Cowboys Should Consider Trading for Rosen

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CT Dal Fan

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From Aikman to Romo has had better throwers of the football than Dak. And certainly Rosen might be a better thrower but he’s not a better QB than Dak.

Exactly. Sometimes we get too hung up on how "pure" a passer a guy is and seem to think somebody can't be a good QB if he doesn't possess flawless mechanics or a perfect throwing motion. Does Cam Newton fall into this category? Or did Steve McNair years ago? No.

I am a Dak fan and I readily admit he's an upper-middle tier franchise quarterback and his ceiling probably isn't going to get too much higher. But he's a winner. And he's accurate enough; even if he will never be Drew Brees throwing the football.


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Now before everybody losses their mind, consider: Cardinals are rumored to be going after Murray. That probably leaves Rosen as expendable. Opinions on what it costs to get Rosen are all over the place. I think it's reasonable to think that you might be able to get him for a 3rd Rd pick.

Now a 3rd Rd pick is valuable for sure but lets say they would trade him for a 3rd, would you do this? While Rosen was with the Cards, their Offense was horrible and their OL was worse. Certainly not all of it was on Rosen but some of it was. He needs to be developed but lets say you traded for him. What you get is a kid with a lot of natural ability to throw the ball. Rosen has talent, there is no question about that. The real question is, does he have the rest of it? I don't think anybody can really know for sure what Rosen is, in that Cardinal Offense. Just too many holes and not enough talent around him. However, if you could trade for him, he immediately becomes the best backup option the Cowboys have on the team and who knows how good he might be behind our OL and with our skilled players? At the very least, he becomes a guy who can be a solid backup IMO. But more then that, he provides more leverage in negotiations with Dak. If the Cowboys go out and get Rosen, they immediately have an option at QB if Dak is unwilling to sign a reasonable deal or decides to hold out. It gives the Cowboys an option and gives them a year to let him learn the Offense. The Cowboys would not be in a position where they have to accept any terms Dak's agent gives them. Could very well drive a lower cost associated with Dak in negotiations. If he ends up being your starter, you have 4 years of a Rookie deal which allows you to use that cap to strengthen the team around a Rosen, if it comes to that. There are a lot of positives I can see to a trade for Rosen, assuming you don't have to spend a lot to get him. He might not be a bad option for the Cowboys to consider. He serves a purpose on the team. He provides a lot of flexibility if he has to become the starter. He gives you a very manageable cap number for another 4 years, he has starting experience and he can provide leverage in any Dak negotiation. He might be worth a 3rd round pick if he can save you from having to spend 30 million for 6 years as opposed to 25?
[QUOTE="ABQCOWBOY, post: 9171689, member: 318"

What? A proven QB with 3 years of experience ,32-16 wins/ losses and a proven leader versus Rosen. Sometimes I just shake my head even at mods! I suppose even mods are entitled to (insert comment here)


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Not so sure about that. There is a lot of talk that the Cards will not get much more then a 3rd. Now, if it costs a 2nd or for sure a 1st, I'm out. This, to me, is only a good deal if he can be had for something in the area of a 3rd or less.
Well not a bad idea, but dallas aka the jones boys, isnt going to trade away any of their remaining picks.
They like to shop and these picks are shopping, they have fun doing it, so they would not consider or even think to do a trade
like you propose.
That would require deep thought and long term planning, and that just isnt the jones boys.


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If I’m spending a 2nd on a QB. I may just wait to see if Grier or Lock fall into the second round and target them.

Rosen has more physical talent than either of them. But lock and Grier don’t have the personality concerns like Rosen.

No chance the cowboys use a 2nd on a QB though.


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With Dak making about 30 million a year and being the 18 th rated QB on, I will never be happy. Rosen or any other QB that has the ability to make all the throws would st least give me hope of having a traditional accurate passer in the mold of the Cowboy greats from the past.
Dak was a top 5 rated passer after the Cowboys got Cooper.


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So....Rosen is not the answer for the Cardinals.

But he is the answer for the Cowboys, who have won 33 games the three seasons Dak has been the quarterback here. :huh:

Not singling anybody out, but this is why I steer clear of the anti-Prescott debates lately.
I'm not sure how this is an anti-dak debate. We all love Dak just not at 30M. Rosen would make an excellent backup and alternate option if Dak doesnt wanna play ball in negotiations.


