becomes a guy who can be a solid backup IMO. But more then that, he provides more leverage in negotiations with Dak. If the Cowboys go out and get Rosen, they immediately have an option at QB if Dak is unwilling to sign a reasonable deal or decides to hold out. It gives the Cowboys an option and gives them a year to let him learn the Offense. The Cowboys would not be in a position where they have to accept any terms Dak's agent gives them. Could very well drive a lower cost associated with Dak in negotiations. If he ends up being your starter, you have 4 years of a Rookie deal which allows you to use that cap to strengthen the team around a Rosen, if it comes to that. There are a lot of positives I can see to a trade for Rosen, assuming you don't have to spend a lot to get him. He might not be a bad option for the Cowboys to consider. He serves a purpose on the team. He provides a lot of flexibility if he has to become the starter. He gives you a very manageable cap number for another 4 years, he has starting experience and he can provide leverage in any Dak negotiation. He might be worth a 3rd round pick if he can save you from having to spend 30 million for 6 years as opposed to 25?

I've heard/read Rosen hype since he was in high school and I'm still waiting to see why.


Well-Known Member
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From Aikman to Romo there have been better throwers of the football than Dak. And certainly Rosen might be a better thrower but he’s not a better QB than Dak.
There is no way to know that Rosen May become a great passing QB. Rosen has a much better ability to become a great pocket passing QB during his career which is starting his second season.


Well-Known Member
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The Cowboys won't make a single move that might even hint at the slightest notion that we aren't all-in on Dak. Even if it's smart to have a Plan B, Jerry wouldn't do it because it might offend a member of "the family".
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