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So....Rosen is not the answer for the Cardinals.

But he is the answer for the Cowboys, who have won 33 games the three seasons Dak has been the quarterback here. :huh:

Not singling anybody out, but this is why I steer clear of the anti-Prescott debates lately.

Hard to avoid them at times. Especially when they're disguised as something other


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I'm not sure how this is an anti-dak debate. We all love Dak just not at 30M. Rosen would make an excellent backup and alternate option if Dak doesnt wanna play ball in negotiations.

Dude, dudette, the only folks saying $30 mil are fans who know zip and have never been in a FO room in their lives


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I'm not sure how you get to pocket passer with Mahomes. He can do it, but there was a whole lot of off the cuff movement and making things happen. Rosen fits a JG offense like a glove.

lol - so the fact that Mahomes doesn't stand in one place and let himself get sacked when the pressure gets close means he isn't a pocket passer? Every QB has to adjust to pass pressure, so are you saying there is no such thing as a pocket passer? The reality is the term "pocket passer" does not mean a guy is a statue, it means his primary role is to pass from the pocket, and he plays effectively in that role. Mahomes does have good mobility, and can make plays from outside the pocket, but he has played in offensive systems that are designed for the large majority of his production to come from passing in the pocket, and the large majority of his production actually has and does come from passing in the pocket.

The point I was making is that you are playing it as if Kingsbury requires a running QB for his offensive system, and he does not. But even if you are merely trying to say the QB needs to be more mobile than Rosen, if Rosen is that unable to move - that lead footed - that will be a problem for him anywhere, including Dallas.

Which leads to the question of what tells us Rosen somehow fits JG's offense like a glove?. JG's offense has been most effective with QB's that are mobile - Dak and Romo. Dak can avoid pressure and gain yardage and score TDs with his legs, and while Romo didn't run as much, one of his most notable traits was eluding pressure from pass rushers and keeping plays alive until he could find a receiver.

And then, there is the question of what would he provide that Dak doesn't. Neither his statistics or record in college were as good as Dak had in college, and nothing about his play last season suggests he would be a notable upgrade over Dak - or an upgrade at all.
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Let's be realistic. Does anyone here think if the Cards traded Rosen their best offer would be Dallas with their mid to late 3rd round pick? Granted, there wouldn't be much competition, but even with just a few teams I think they'd beat that.


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This is kinda off the subject but without wasting everyone's time, I will try and be brief in my thoughts here.

I think Kliff Kingsbury looks at Rosen and sees a QB who doesn't fit his system. I think that since he was not the HC who drafted him, he has no allegiance to him and is probably more interested in getting the QB who can make his system work. Since that person would probably be a rookie and Rosen is only a 2nd year QB, what you would be looking at is a young QB on his roster who probably never gets developed and never really helps the team. This has nothing to do with talent, it has to do with the time it takes to develop a Rookie QB. It's just too hard to try and develop two at the same time. I think Rosen is a dead end for Kingsbury and vice versa. Kingsbury is really probably doing Rosen a favor by trading him. When Az brought in Kingsbury, management basically wasted that 1st round pick and it had nothing to do with any decision Kingsbury made. Rosen doesn't fit that type of Offense. It's not a lack of talent thing IMO. Az new that going in so it is what it is.
You don’t draft a QB in the 1st round and hope he fits a system. You draft a QB in the 1st round and build the team around his strengths. Saying “he doesn’t fit the system” is saying he sucks.

CT Dal Fan

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I'm not sure how this is an anti-dak debate. We all love Dak just not at 30M. Rosen would make an excellent backup and alternate option if Dak doesnt wanna play ball in negotiations.

Fair enough. But I think Dak will likely get around $26-$27 million annually with a chance to earn more via incentives.

It's a high price, but it's the price you have to pay unless you want to start all over again at the most difficult position to fill in all of professional sports. I get that Dak is far from perfect, but the Cowboys have already proven they can win consistently with him at the helm. To me that's all that matters, unless we're playing fantasy football.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm not sure how this is an anti-dak debate. We all love Dak just not at 30M. Rosen would make an excellent backup and alternate option if Dak doesnt wanna play ball in negotiations.

You don't give up what it would take to get a top 10 draft pick just one year after he was drafted for him to be a backup and to cover for a for a "what if".
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